Sir,—an Article Which Appeared In The Spectator On...
presented the report of the National Society on the Dual System in a very favourable light. But as the Church Assembly which meets on November 17th is to be asked to endorse......
Stn,—last Week's Spectator Advocated A System Of...
all Council schools by teachers "qualified by conviction" to gist such teaching—though anything like a test must be rigorously eschewed. I suggest that the last stipulation is......
Politics And Schools
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SIR,—A letter from Margery Reilly in your issue of November 6th describes a case of political fanaticism that, if it is at all common among school......
Religion And The Schools
SIR,-1 appreciate the reference in your article with the above heading to " The Three Foundation Principles " which I describe as underlying the aim of those who desire England......
Sir,—your Article " Religion And The Schools," And Many...
I have read, leaves out the Roman Catholic schools in discussing this question, stressing the Church of England schools as the non-provided schools, and yet I consider the......