22 JULY 1871

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The Spectator

T HE week has been marked by what is called "a constitutional crisis." The Lords on Monday passed a vote intended to be equivalent to a rejection of the Army Bill, and on...

The Duke of Argyll quite appreciated the sub-tone of the

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debate, the dread entertained by the House of abolishing Pur- chase, and made in reply a most able speech, by very far the most convincing one he ever made in his life, one...

Lord Salisbury closed the attack upon the Bill in a

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speech of singular acrimony and singular poverty of political capacity and prudence. He urged that the House would not be afraid to re- ject the Bill on the ground that, if the...

The Lords have avoided voting for Purchase, but the speeches

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of the majority all show that their wish was to protect that mode of promotion. The Duke of Rutland's point, for example, was that purchase and professional education were quite...

The only Tory Peer of consequence who broke fairly loose

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from the ruck was Lord Derby, who, in the most serenely sensible and annoying manner warned the Peers to take care leet they made fouls of themselves. He disposed of the...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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any case.

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Mr. Disraeli received this statement rather tamely, speaking of the

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Ministerial policy as " high-handed, but not illegal," depre- ciating the Liberal majority, and asking why Purchase had not been abolished by Warrant at once. But in the next...

The Duke of Argyll, in the course of his noble

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speech against Purchase, dropped one extremely improper remark. He said he would not call the web which imprisoned the Army a spider's web ; he would drop the spider, "for the...

On Thursday night, Mr. Gladstone stated in the House of

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Com- mons the course which the Government intended to pursue in consequence of the defeat of the Army Bill on Monday in the House of Lords. He explained that the Lords had not...

This day week a verdict of acquittal of Mr. E.

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W. Pook, the person accused of the Milani murder, was given, after a trial in which the conduct of the police in getting up the case was sub- jected to the severest censure by...

Lord Granville could not have been nervous,—he never is,— but

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for some reason he was not at his ease in his reply. Perhaps it was the lateness of the hoar and the heat of the night. He protested against the Marquis of Salisbury's...

The division gave a majority of 25 against Government-155 to

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130,—but it is stated that among "the Peers of the realm" Government gained a positive majority of one (146 to 145, in- cluding pairs), and were defeated only by the...

This, however, it did not do. The popular feeling at

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Green- wich, as we have remarked elsewhere, is extremely violent and definite against the accused, and on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday great crowds assembled before his...

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That " ancient and interesting ceremony," the " trial of

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the .pyx of the Mint," was performed on Tuesday. The trial, despite its grotesque name, is of importance, the Goldsmiths' Com- pany, which is independent of the Government,...

Some of our correspondents attribute our recent remarks on volunteer

The Spectator

contributors to a dislike of letters, and write to remon- strate. They are entirely mistaken. The paper was not levelled at correspondents at all, but at a single class of...

Mrs. Hannah Newington (alias Flora Davy) was found guilty of

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the manslaughter of Mr. F. Moon on the same day as that on which Mr. Pook was acquitted, and sentenced by Baron Chaunell • to eight years' penal servitude, a sentence which...

Consols were on Friday 93i to 951.

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Two of the jurymen who tried the action for libel

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against Miss Jex Blake have written to the Scotsman to express their great regret at the award of the judge that she should pay the costs (about £600). The result of the award...

The Ballot Bill has been floundering laboriously through a score

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of divisions, and hundreds of petty obstructive speeches, during the past week. Amendments providing such important matters as,—that the voter may be identified on a scrutiny...

We are assured, in reference to Mr. Crookes' article on

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Mr. Home and his "psychic force," in the Quarterly Journal of Science, noticed in these columns a fortnight ago, that a paper, to the same effect as the article, was offered by...

M. Pouyer-Quertier's plan of imposing a duty of 20 per

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cent. on the raw materials used in French manufactures has been rejected. The Budget Committee of the Assembly rejected it by 17 to 5, and a modified proposal of a 6 per cent....

11re also learn from the Scotsman that at a meeting

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held on Tuesday last of the lecturers at Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, a motion was brought forward to rescind the permission given last summer to the lecturers, who desired to...

The Government has declined to bring in a Bill repealing

The Spectator

the 'Contagious Diseases' Act this year, the Commission appointed to inquire into them having reported in their favour on physical grounds, but doubtfully on moral grounds. We...

The extraordinary case of Agnes Norman was heard on Sater-

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-day. This girl, a nursemaid only fifteen years old, is believed to have a mania for witnessing or causing death, being accused of killing cats, birds, as well as four children...

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The Spectator

N EITHER Lord Salisbury, who, though not nominally, really headed the opposition to the Army Regulation Bill, nor Lord Granville, who, of course, both nominally and really led...


The Spectator

THE "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS." M R. GLADSTONE has acted with splendid nerve, but in truth he had no option. He was compelled either to defeat the Lords, or to allow them to...

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T HE grand subject of speculation just now among political Frenchmen is the probable action of M. Gambetta, who appears, except M. Thiers, to be the only "personage" left in...


The Spectator

T HERE ought to be no shadow of doubt about the willingness of Government and the eagerness of Parliament to favour the application which has been made by scientific• men for...

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The Spectator

p ARLIAMENT has little time to attend to anything but English affairs ; but we cannot avoid the expression of a hope that the Commons will give a few minutes to the recent...

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I T is difficult to imagine a harder task than the one which M. Pouyer-Quertier has before him, or one in which a financier like Mr. Gladstone, a man with a true financial...

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"T IIE Daily News of Thursday contained a curiously suggestive letter from a pauper. The man, George Atkins Brine, • originally a charity-boy at Sherborne, Dorsetshire, and...

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T HERE are three rude popular impressions as to matters of justice prevalent just now in Londou,—that the claimant in the Tichborne case is the real Sir Roger, and is kept out...

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LIFE OF THE FIRST EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE usrserseolt..1 Sin,—An instructed and conscientious reviewer must always be welcomed by an honest author, and such...

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[TO ME EDITOR OF me "SPECTATOR.") am not insensible of the incredulous air of the concluding sentence in the review you have done me the honour to write on "Seadrift." You are...


The Spectator

"SPECTATOR."] a notice of a little Latin book of mine in your number of July 15, you express a doubt as to the correct Latinity of " (yerire baton," " to open a school," and "...


The Spectator

FROM HEINE. In TEACH SAM ICH DIE GIELIEBTE." DREAMIN(1, I saw the beloved one, A woman careworn and pale, Now withered away aud faded The form once blooming and hale. One...


The Spectator

" ELLE ETAIT BELLE SI LA NUIT." FAIR was she, if the Night that sleeps Within the chapel bare, Where Angelo has made her couch, All-motionless, is fair. Good was she, if it...


The Spectator

THE "SPECTATOR.") Siu,—The arguments of the Birmingham working-men may go too far, but I question whether an opposition to the allowance to Prince Arthur necessarily implies...

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MISS AUSTEN'S POSTHUMOUS PIECES.* As we noticed- but latelyt the somewhat slight, but still interesting memoir of Miss Austen, by Mr. Austen Leigh, we need only refer now to the...

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Winn NOTIOE.] THIS book is in two parts, the second containing a valuable collection of materials for a history of the development of religion. We will reserve it for our...

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variety which the vicissitudas of most family-life present,—alter- nately sad

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and triumphant, till the sadness of the outer life pre- veils, and the triumph is of the spirit only. The events are laid ingly the course which our own conviction pointed out...

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HISTORY OF PAINTING IN Noirra ITALY.* THE two volumes which

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Messrs. Crowe and Cavalcaselle have now added to their former labours deal with many painters of littlo note, and but few of any real value. The names of the Bellini, of...

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cal models, cannot change their authors on the ipse dixit

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of even penetration in discovering a mystery which cannot but be perfectly the best critics. But in all other instances Messrs. Crowe and plain to everyone. Why the authoress,...

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is both simple and truthful. None more adequate has boon given to the British public. In this edition he carries his story down to the eve of the resumption of tho play in the...

The Subtropical Garden. By W. Robinson. (Murray.)—Mr. Robinson in his

The Spectator

preface explains the signification of the term " subtropical," a name which, as he says, is neither very happy nor very descrip- tire. "Subtropical gardening," Ito says, "...

An Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies, by Edward Norman

The Spectator

(Tweedie), will take its place as a book of the highest authority on this subject. The form, habits, and localities of every British buttofly are carefully deseribed (we noticed...

The Blessed Virgin's Root traced in the Tribe of Ephraim.

The Spectator

By the Rev. F. H. Laing, D.D. (Washbourne.)-0an any one imagine why the supremacy of the Pope should follow as a consequence from the fact— could it be made out to be a...

Pink and iVhite Tyranny. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. (Sampson Low

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and Co.)—This is a story of how John Seymour, descended from the old Puritan stock of Now England, and in manners and character worthy of his descent, though not lacking in...

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Pontificate of Pius the Ninth. By John Francis Maguire, M.P.

The Spectator

(Long- mans.)—This is a new edition of Mr. Maguire's "Rome and its Ruler," enlarged and continued down to the present time, the chief additione being an account of the...

Annals of our Time. By Joseph Irving. (Maomillan.)—We noticed the

The Spectator

first edition of this work when it appeared about three years ago with the praise which it scorned to deserve. We have now to mention that a new and improved edition, carried...

The Mac Callum More. By the Rev. Holy Smith. (Bemrose.)—This

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is one of the crowd of little books which the marriage of Lord Lorne has called forth. It is tolerably readable, and has anyhow the merit of a reasonable size. If the reader...