Life In Canada
SIR,—Mr. Speakman raises two points in his letter in the Spectator of May 6th which might deter the Englishman from emigrating - Canada. Firstly, the fact that Canada's natural......
The Cost Of New Schools
SIR,—In laying the foundation-stone of the first of the new secondary modern schools in Devonshire, the former chairman of the County Council observed: "If by the time the......
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Theft In Ind1ustry
Snt,—Mr. R. H. Cecil's thesis is, in part, 'that the official Criminal Statistics " are quite valudless as a guide to the incidence of larceny" and provide us with no conception......
Village Or Town?
SIR,—A small point perhaps, but I was surprised to see Jiffich and Duren described as "villages" in Mr. Wilson Harris's most interesting article German Impressions. Not much of......
The Nature Of An Oath
Si,—With reference to the note in the Spectator of May 13th, in which it is pointed out that Members of Parliament are required to take an oath of allegiance to the King,, may......
A Record Shunned
Sta,—Record-hunting is a curse of modern sport, and it is "startling and discomforting," to use his own adjectives, to find Janus suggesting that Messrs. Dewes and Doggart......
The Perplexed Voter
SIR,—The suggestion made in Mr. P. A. Shaw's letter that, if the Liberals prefer to remain apart from the Conservatives, the resultant three- cornered contests will most......
Precedence Among Schools
Snt,—In last week's A Spectator's Notebook Janus wrote of Manchester Grammar School as "the largest and most important institution of its kind." Will he please tell us how he......