1 JANUARY 1876

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The Spectator

INDE TOPICS OF THE DAY. A IRE, Thomas 1096 Allen, Rev. J. B.. and the Liberation Society 760 Althorpe Pictures, the... ... ... 1155 Amberley, Lord... ... 74 America, One-Term...

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Mr. Disraeli has amused himself by scattering a few baronies,

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and bestowing a dukedom, a marquisate, and an earldom on three of his supporters. The Duke of Richmond obtains the extinct Dukedom of Gordon—which belongs, by the usual...


The Spectator

T HE French Assembly draws near its end. On Thursday it decided that the elected Senators should be chosen on January SO, and the new Deputies on February 20, the new Assembly...

Sir William Harcourt made the first of a " trilogy

The Spectator

" of speeches to his constituents on Thursday in the Oxford Town Hall, ono of the concluding dramas of which will be enacted, we suppose, amid the Druidical scenery of a certain...

W. Buffet evidently thinks the time come to make his

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Govern- ment a " Government of combat" indeed. On Christmas Eve he made a speech in the Assembly, calling on all Conservatives to rally to the Marshal's side, and saying that...

The Government have pleaded guilty to the legal and moral

The Spectator

blunders attributed to their first Fugitive-Slave Circular, by formally recanting them in the new one now put out. They instruct naval commanders that any fugitive slave...

,Press law of a very stringent Character has been passed

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by large majorities, the worst featnre of which is that it takes away the jury, which was the only restriction on oppressive convictions. and puts the power of convicting of a...

1 * * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The British troops have gained a considerable success over the

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insurgent Malays. Sir W. Jervois telegraphs on December 28 that the Malaya had retreated to a strong position in a mountain- pass in the little State of Sunjie Ujong. They were...

The Orleans Princes have decided in family council not to

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enter the new Assembly. The Due d'Aumale has accordingly informed the electors of the Oise that he should be happy to re- present them, but he has found his Parliamentary duties...

President Grant, whose Secretary for the Navy, Mr. Robeson, has

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recently been very busy putting iron-clads in order, and has now fifteen at his disposal, has, it is stated, forwarded a circular to the European Governments, advising a...

The most important news from the East is contained in

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the Glatt Czernagosca, the official organ of the Montenegrin Govern- ment, which announces openly that if the Turks threaten the Mountain by any concentration of troops, Prince...

A correspondent of the Times states that extreme discontent and

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irritation are manifested by the Mohammedans of Constan- tinople, an irritation directed against the Sultan as ranch as against the Christians. They say the Sultan yields too...

A quarrel has recently broken out between Vienna and Berlin,

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which, it is said, was only terminated by diplomatic representa- tions. Herr von Schmerling, formerly Premier of Austria, recently made a speech to an association of...

A correspondent of Thursday's Times, who gives a very inter-

The Spectator

esting account of the Confederate manufacture of " coal torpe- does "—torpedoes coated with anthracite so as precisely to resemble an ordinary lump of coal—during the Civil War,...

As to the Liberal party, except by way of somewhat

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extrava- gant compliment to Lord Harlington, who has done as yet very little, though he has done that little well, but who is praised very much, Sir William Harcourt had nothing...

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The death of Earl Stanhope on December 24th does not

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affect politics, except so far as the elevation of Lord Mahon causes a vacancy in East Suffolk, but the deceased peer was a man of mark in literature, and he will be regretted...

Distinguished Americans have one weakness,—they are always too ready to

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discover imputations on the United States and its civi- lisation and resent them. Some silly German papers have been describing Thomassen's (alias Alexander's) crime as " the...

The Rev. H. P. Wright, Chaplain to the Forces, sends

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a long letter to the Times upon recruiting. He says, as the result of many discussions with non-commissioned officers, that to attract recruits more money is necessary ; and he...

The burning of the training-ship ' Goliath' at Grays was due

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to the upsetting of a paraffin-lamp, which, contrary to the regula- tions, was allowed on board, but the inquest brought out facts most favourable to the superior officers and...

'Change has been agitated this week by all kinds of

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rumours from Egypt. The Khedive had quarrelled with Mr. Cave. The accounts had been found much worse than was expected. The Khedive was raising money from M. de Lesseps, on the...

The Bank rate was raised on Thursday to 4 per

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cent., gold being somewhat rapidly withdrawn for the Continent. It is not believed, however, that in the absence of war the drain will be very extensive, or that the rate will...

A curious dramatic libel case is going on, on which

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we have made some comments elsewhere. In Fun of the 25th December, a letter appeared to " A Celebrated Tragedian-," enumerating the parts which Mr. Irving has acted, and...

The Prince of Wales was, on Friday, still in Calcutta,

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the week having been occupied in receptions of Native Princes, levees, native entertainments, and the like. His reception by the Ben- galees appears to have been kindly, though...

Have we still among us people who believe that by

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having valuables buried with them they get a better chance of carry- ing them out of the world into the spiritual state of exist- ence? A Yorkshire squire, Squire Hawley, who...

Consols were at the latest date 93{ to 94.

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The Spectator

TOPICS OF THE DAY THE DUKE D'AUMALE. I T is becoming important to Frenchmen to understand the character of the Duc d'Aumale, for unless a great many symptoms, all leading to...

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The Spectator

" r U see," says the Duchess of Omnium, better known as Lady Glencora Palliser, in Mr. Trollope's new novel " The Prime Minister," " you see the country goes on its own way,...

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E VENTS in France are assuming a more anxious aspect to those who wish to see something like durable tranquillity and temperate freedom established there, than they have taken...

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W HY it seems to be assumed in so many quarters that Mr. Disraeli is likely to propose in the ensuing Session some settlement of the great Dissenting question as to burial in...

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The Spectator

S IR WILLIAM HARCO1JRT is considerable in Parliament, but he is never really so much in his element as when addressing his constituents. He is witty, but his wit is of that...

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IT is always difficult to know whether a comic paper means what it says, for frequently enough it not only does not mean it, but means to make fun of it. And for anything we...

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M IR Dean of Westminster was fortunate in having to preach his yearly sermon to children within a week of the burning of the ' Goliath.' He could add to the examples of...

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A N educated Hindoo, who signs himself "A Member of the Brahmo-Somaj," and is therefore no Hindoo by creed, but a Theist, writes to the Times this week to complain that Indian...

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The Spectator

THE SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES. (TO THIS EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—Being a schoolmaster, I naturally view this subject from a slightly different stand-point from that of a...

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The Spectator

(TO THE EDITOR OF TUN "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Allow me, as a Jewess "of the Sephardim," to make a few remarks on your very interesting article on "English Jews" in your number of...


The Spectator

. SIR,—As this question seems to become a more burning one daily, will you allow me to state a few reasons for which I have reluc- tantly come to the conclusion that it would...

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The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In a recent article on Colleges for Women you gave a clear and forcible statement of the claims of Girton College, for which those who...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some little time ago I read with pleasure in the columns of the Times a letter from the pen of Mr. Morris, affording in- teresting...


The Spectator

[To raa EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In your last issue the objection urged against " Piece-work " by a Trades Union with much plausibility, was to the effect that this...

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The Spectator

MR. SWINBURNE'S " ERECHTHEUS."* To our mind, Mr. Swinburne has written nothing near so good as this since he wrote Atalanta in Calydon. Subjects of the severe -Greek kind suit,...


The Spectator

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPBOTA.TOR.1 5m,—Anthony Wood, in his "History of the University of - Oxford," gives an account of the endeavour that was made to found a University at,...

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MR. BAILEY'S LIFE OF FULLER.* - Tins is a biography

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of the " antick " sort, to borrow one of Fuller's phrases. A book of 800 pages, closely printed, and of the largest size which this degenerate age will bear, alarms a busy...

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WAS SHE TAMED ?* WE hope that the lady who

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has written this novel will not think the remark trivial that it is defaced by sundry blemishes, severely trying to the temper of readers, which a slight expenditure of care in...

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Douglas's two lectures in print is matter of congratulation. We have nowhere met within the compass of a small volume so much valuable information on the subject of China, its...

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The Spectator

CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR'S BOOKS. Pictures by Venetian Painters. With Notices of the Artists and Subjects engraved, by William 13. Scott. (George Routledge and Son.) The English...

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Eastern Tales, by Many Story - Tellers. Compiled and edited from ancient

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and modern authors by Mrs. Valentine. (Frederick Warne and Co.) —These are delightful tales of The Arabian Nights' " kind, and quite as amusing. No child who enjoys "The Arabian...

Operations of the German Engineers and "Technical Troops " during

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the Franco - German War of 1870-71. From the original of Adolph Goetze, a Prussian engineer. Translated by Colonel Graham, V.C., from the German version published by authority....

Histoire d'une Forteresse. By M. Viollet le Due. (Sampson Low

The Spectator

and Co.)—The author has sought to give us what we may call a biography of fortification, as a branch of military art. He describes no special place, narrates the story of no...