16 FEBRUARY 1856

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The Spectator

IF Ministers had anticipated the general deadness of party feel- ing in the House of Commons this session, and had desired to provide something to amuse Members on both sides,...

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Ministers have been receiving such expression of public re- quirements

The Spectator

as can be conveyed by deputations,--always too par- tial a medium to be trustworthy. When the deputation repre- sents a class or a local interest, there is some means of testing...

Peace is rather gaining ground in the expectation of the

The Spectator

English people, who have seen their Funds rise above 92 on the strength of the expectation, while in Paris, it is said, they are beginning rather to weary of their enthusiasm...

The intelligence from America is calculated to flatter the Napo-

The Spectator

leonic idea of " Destiny." It strengthens the hope that the risk of hostilities between the two countries will be blocked out by the weight of good sense residing in the public....

Vthatts aub liSrottrhiuga iu 'farliamtut.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEER. Horsz or Loans. Monday, Feb. 11. Crimean Report ; Notices by Lords Cardigan. and Lucan—Trial of Offences . Lord Chancellor's Bill read a second...

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C4r 31Ittropotio.

The Spectator

The Lord Mayor entertained Sir Edmund Lyons at the Mansionhouse on Wednesday. A great company was present ; including Sir Charles and Lady Mary Wood, Lord and Lady Overstone,...

Or Court.

The Spectator

THE QUEEN arrived at Buckingham Palace, from Windsor Castle, on Monday afternoon ; bringing with her Prince Albert and the children. On Tuesday her Majesty held a Court, to...

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furtigu nn Culunial.

The Spectator

,raurp. — In all likelihood, the Paris Conference will have got some Ivey into their deliberations before the end of next week. Some of the Plenipotentiaries—Baron Brunow, M....


The Spectator

Mr. Walpole has been returned for Cambridge University ; and has is- sued an address of thanks to his supporters. The poll was kept open three days : each day Mr. Denman lost...


The Spectator

The close of the Edinburgh election, by the declaration oft he poll on Saturday, was quite in character with the antecedents of that event. When the Sheriff declared that Mr....

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The Spectator

Cabinet Councils, fully attended, were held on Saturday and Wednes- day. They lasted three hours and a half, and two hours and a half, re- spectively. It was stated early in...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY. In the House of Commons last night, on the motion for going into Committee of Supply, Mr. ROEBUCK called attention to our relations with the United States, and moved...

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The Gazette of last night contains a despatch from General

The Spectator

Codring- ton, enclosing one from Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lloyd, commanding Royal Engineers, describing the complete destruction of the docks at Sebastopol. The despatches...

A return moved for by Mr. Disraeli states that 1,891,9191.

The Spectator

of the 5,000,000/. Loan to Turkey, effected last year under the joint guarantee of England and France, has been paid or accounted for by the Bank of England to the Turkish...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERNOON. The increasing belief entertained in Paris of a favourable termination of the approaching conferences, and in consequence an improvement of...

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The Spectator

a direct addition of the highest judicial authorities from Scot- land and Ireland. Even since this question has been opened we have observedthat dissatisfaction with the...

Actors who play for a single night and then vanish

The Spectator

are not common phenomena now-a-days ; but on Tuesday last it was proved at the Hay- market Theatre, that the quality of being " stage-struck " has not yet passed away from human...


The Spectator

THE HOUSE OF PEERS. THE Executive and the Peers are equally in a mess, and neither side in the dispute seems as yet to have struck out a path of ex- trication. The Executive...

it47 60pairt5.

The Spectator

While stoutly maintaining its dislike to the delicate cabinet-picture- painting manifested in the Boots of the Holly Tree Inn, the Adelphi au- dience welcomes, with all the...

At the Olympic, on the other hand, the custom of

The Spectator

deriving dramatic inspiration throu gh a Gallic medium is still retained. Stay at Home, as a new " comedietta " produced on Monday is called, is but a second ver- sion of Un...

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The Spectator

TEE Government appoints a Minister of Education, though it refuses a Minister of Justice. At last, then, long refusal melts into compliance. As justice is more urgently wanted...


The Spectator

Puaxic interests and railway interests are sacrificed by railway managers, who know the mischief they do, but continue to do it, because, ihey affirm, they cannot help...


The Spectator

No objection can be made to the manner in which a fair corre- spondent challenges us to look at the graver aspect of employ- ment for women, after having glanced at the...

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The Spectator

ANY modern Arthur Young, making a tour of England, would see studded about the country pretty little houses, combining the agreeable situation of the cottage with something of...

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The Spectator

5th _February 1856. Sin—Having been accustomed, from the time when first I grew old enough to take an interest in any newspaper, to find your journal among the foremost and most...


The Spectator

A zensuser may execute his design in relief, or he may execute it in intaglio, and the result is almost as effective in the one case as in the other. A man may make a fortune...


The Spectator

Sm — I hope you will allow me to explain, with reference to your notice of the above work, that in expressing an opinion that the standard of value has not met with the...

Vitus to tO thitnr. ,

The Spectator

LIFE-PEERAGES: PERISHING BY PRECEDENT. Sm—Even amongst us English folk, ever prone to "stretch the old formula to meet the new fact until the formula cracks under the tension,"...

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The Spectator

Ashton, Somerset, 6th February 1856. SDI —Your remarks upon "The Promised Peace" have awakened an echo in many hearts hitherto silent under the pressure of a nameless dis-...


The Spectator

CANON STANLEY'S SINAI AND PALESTINE.` AN ascent of the Nile, with a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai and the Holy Land, are subjects too exhausted to seem of much promise. Mr. Stanley,...

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The Spectator

1845-'6.* IN 1845, the Reverend James Coley was appointed Chaplain to the Governor-General of India, the present Lord llardinge ; and he Joined the Viceregal cavalcade in its...

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TABLE-TALK OF SAX GEL ROGERS. * THE Nestorian age of Samuel

The Spectator

Rogers connected him familiarly with two generations ; his reminiscences extended to a time so remote that it has ceased to be even traditional save to very old people. His...

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PIN o c car.* Tams -volume of occasional poems exhibits

The Spectator

considerable excellence in the more mechanical parts of poetry; though the excellence cannot be considered altogether unborrowed, Tennyson and Browning being the writer's...


The Spectator

Boons. Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers. To which is added Porsoniana. History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon...

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Pita art5.

The Spectator

THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. The Pall Mall show of 1856 is a poor one ; the only class of art whiok presents a tolerable proportion of fair pictures being that of animal life. Of...

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The Spectator

Readers who take an interest in the German phase of art development may add something to their knowledge of it if they gain access to the studio of Herr Gotzenberg, a pupil, as...


The Spectator

On the 1st February, at Kilkenny, the Hon. Mrs. Bury, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Cheltenham, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel M. Watts, of a son, stillborn. On the 6th, at...


The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 12. • Partnerships Dissolred.-Cranch and Frain, Wells Mews, Wells Street, Oxford Street, cabinet-makers-Jefferson and Wilson, Whitby,...


The Spectator

Was DEPARTMENT, Feb. 15.-Injantry.-60th Regiment of Foot-Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. George Moore, K.C.B. to be Colonel Commandant of a Battalion, vice Gen. Sir W. G. Davy, C.B....

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUND 8. (Closing Prices ) 3 per C ht Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Annuities 1885 Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock,...