1 JANUARY 1876, page 9

Mr. Disraeli Has Amused Himself By Scattering A Few...

and bestowing a dukedom, a marquisate, and an earldom on three of his supporters. The Duke of Richmond obtains the extinct Dukedom of Gordon—which belongs, by the usual......

News Of The Week.

T HE French Assembly draws near its end. On Thursday it decided that the elected Senators should be chosen on January SO, and the new Deputies on February 20, the new Assembly......

Sir William Harcourt Made The First Of A " Trilogy

" of speeches to his constituents on Thursday in the Oxford Town Hall, ono of the concluding dramas of which will be enacted, we suppose, amid the Druidical scenery of a certain......

W. Buffet Evidently Thinks The Time Come To Make His

Govern- ment a " Government of combat" indeed. On Christmas Eve he made a speech in the Assembly, calling on all Conservatives to rally to the Marshal's side, and saying that......

The Government Have Pleaded Guilty To The Legal And Moral

blunders attributed to their first Fugitive-Slave Circular, by formally recanting them in the new one now put out. They instruct naval commanders that any fugitive slave......

,press Law Of A Very Stringent Character Has Been Passed

by large majorities, the worst featnre of which is that it takes away the jury, which was the only restriction on oppressive convictions. and puts the power of convicting of a......

1 * * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
