15 DECEMBER 1860

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The Spectator

LORD ELGIN has been compelled, not only to go to Pekin, but to take possession of that capital. No news since the war in Italy broke out has been so eagerly looked for as that...

.The intelligence from the United States shows .that the - se- cession

The Spectator

ferment has not increased in the South. As was anti- cipated, the Unionists are displaying in great strength. The moderate men are confronting the immoderate men at public...

The Austrian Government has made another bid for popu- larity.

The Spectator

•dler concessions to Hungary, and still more, her con- cessions to the non-Hungarian provinces, have only increased thaappelite for.more. Finding the plans of Count Guluchowslii...

King Francis has not abandoned Gaeta, but report states that

The Spectator

the Emperor Napoleon has at last abandoned him. When the French squadron quits the waters of Gaeta we shall belieyellie report. In the meantime, it is obvious to every one,...

Mr. Disraeli has succeeded in raising a ferment in the

The Spectator

Church by a speech he has seen fit to deliver at Amersham, in Bucks. He asks' the clergy to rally to his standard, reject every com- promise of the church-rate question, make a...

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The death of George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, does

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not come upon the public by surprise. The venerable statesman had long been declining in health, and he has expired at a ripe old age. An active diplomatist in 1815, Foreign...

(Ct .31ittropalio.

The Spectator

The nomination for Southwark took place on Monday at the Horse Repository, Elephant and Castle, before a choice assembly of "roughs" and "long shore men." Mr. Scovel, Mr....

Tht (fund.

The Spectator

Qumr Vic-roma, accompanied by the Prince Consort, Prince Alfred, the Princess Alice, and Prince Louis of Hesse, visited the Prince of Wales at Oxford, on Wednesday, took...

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The Spectator

Mr. Disraeli met the clergy and laity of the rural deanery of Amers- ham, at Prestwood, Bucks, on the 4th instant, "to consider the present aspect of the Church-rate question,...

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/limp nub crolunial.

The Spectator

,f t AU rt.—The French public has been occupied with the proceedings of M. de Persigny, the new Minister of the Interior. The one con- spicuous omission in the decree of...


The Spectator

Mr. Smith O'Brien has declined to attend the Brigade banquet at Limerick. In his letter he says "the words Ireland for the Irish is as applicable to Italy as to Ireland;" he...

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The Spectator

The Secretary of State for India has made the following appointments in his Council for the ensuing year—Vice-President, Sir James Weir Hogg; Chairmen of Committees—Finance, Mr....

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From Madrid we have news of calamitous inundations at Grenada,

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over- whelming public buildings, hospitals, and houses, and destroying many children. Conferences have already commenced at the Hotel of Foreign Affairs, Paris, for a new...


The Spectator

BASI7RDAY MORNING. It has been publicly stated that there is to be no Reform Bill next session. Mr. Gilpin, Secretary to the Poor Law Board, in a speech to his constituents at...

Some painful rumours have been circulated through London respecting the

The Spectator

treatment supposed to have been experienced by the prisoners in China, and it appears to be assumed that the Government has received information on the subject. We have reason...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Business has been rather more active in the English market this week, although quotations have not experienced any important variations. The...


The Spectator

On the let of December, at Wilton Street, Bolgrave Square, the Honourable Mrs. Rowland Winn, of a daughter. On the 5th, at 21, Moray Place, Edinburgh, Mrs. Brown Douglas, the...

A telegram from Bombay, November 16th, states that "the Fifth

The Spectator

Europeans have mutinied at Dinapore, and have been disbanded. One man was shot. The combination against the Income-tax continues to be maintained in Bombay."

The Ifoniteur of yesterday announced the return of the Empress

The Spectator

to Paris at half-past six on Thursday evening, and stated that her Ma- jesty's health was more satisfactory. The Globe Paris correspondent states that "the Austrian Envoy, De...


The Spectator

Bankruptcies Annulled.—Josseu LIMEY, Sheffield, manufacturer of sheep. shears—Kfaxwoon Stonehouse, Devonshire, draper. Bankrupts.—Euhs MANSFIELD, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire,...

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The Spectator

THE theory of the value of outposts has often proved fatal to the defenders of strong interests and institutions, as well as the de- fenders of strong places. Outposts are of...


The Spectator

NEW PHASE OF THE CHINA DIFFICULTY. Tine capture and occupation of Pekin by the Allied army—an event of great magnitude—the flight of the Emperor, and the non- signature of...

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The Spectator

ONE of the most flagrant acts of insubordination committed in modern days was that perpetrated by Sir Charles Trevelyan in his official character as Governor of Madras. At a...


The Spectator

THE decree modifying the constitution of 1852 has been followed up by a Ministerial act of the new Home Minister, M. de Persigny, who, having seen that a free press is...

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The Spectator

THERE is a mistaken impression abroad, created perhaps by the sight of the familiar red coat in the streets of London, that the soldier holds in society a position the reverse...


The Spectator

THE General Order of Sir Hugh Rose, enlarging the sentence on the Dinapore mutineers, recalls attention to the effect of the amalgamation of the two armies. In that special...

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The Spectator

EOM'S TRAVELS IN CANADA. • A raw era in the history of Canada will date its beginning from the visit of the Prince of Wales and the opening of the Victoria Bridge—the one a...

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The Spectator

Mn. HENRY GOUGER has written with vigorous and appropriate diction an account of his adventures and misadventures in Bur- mall in 1824-26. Connecting with the primary object of...


The Spectator

[SECOND NOTICE.] THE two counts in the indictment against Edward VII., are his achieved conquest of Wales, and his attempted conquest of Scotland. We will briefly state the two...

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The Spectator

TILE genesis of winds is commonly referred to the unequal degrees in which the atmospheric zones, from the equator to the poles, are subjected to solar heat. This inequality is...

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The Spectator

Tuts is a book that will be of great use to the general student of English history—one who reads to know, and not to impart his knowledge or to write a learned book full of all...

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The Spectator

The Lord's Prayer explained to Children; with a Preface by the Reve- rend J. M. Bellew.—An elegant little book to look at, and a good one to read, for it does with heartiness...

THE CAREWES. * Miss On,LiEs has long been favourably known as

The Spectator

a writer for young people; but the present book is a work of greater labour, ' and we may add of greater merit, than any we have yet seen by her. In it, she tells the story of a...

THORNBITRY'S T1TREISH LIFE AND CHARA.CTER. * WE could have guessed, even

The Spectator

if the author had not stated. the fad in his preface that these volumes have grown out of a series of papers in weekly journals. Nearly half the chapters they con- tain are new,...

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31/ usir.

The Spectator

Mr. Balfe's new opera is running a successful course at Covent Garden, and promises to be profitable to the theatre ; a thing to be desired for the sake of Miss Pyne and Mr....

The fourth concert of this year by the students of

The Spectator

the Royal Academy of Music took place at the Institution, in Tenterden Street, on Saturday morning last. The first part consisted of a selection from Mozart's Idomeneo, in which...


The Spectator

"The Pilgrim : a Dialogue of the Life and Actions of King Henry the Eighth," by William Thomas, Clerk of the Council of Edward the Sixth, with Notes from the Archives at Paris...

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The Spectator

127,110,415 427,119,415 " BRITISH FUNDS. (Cloaing Peen.) &turd. Monday. Amato, Widow 27surs. Friday. per Cent ConeOli Ditto for Account S per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents...