On The Harpsichord
Harpsichord Music. By Max Kenyon. (Cassell. 18s.) THIS book is designed, as the author explains in his introduction, for "reading in the evening at home with one ear......
The Age Of Gainsborough
Gainsborough. The British Painter Series. By Mary Woodall. (Phoenix House. 16s.) IN an age when "taking sides" has become one of the most un- pleasant manifestations of art......
Reformers And Rebels
THIS book, so scholarly and lively (Mr: Morris is a master of the significant instance and the apt quotation) is bound also to be rather melancholy because it is a record of......
A Clouded Star. By Anne Parrish. (Heinemann. 9s. 6d.) WE are, quite rightly, continually repeating that the proper business of Literature is Life. We cannot then complain if,......