20 AUGUST 1898

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The Spectator

T HE Peace Protocol was actually signed last Friday, and in all places which could be reached by the telegraph hostili- ties at once ceased, and vigorous efforts were made to...

Owing to there being no cable to the Philippines, Manilla

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was captured by force on the day after the Peace Protocol stopping all hostilities was signed,—i.e., Friday last, August 12th. As the Times' correspondent says, the actual...

In Spain it was at first asserted—doubtless at the suggestion

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of the great Continental financiers, to whom anarchy in Spain would mean appalling losses—that the terms of peace were being accepted with composure, and even with relief, and...

A remarkable incident in the fall of Manilla was the

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con- duct of the German Admiral. He appears to have sent his steam-launch to the shore before the bombardment had con- cluded or the city had surrendered. Into this launch...

Owing to the interest still felt in the details of

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the Spanish- American War, comparatively little attention is paid to the advance on the Nile. Yet the Sirdar, for reconnoitring pur- poses, has already steamed up the river as...

Mr. Hay, the American Ambassador, has been appointed Secretary of

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State to President McKinley. We cannot profess to view his departure with anything but unfeigned regret. Mr. Hay has proved an ideal Ambassador. He haa not only never said, but...

11 ,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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Great excitement has been caused by a peculiarly brutal and

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audacious murder committed at Blackheath last Sunday night. Mrs. Tyler, a well-to-do widow lady of sixty-one, living in Kidbrook Park Road, had gone to bed in excellent health...

M. de Lanessan, who was at one time Governor-General of

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French Judo-China, has, says the Paris correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, been making some very important admissions as to the relative strength of Russia and Great Britain...

On Tuesday Mr. Justice Wright heard the evidence in support

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of the alleged contempt of Court brought to his notice by the Official Receiver, who reported that Mr. Hooley had at his public examination stated that he had been approached...

The Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the

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cost and administration of the South Kensington Museum and its branches has been issued, and were it not for the extravagance, nepotism, and incompetence which it reveals in an...

A very remarkable article headed "Les dessous " appears in

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the Paris Figaro of the 11th inst., signed by M. Comely, the well-known leader-writer of that journal. Addressing himself to foreign critics of France, M. Comely declares that...

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Sir Thomas Lipton has given 2100,000 to form a Trust,

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of which the Princess of Wales is the titular head, for the purpose of providing poor men's restaurants in various parts of London. If the Alexandra Trust proves a success he...

The speech of Mr. Teller in the American Senate on

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the annexation of Hawaii, reported in the Congressional Record of June 25th, is worthy of notice by all who are interested in America's colonial future. Mr. Teller, who defended...

During the past week the Times has printed some very

The Spectator

interesting letters from its correspondent before Santiago, describing the course of events. They give a most terrible picture of the comlition of the American troops after the...

An interesting article in the Times lately drew attention to

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Lord Leighton's house and the problem of how to preserve it and the collections it contains for the use and enjoyment of the public. It appears that Lord Leighton's sisters, to...

Porto Rico, to judge by the description given by the

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Daily Chronicle, bids fair to be the least troublesome and not the least profitable addition to America's new island Empire. The original natives were killed out by the...

M. Le Myre de Vilers, Deputy for Cochin China, has

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addressed a letter to the French Minister of Justice, which has somehow got into the papers, containing charges of extreme gravity against the local Colonial Administration. He...

Bank Rate, 21 per cent.

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New Consols (2k) were on Friday, 110:.

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AMERICA AFTER THE WAR. T HE War is over. How does it leave America ? That is a question of deep concern to English-speaking men in every corner of the world. Though America has...

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A T present the quidnuncs of both hemispheres are deeply engaged in planning and devising new surprises in China, and informing us what will be Russia's next move and England's...

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:R AND in hand with Lord Grimthorpe, to whose . standard of public manners he is rapidly conform- ing, Sir William Harcourt continues to champion the cause of liturgical...

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W Ji are indebted to Mr. Benjamin Kidd. for an exhaustive analysis of one of the most vital of contemporary questions. In the three articles which he has contributed to the...

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the methods of company- promoting adopted by Mr. Hooley will, we suppose, make some impression on the public mind. It is true that these Hooley companies indicate merely the...

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the Socialist party at the recent German elections are giving occasion for much discussion as to what must be done in the presence of the advancing Socialist spectre. How to lay...

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mHAT the Stuarts have exercised, are exercising, and will continue to exercise a charm of power upon a very large number of Englishmen and Scotchmen is a proposition that no...

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I T is no easy task for the flaccid and jaded writer in this broiling August weather to contemplate the subject of energy, so little of which he can personally command. If he...

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A S animals' beds are almost the only pieces of furniture which they construct, so their sleeping places or bed- rooms represent most nearly their notion of "home." The place...

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IDYLLS OF THE SEA.—I. IN THE CROW'S NEST. [To THE EDITOR OF THE SrEcveroa."] Sin, — S winging through the clear sky, one hundred feet- above the little stretch of whits deck...

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The Spectator

THE COMMANDER OF THE GLOUCESTER.' [To THZ EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—The ' Gloucester' officer has more reason to be proud of his ancestor (Crosse, the Somersetshire...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") was much interested in reading your review on "Buddhism in Burmah " in the Spectator of August 6th. Perhaps you or your readers will be...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—Many years ago I dined at an English country inn with two otter " M.P.'s." For ostentation, I presume, we ordered a bottle of sherry. It...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—My attention has been directed by several people to a sentence in your review of April 9th on Lieutenant Vandeleur's book, "Campaigning...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sllt,—It would be interesting to know whether the real wild cat still exists, if your excellent writer on animals would turn his attention...


The Spectator

[TO THZ EDITOR OF TILE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In your interesting article, "Gifts of Money," in the Spectator of August 13th, you say, "The necessity to earn a livelihood by...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—On reading your excellent article on " Punishment " in the Spectator of August 6th, a propos of the whimsical thesis debated at the...

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rro TH. EDITOR Or THE " SPicrAros."] SIB,—Perhaps your readers

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have not heard the following. A woman was once heard to remark, "I am so glad I don't like cabbage, because if I did like it, I should eat so much of it s — and I do dislike it...

PTO THE EDITOR or THE " BEZOTATOR."] - SIR, - I was recently

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attending a patient whose husband came to see me concerning her condition, and greeted me with the words : "Mr. Irving, do you think there is any need for any unnecessary...

(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECIATOR.1 SIB,—Perhaps you will

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allow me to make an addition to your correspondent's amusing list of "Bulls from Irish Pastures." The following, which was presented to a near relative of mine by an Irish...


The Spectator

THE COMING PEOPLE.* 'ars is a healthy and virile essay which the reader, especially if he should be in that stage when his mind is "on the make," will be thankful to Mr. Dole...


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omnibus up Regent Street last evening I heard an old lady annoying the other passengers by her remarks. The conductor remonstrated with her, saying- " Ma'm, remember you are in...

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Mn. LESLIE STEPHEN does not as a rule appeal much in print to the softer emotions, but in this book he has really taken unfair advantage of our sensibility. He begins it with a...

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THE AGRICOLA.* SontE learned " M.P.," objecting to the proposal

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that the Boadicea group of sculpture should be permanently located on the site which it experimentally occupied, remarked that the British Queen was "a mythical personage." This...

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IN the tragedy which has lately riven France in twain there is no protagonist. Such, at least, is the decision of the Courts. The affaire Dreyfus was long since closed ; the...

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The Spectator

THERE is a touch of the sensational in the opening chapter of Wanderers, a new and decidedly attractive book by the author of Margot. A young country gentleman of ample means,...

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A Practical Cookery - Book. By Mrs. Roundell. (Bickers and Son.) —To

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an excellent selection from the cookery books of " Wyvern" and from Mrs. Earle's receipts, Mrs. Roundell has added many old family dishes of her own. Her whole book is most in-...


The Spectator

Charles I. By Sir John Skelton, K.C.B. (Goupil and Co.)— We have alluded to this beautiful volume in another column of our issue of to-day. We will only say here that the print,...

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Unconsidered Trifles. By George Dalziel. (Elliot Stock.)— It is greatly

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to be regretted that Mr. Dalziel had not "con- sidered" these " trifles " long enough to have seen the unwisdona of publishing them. He can rhyme easily and gracefully, and put...

Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. By James Mark

The Spectator

Baldwin. (Macmillan and Co. 10s.)—This volume, w hich has been "crowned with the gold medal of the Royal Academy of Denmark," is one of the latest and not least remarkable...

All About Animals. (George Nevrnes. 10s. Gel.)—The compiler of this

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volume may well add as a sub-title "For Old and Young," and he is justified also in the self-commendation of the three epithets, "popular, interesting, and amusing." We have...

Ballads of the Occident. By George M. Vickers. (Park View

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Publishing Company, Philadelphia.)—There is an abundance —indeed, a superabundance—of patriotism in Mr. Vickers's verses. They are also marked by a good deal of narrative...

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2gfolia : its Geography, Topography, and Antiquities. By William J.

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Woodhouse. (The Clarendon Press. 21s. net.)—This handsome volume does great credit at once to the devotion and industry of its author, and to the enterprise of the Clarendon...

The Seek of Monte Carlo. By Walter Frith. (Arrowsmith, Bristol.)—This

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story is told by Vincent Blacker, to whom the idea of plundering the gaming-tables at Monte Carlo first occurs. The morality of the affair, Blacker remarks, is justified by the...

In the series of the "Cambridge Bible for Schools" (Cambridge

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University Press), we have received The First Book of Maccabees, edited by W. Fairweather, M.A., and J. Sutherland Black, LL.D. We are glad that this book has been taken in...

Work and Play in Girls' Schools (Longmans and Co., 7s.

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6d.) is a set of essays by many Mistresses and a few Masters dealing with girls' day-schools and boarding-schools. The ideal of the whole book is, we imagine, summed up in the...

The Blues and the Brigands. By M. M. Blake. (Jerrold

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and Sons.)—Miss Blake has made an interesting story out of the French Revolution, dealing particularly with that part which contains the siege of Nantes by the Vend6ans. But we...

(Mum Didascali. By Walter Hobhouse, MA. (Macmillan and Co.)—We are

The Spectator

much obliged to Mr. Hobhouse for giving us these "fair copies" (sixty-five in all, of which about one-third are in Greek). There are still some who are faithful to the love of...

Report of the Royal Commission on Vaccination. By John C.

The Spectator

McVail, M.D. (P. S. King and Co.)—Dr. McVail examines the statement put forward by the two dissentient members of the Commission, Dr. W. J. Collins and Mr. J. A. Picton. His...

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The Tendencies of Modern Theology. By the Rev. John S.

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Banks. (C. H. Kelly.)—Nine of the ; twelve papers which are reprinted in this volume first appeared in the London Quarterly Replete, one was published in the Expository Times,...

The Vitality of Christian Dogma. By A. Sabatier, D.D. Trans-

The Spectator

lated by Mrs. Emmanuel Christen. With a Preface by Dean Fremantle. (A. and C. Black.)—Dr. Sabatier is not a champion. of dogma as it is commonly regarded and accepted. On the...

Life of Sir John Hawley Glover. By Lady Glover. (Smith,

The Spectator

Elder, and Co. 14s.)—Sir J. H. Glover had an active life, typical in its variety of employment of the diversity of service which an Englishman is called upon to render to his...

Women of the Old Testament. By the Rev. Robert F.

The Spectator

Horton. (Service and Paton.)—Mr. Horton gives his readers in this volume a number of brilliant sketches. One of the best things in it is the defence of Jael. Mr. Horton urges...

Hymns of Ter Steigen and Others. Translated by Frances Bevan.

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Second Series. (Nisbet and Co.)—Here we have between seventy and eighty hymns, about a quarter of which are intended for the use of children. Many of them are drawn from a...

Ideals for Girls. By the Rev. H. R. Haweis. (J.

The Spectator

Bowden.)-u. A little volume this, appropriately decorated, in which Mr. Haweis discourses pleasantly and wisely to various classes of girls. The classes are necessarily arrived...

The Odyssey of Homer. By J. G. Cordery. (Methuen and

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Co.). —Mr. Cordery has followed up his translation of the Iliad by dealing in the same way with the Odyssey. He writes in blank verse, of moderate quality, not such certainly as...

A Smile Within a Tear, and other Fairy Stories. By

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the Lady Gwendolen Ramsden. (Hutchinson and Co.)—A Houseful of Rebels. By Walter C. Rhoades. (A. Constable and Co.)—It is not too much to say that neither of these books would...

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Trite Blue. By Herbert Russell. (Cbatto and Windus.)—This story has a double plot ; there is the story of the lass who, though she "loved a sailor," did not disdain amusing...

The Fatal Phial. By G. Beresford Fitzgerald, F.S.A. (Digby Long,

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and Co.)—This story has several good points, but we con- sider the plot is rather defective, because we had a prejudice from the beginning against Mrs. Richmond, and this...

Heinrich Heine's Lieder tend Gedichte. Selected and arranged by C.

The Spectator

A. Buchheim, Ph.D. (Macmillan and Co.)—This volume will be a welcome addition to the "Golden Treasury Series." Professor Buchheim will carry all opinions with him when he argues...