20 MAY 1949

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Russia and the Germans

The Spectator

The announcement of the votes cast in the elections for the "People's Congress" in the Soviet Zone is an interesting com- mentary on Russia's decision to lift the Berlin...


The Spectator

T HE Communist tide has already lapped in some sectors over the outer defences of Shanghai, which consist for the most part of a deep belt of pill boxes, arbitrarily sited and...

The Pusillanimous Nations

The Spectator

Failure to reach agreement on the former Italian colonies is a triumph for no one ; it is, rather, a humiliation for each individual member State of the United Nations and a...

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The Rights of Northern Ireland

The Spectator

The debates of the past week on Ireland ended better than they began, with the unopposed passage of the Ireland Bill, conferring notable privileges on Eire citizens, through its...

Miniature General Election?

The Spectator

The determination to treat the recent local elections simply and solely as an indicator of possibilities at next year's General Election will not be denied. Perhaps in a...

Far Eastern Forecasts

The Spectator

It is just about a year since guerrilla warfare started on a serious scale in Malaya, and it is now clear that, while the original Com- munist rising may have gone off at...

The Landowners' Lot

The Spectator

Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve, the Chairman of the Central Land Board, renewed this week an appeal which he has made publicly more than once before to property-owners to make their...

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State Trading on a Falling Market

The Spectator

The economics of State trading are not at all straightforward. But one thing is perfectly dear, and that is that prices in the vast deals in which the State normally indulges...


The Spectator

I T is probable that more eloquence and passion have been aroused by Irish Debates than by any other class of parliamentary activity during the last hundred years. Monday's...

International Socialist Nightmare

The Spectator

A committee of experts at the International Socialist Conference at Baarn in Holland last Sunday presented a report to the full con- ference, in which were laid down the...

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The Spectator

T . the waiting public the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers which begins next Monday is an unopened ' book. Once it is opened, anything might happen. It might easily...

Page 5

A distinction must be drawn between the enforced resignation of

The Spectator

five Parliamentary Private Secretaries (not actually enforced in one case) and the expulsion of two M.P.'s, Messrs. Solley and Zilliacus, from the Labour Party. The latter...

The enterprising publishers of the well-known Britain in Pictures series

The Spectator

are issuing next week, with an eye no doubt to events a year ahead, three volumes on the three main political parties by prominent members of each of them—Mr. Glenvil Hall,...

Life is beset with troubles, and I clearly made more

The Spectator

for myself when I suggested last week that it was a pity that the Cambridge captain declared the University's innings closed when Dewes and Doggart needed only 29 more runs to...

Who's Who, indispensable as ever, is still expanding slightly, like

The Spectator

so many on whom the present predominantly farinaceous diet has the same effect. It still begins with Aaron, Richard Thomas (for I decline to countenance A.A. ; see Willis, A....

they can't swim in the tin. Very well. JANUS.

The Spectator


The Spectator

T HE discussion in the Upper House of the Convocation of Canterbury on Tuesday on the question of permitting women to conduct prayers, at mattins and evensong, or give an...

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The Spectator

By REGINALD COLBY RUSSIAN colonel who supervised the removing of the barriers between the Russian sector and the rest of Berlin is reported to have declined a suggestion made...

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The Spectator

By WILSON HARRIS T HOUGH public discussion of the morals of the National Service man in the British Army of the Rhine has tended to die down, there is no doubt that the...

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The Spectator

By KATHARINE WEST O N May 22nd, 1849, Maria Edgeworth died at the age of eighty-two in the arms of her third stepmother, who was a year younger and lived to write her life. Not...

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The Spectator

By DR. DAVID THOMSON HE bogy of educational specialisation has haunted most recent controversy. The Ministry of Education, in its circular describing the new "General...

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The Spectator

By EDWARD MONTGOMERY New York tf HIS is the goldarndest trial I ever saw." That is how, in a moment of exasperation, the presiding judge himself described the proceedings in the...

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The Spectator

By IVY PINCHBECK B EDFORD COLLEGE, the oldest of the university colleges for women, is celebrating its centenary this month. A search through the more important newspapers of a...

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The Spectator

By JOHN R. TOWNSEND (Emmanuel College, Cambridge) F OUR years ago the student from the wars returning with a wife and perhaps a couple of children was a figure who caught the...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON I N the Figaro for April 14th and April 23rd appeared two successive articles from the pen of Monsieur Andre Siegfried upon the subject: "What sort of French...

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The Spectator

" Ditte—Child of Man." (Curzon.)—" La Maison du Maltais." (Studio One.)—" Every Girl Should be Married." (Gaumont and Marble Arch Pavilion.) Ditte — Child of Man, is a Danish...

A Man About a Dog. By Alec Coppel. (Princes.) IT

The Spectator

may be that I owe my taste for the preposterous to a fairy god- mother, who, after making several dummy runs across my cradle, crash-landed and wrote off more important freight....


The Spectator

THE THEATRE The Lady's Not For Burning. By Christopher Fry. (Globe.) PEGASUS and Parody are both good horses, but no owner should enter them for the same steeplechase. On...

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MUSIC COVENT GARDEN deserves our thanks and congratulations for putting

The Spectator

on The Ring for the first time since pre-war days. It is being sung in German, and most of the chief parts are taken by foreign singers—Brunnhilde by Kirsten Flagstad, Wotan by...


The Spectator

IT is just over a year since I asked in these columns whether London was to see the art treasures from Vienna. Now that the Arts Council have brought them to the Tate, I am a...

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English Preservers The annual meeting of that most beneficent body,

The Spectator

the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, was remarkable for the stress laid on the undoubted truth'that the threats which called the Council into being are to- day...

WITH the death on Monday of Sir William Nicholson, England

The Spectator

loses an artist of whom it has reason to be proud. Practical, resourceful, ambitious, he was, above all, a master of his craft, who applied himself to painting with unswerving...

Cultivation Cartridges

The Spectator

Among orchards in which experiments have been tried is one—in Worcestershire—consisting of morello cherries. The trees were not doing well, so the ingenious owner sank a number...

THE Three Ice-men anticipated the first of their saint-days by

The Spectator

three days, and this may be called punctuality in the list of standard prognostics about the weather. They did a good deal of harm, not least in the Worcestershire valleys. On...

Towards the Sky The youthful Tom Hood thought that the

The Spectator

fir trees touched the sky. Some small boys of today have an alternative to conifers. Two of them, aged about five years, while playing golf on a common were addressed by a...

In the Garden After some denials it seems now to

The Spectator

he generally accepted that the spindle, that beautiful wild shrub, is the chief host of the abominable, foul black fly that attacks the broad beans, now at the height of their...

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The Spectator

PAKISTAN AND INDIA Sit,—Amid the general, and in my opinion mistaken, rejoicing over the condescension of Mr. Nehru in keeping his republic in the British Commonwealth, a note...


The Spectator

Snt,—The Spectator of May 6th reached me belatedly. But, if you will allow me, I -should like to comment on Miss Pascoe's letter. Those of us who have studied the progress of...

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The Spectator

Si,—Recent discussion of the minimum age prescribed for the General Certificate Examination prompts me to state some of the thoughts that have occurred to me in this connection....


The Spectator

SIR,—In laying the foundation-stone of the first of the new secondary modern schools in Devonshire, the former chairman of the County Council observed: "If by the time the...


The Spectator

SIR,—A word with Janus, please allow me. In Chelsea art schools I might term myself a " matista " and thus place myself within reach of the sculptors and modellers. The...


The Spectator

SIR,—A lot of nonsense has been talked and written recently about The Naked and the Dead, and it is distressing to find in England such bour- geois, old-maidenish hypocrisy as...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Speakman raises two points in his letter in the Spectator of May 6th which might deter the Englishman from emigrating - Canada. Firstly, the fact that Canada's natural...


The Spectator

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ordinary edition to any address in the World. 52 weeks £1 10a. Od. 26 weeks 153. Od. Air Mail to any Country in Europe. 52 weeks 42 7s. 6d. 26 weeks fl 3s....


The Spectator

Snt,—Mr. R. H. Cecil's thesis is, in part, 'that the official Criminal Statistics " are quite valudless as a guide to the incidence of larceny" and provide us with no conception...


The Spectator

SIR,—A small point perhaps, but I was surprised to see Jiffich and Duren described as "villages" in Mr. Wilson Harris's most interesting article German Impressions. Not much of...


The Spectator

Si,—With reference to the note in the Spectator of May 13th, in which it is pointed out that Members of Parliament are required to take an oath of allegiance to the King,, may...


The Spectator

Sta,—Record-hunting is a curse of modern sport, and it is "startling and discomforting," to use his own adjectives, to find Janus suggesting that Messrs. Dewes and Doggart...


The Spectator

SIR,—The suggestion made in Mr. P. A. Shaw's letter that, if the Liberals prefer to remain apart from the Conservatives, the resultant three- cornered contests will most...


The Spectator

Snt,—In last week's A Spectator's Notebook Janus wrote of Manchester Grammar School as "the largest and most important institution of its kind." Will he please tell us how he...

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The Spectator

A Hungarian in America • 'Strangers Here Ourselves. By Adam de Hegedus. (GoLlancz. 12s. 6d.) Or writing travel books about the U.SA. there is practically no 'end. But Mr. de...

Horace Walpole's Letters

The Spectator

The Quadruple Alliance and After. Horace Walpole's Correspondence. Volumes XIII and XIV. Correspondence with Thomas Gray, Richard West and Thomas Ashton. Edited by W. S. eorge...

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Poets and Mystics

The Spectator

The Mystical Element in the Metaphysical Poets of the 17th Century. By Itrat-Husain. (Oliver & Boyd. 25s.) Tins is a valuable and, in spite of its academic appearance, an...

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The Devil's Due

The Spectator

THERE are many approaches to demonology. There is the old- fashioned orthodoxy which positively believes, with Peacock's Mr. Toobad, that the devil is amongst us having great...

The Care of Ancient Churches

The Spectator

IN every county of England and Wales the Church authorities are confronting problems of repair and restoration of ancient buildings. Regular survey and maintenance were for the...

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Reformers and Rebels

The Spectator

THIS book, so scholarly and lively (Mr: Morris is a master of the significant instance and the apt quotation) is bound also to be rather melancholy because it is a record of...

Early England

The Spectator

An Introduction to the History of England from the Earliest Times to 1204. By Douglas Jerrold. (Collins. 21s.) THE publishers' " blurb " describes this book as "highly important...

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On the Harpsichord

The Spectator

Harpsichord Music. By Max Kenyon. (Cassell. 18s.) THIS book is designed, as the author explains in his introduction, for "reading in the evening at home with one ear...

The Age of Gainsborough

The Spectator

Gainsborough. The British Painter Series. By Mary Woodall. (Phoenix House. 16s.) IN an age when "taking sides" has become one of the most un- pleasant manifestations of art...


The Spectator

A Clouded Star. By Anne Parrish. (Heinemann. 9s. 6d.) WE are, quite rightly, continually repeating that the proper business of Literature is Life. We cannot then complain if,...

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The Spectator

airlITIA rE N S I . fii,14 alga._ DC N A - ell5 • 4!e!0ale ssialv . 1 1 ) C t I SOLUTION ON JUNE 3rd The winner of Crossword No. 528 is DUNCAN COOMER, Esq., 12 Elgin Road,...


The Spectator

(A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, May 31st. Envelopes...

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Shorter Notices

The Spectator

Diplomat in Peace and War. By Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen. (John Murray. 18s.) EVERY professional diplomat ought to have a tale to tell worth telling, but by no means all are...

Keats, Shelley and Rome. Compiled by Neville Rogers. (Christopher Johnson.

The Spectator

7s. 6d.) I'm royalties from the sale of this attractive little miscellany of seventy-five pages are to be given to the Keats-Shelley Memorial in Rome, which alone is sufficient...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS IT is difficult, in these days, to distinguish anything worthy of being described as an investment pattern in the stock markets. Gilt-edged, it is true, look firmly...

Concerning HandeL Essays byWilliam C. Smith. (Cassell. 21s.) This is

The Spectator

a collection of seven erudite essays, dealing with such sub- jects as early editions of Messiah and the Water Music, the authen- ticity of various portraits of the composer and...

THIS somewhat chaotic and lengthy survey contains a vast amount

The Spectator

of information on matters of which the public is too ignorant. Mrs. Neville-Rolfe has helped to found, among other societies, the Eugenics Society, the British Social Hygiene...

Death Be Not Proud. By John Gunther. (Hamish Hamilton. 7s.

The Spectator

6d.) BRITISH reserve may flinch a little at the project of describing, in minute detail, the long Illness and death of a much-loved only son. Occasionally this memoir is...

London for the Literary Pilgrim. By William Kent. (Rocidiff. 215.)

The Spectator

MR. WILLIAM KENT is an industrious compiler of books about London (" the great literary Mecca"); his knowledge is wide, he is anxious to share it, and he is properly disturbed...

Although newsprint is more plentiful now than at any time

The Spectator

since pre-war days, it is still necessary to place a firm order with a bookstall manager or newsagent to ensure regular weekly delivery of THE SPECTATOR. Newsagents cannot...