1 JANUARY 1876, page 10

The British Troops Have Gained A Considerable Success...

insurgent Malays. Sir W. Jervois telegraphs on December 28 that the Malaya had retreated to a strong position in a mountain- pass in the little State of Sunjie Ujong. They were......

The Orleans Princes Have Decided In Family Council Not To

enter the new Assembly. The Due d'Aumale has accordingly informed the electors of the Oise that he should be happy to re- present them, but he has found his Parliamentary duties......

President Grant, Whose Secretary For The Navy, Mr....

recently been very busy putting iron-clads in order, and has now fifteen at his disposal, has, it is stated, forwarded a circular to the European Governments, advising a......

The Most Important News From The East Is Contained In

the Glatt Czernagosca, the official organ of the Montenegrin Govern- ment, which announces openly that if the Turks threaten the Mountain by any concentration of troops, Prince......

Sir William Harcourt Made The First Of A " Trilogy

" of speeches to his constituents on Thursday in the Oxford Town Hall, ono of the concluding dramas of which will be enacted, we suppose, amid the Druidical scenery of a certain......

A Correspondent Of The Times States That Extreme...

irritation are manifested by the Mohammedans of Constan- tinople, an irritation directed against the Sultan as ranch as against the Christians. They say the Sultan yields too......

A Quarrel Has Recently Broken Out Between Vienna And Berlin,

which, it is said, was only terminated by diplomatic representa- tions. Herr von Schmerling, formerly Premier of Austria, recently made a speech to an association of......

A Correspondent Of Thursday's Times, Who Gives A Very Inter-

esting account of the Confederate manufacture of " coal torpe- does "—torpedoes coated with anthracite so as precisely to resemble an ordinary lump of coal—during the Civil War,......

As To The Liberal Party, Except By Way Of Somewhat

extrava- gant compliment to Lord Harlington, who has done as yet very little, though he has done that little well, but who is praised very much, Sir William Harcourt had nothing......