17 MAY 1884

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The Spectator

T HE debate of Monday and Tuesday on the Vote of Censure involved in Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's motion was remark- able among recent debates for three things,—it began as ar-...

The debate was begun by Sir M. Hicks-Beach, in a

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speech described by Mr. Gladstone as "one of great force and elo- quence." It was at first a little tedious, Sir Michael going over the old ground about Zebehr yasha and the...

Mr. Gladstone at once rose to reply, and after the

The Spectator

words of compliment quoted above, began by repudiating the charge of having stained the honourof the country. How could the Govern- ment have stained it, when they frilly...


The Spectator

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Sixth of...

Lord R. Churchill, for example, who resumed the debate on

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Tuesday, after Lord E. Fitzmaurice had answered Mr. Gibson and some of the smaller fry, and after Mr. Chaplin had taunted Mr. Gladstone with the depth of his insincerity,...

It.* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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China has submitted. . M. Ferry to force the hand

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of the Court of Pekin, .demanded an indemnity, and the Empress Regent, thus compelled to choose between peace and war, ordered Li Hung Chang to make the best treaty pos- sible....

Mr. Forster, the next speaker, regretted that he could not

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sup- port the Government. General Gordon had been despatched to Khartoum not because it was humane to send him, but because it was the duty of the Government which had ordered...

,It is said that Lord Randolph Churchill has become reconcile&

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to his leaders, and that he was yesterday to be replaced in the- chair of the National 'Union of Conservative Associations which he resigned a fortnight ago. However that may...

On Tuesday the Attorney-General delivered a most interest- ing and

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instructive speech at Egham, at a meeting held to pro- mote the return, at the next general election, of Liberals for West Surrey, on the structure and history of the Franchise...

Lord Hartington, after a needless and rather ungenerous reproof to

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Mr. .Forster for want of gratitude to Mr. Gladstone —who, of course, chooses his Cabinet in the public interest, not his own—defended the course of the Government upon the usual...

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A Stock Exchange panic has agitated New York. It turns

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out that Messrs. Ward and Grant, stockbrokers, who recently failed, ()Wed over $14,000,000, with very uncertain assets. Much of this money was owing to banks; the banks drew in...

One very curious historical incident to which Sir Henry James

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referred both at Egham and in addressing the "Eighty Club" on the previous Friday, was the calm disfranchisement of some 200,000 Irish freeholders by Sir Robert Peel's Govern-...

After the Vice-Chancellor's speech, Sir John Lubbock de- livered a

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short defence of the proposal to obtain what is called "proportional representation" for all parties, by adopting a system of polling under which a large minority shall always...

Yesterday week the Lords again threw out the Bill to

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put down pigeon matches, by a majority of 30 (78 to 48), in spite of its advocacy by Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Lord Aberdare, and a very spirited appeal from the Archbishop of...

Sir Edward Watkin on Wednesday moved the second reading of

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the South-Eastern and Channel Tunnel Railways Bill, which was opposed by Mr. Chamberlain, who related the history of the reiterated evasions by which Sir E. Watkin and the...

On Tuesday afternoon, the diplomas gained by the students at

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Bedford College were distributed by Sir T. Ferrer, when it appeared that at the last London University ex- amination for the degree of BA. every one of the eight Bedford College...

The Budget discussion Of Thursday night was rot very useful,

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though Sir Stafford Northcote did complain bitterly of the Government for taking credit to itself for paying off the debts which the Tory Government had incurred. He seems to...

In the absence of Lord Granville, Sir James Paget, Vice-

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'Chancellor of the University of London, distributed the diplomas, and medals, and prizes of the University of London on Wednesday, in Burlington Gardens, to the young women and...

Bank Rate, 2i per cent. Consols were on Friday 1011

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to 1011.

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The Spectator

THE VOTE OF CENSURE. T HE division on the Vote of Censure must have been a shock to the Government, though not for the reasons so clamorously assigned. We have invariably...

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T HE French Premier has won his game in China, and is entitled to all the credit which keen insight and extreme audacity deserve. He discerned from the first, what all the rest...

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T4 ORD i SALISBURY, in h speech at the meeting of the London and Westminster Working Men's Constitutional Association on Wednesday, dropped a hint, evidently care- fully...

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T HE Attorney-General, in the speech delivered at the Eighty Club yesterday week, and still more in the re- markable exposition of the story and import of the Franchise Bill...

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T HE Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury spent its time very profitably last Tuesday. It had to deal with a grave scandal, and after some uncertainty and confusion, it...


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T "panic in New York will cost some English speculators, and many English stockbrokers and dealers, a good deal of 'motley; but its interest for ordinary Englishmen chiefly...

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T HOSE who are in search of an existing village community need not go farther than the Scotch Highlands. The recently-issued Report of the Highland Crofters Commission sets...

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T HE Queen's object in publishing so mach concerning the persona,l life of the Royal Family is incidentally explained in the course of this volume, and is, no doubt,...

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THE ORIGINAL AMERICANS. DROFESSOR REVILLE, who delivered the Hibbert Lectures

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this year, has an exceptional power of condens- ing and, so to speak, clarifying masses of information ; and his • • Now unto you the Lord has done what we had wished to do ;...

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The Spectator

THE "PALL MALL GAZETTE" AND "NEMO." [To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR] Sie, — It was with unfeigned amazement that I read the follow- ing in the Pall Mall Gazette of last...

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The Spectator

OF THE " SPICTATOR."] Sin,—A letter under the above heading appeared in your issue of April 19th, but I did not see it until more than a fortnight later. As that letter...


The Spectator

PTO THE EDITOR OF THE" SPECTATOR."1 Snt,—In your leader on the Budget, you speak with small respect of the advocates of £1 notes, whom you call " fanatics." Your argument is...

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The Spectator

rTo THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.'] SLE, — Some time ago I was asked to join in an effort about to be made (so it was said) to reinstate Baker Pasha in the military service of...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—A day or two ago, I saw the reverse of the picture as I -was walking in Kensington Gardens. A duck had not long hatched out a brood of...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—The shock of "moral defeat" which appears to have re- sulted in London from the Government majority of sixty,—for it is not fair to the...

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THE PYRAMIDS. FULL many an embassy bath mortal man Sent to the skies. The glory and the grace Of classic temples, and the Gothic spires, Offerings of beauty, mystic, multiform,...


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ROYAL ACADEMY. [SECOND NOTICE.] IN our first notice we spoke only of the four works which were of such merit as of themselves to render this year's exhibition of special...

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[FIRST NOTICE.] THE strength of this summer's show at the " Institute " con- sists rather in the variety than in the uniform excellence of the drawings. Here and there, it is...

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DE AN CHURCH'S " BAC ON."* Jr Bacon were but a more generally attractive subject than he is, we should call this little volume the best and most fascinating volume of this...

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THIS is distinctly a religious novel. When Mr. Buchanan wrote it, his mind seems to have been engrossed by this important question,—Is there any power left in Christianity if...

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THE FIELD OF DISEASE.* THE number of diseases to which

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flesh is heir, as Dr. Richardson reminds us in his opening chapter, reaching the appalling total of 1,088, this book enters upon an extremely wide field. It is written after the...

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Mn. HARROP calls his long dry essay on Bolingbroke "a Political Study and Criticism." He may plead his title-page therefore, as a bar against some adverse criticism, which that...

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THE CONQUEST OF ENGLAND.* Tins work was wrought in circumstances

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which give it a deeply pathetic interest. Like the author's Making of England, it was written under the shadow of death ; before the task could be completed the pen fell from...

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Memoir of J. D. Heaton, M.D. Edited by T. Wemyss Reid. (Longmans.)—To many readers the name of Dr. Heaton will be as unfamiliar as it was to the present writer. But they will...

Fair Italy : the Riviera and Monte Carlo. By W.

The Spectator

Cope Devereux, R.N., F.R.G.S. (Kegan Paul and Co.)—The author of Fair Italy made a tour in the South of Europe and along the Riviera. This be considered was sufficient excuse...

The Wild Warrington& By Arnold Gray. (Tinsley Brothers )— The

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Warringtons are very wild indeed, being much wilder than the Thackerayan variety, whether English or Virginian. They are, as a matter of fact, mad ; and the terrible " mystery "...

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In Cupids Wars. By Charles Gibbon. (F. V. White.)—Mr. Gibbon

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seems to take delight, or at least to find relief, in turning from the production of domestic romances, in which he confines himself to the portraiture of a few characters, to...

NEW EDITIONS.—We have received new editions of A History of

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Modern Europe. By C. A. Fyffe, M.A. (Cassell and Co.)—Mr. Fyffe has taken pains to make the revision which he has given to this work as complete as possible. He has studied the...

The Last Call. By Richard Dowling. (Tinsley Brothers).— Mr. Dowling

The Spectator

is given to making his readers breakfast, lunch, dine, and sup on horrors, and his latest novel adheres to the lines of its predecessors. But there is scarcely one of the many...

Daisy Miller : a Comedy. By Henry James. (Oxford and

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Co., Boston, U.S.; Trfibner, London.)—This is a dramatisation of a tale. The present writer has not had the advantage of reading this, and can only guess, therefore, by...