The Gazette Of Last Night Contains A Despatch From General
Codring- ton, enclosing one from Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Lloyd, commanding Royal Engineers, describing the complete destruction of the docks at Sebastopol. The despatches......
A Return Moved For By Mr. Disraeli States That 1,891,9191.
of the 5,000,000/. Loan to Turkey, effected last year under the joint guarantee of England and France, has been paid or accounted for by the Bank of England to the Turkish......
SATURDAY. In the House of Commons last night, on the motion for going into Committee of Supply, Mr. ROEBUCK called attention to our relations with the United States, and moved......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERNOON. The increasing belief entertained in Paris of a favourable termination of the approaching conferences, and in consequence an improvement of......