22 NOVEMBER 1873

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The ultimate result appears to have been produced first by

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the concessions, and secondly by a sort of terror inspired by a President's message sent down on Monday. In this message Mar- shal MacMahon declares " that France would not...

One of the most remarkable instances of the contempt that

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the French Party of Order have for justice, occurred on Friday week. The House is full of Generals and Admirals, and two more of the former were contesting the Aube and Seine...

The news from Ashantee this week has been of a

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mixed char- acter. We have elsewhere analysed the despatches recounting a successful expedition by Sir Garnet Wolseley from Elmina, but must here add that another was organised...


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rrITTE intriguers of the Right have succeeded. After a struggle protracted for five days, the Assembly on Wednesday rejected the Report of the Committee of Fifteen, and accepted...

The executions of the crew and passengers of the Vir-

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ginius at Santiago de Cuba appear to have amounted to 0 in all, and not to have been renewed, as was erroneously asserted, after the 7th November, when Senor Castelar's message...

The Daily News' correspondent gives an amusing account of the

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baggage train. Only the women, it appears, are of real use ; but they, habituated to obedience and to toil, make capital carriers, crowding to enlist ; and each, though carrying...

.„,.* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Mr. Disraeli delivered his address as Lord Rector of Glasgow

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University on Wednesday, and a very lively, pleasant address, on the whole, it was. He began by commenting on the great want of self-knowledge from which young men suffer who...

Nothing particular was said by Mr. Disraeli at the banquet,

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except that he had now led the Tory party for twenty-five years,—longer, he believed, than any other party leader in Parliamentary history,--and he declared that so far from...

Mr. Henry James has, of course, become the Attorney-General, and

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it is given out that he is to be made a.--member of the. Privy Council, i.e., to be made a Right Honourable,—in order that for the future the Attorney-General may be able tb...

The difficulty about Lahej appears to have terminated, the Ottoman

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Government having issued peremptory orders to its commanders to leave the Sultan, and indeed Arabia south of Hodeidah, alone. These orders, however, have still to reach Aden ;...

The new Birmingham Board will be of use to all

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England, if the majority try their secularistic experiment in a large way. It is said that they intend to open the Board Schools to denominational teachers out of school-hours,...

Three very important School-Board contests have taken place in the

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last week, in Birmingham, Manchester, and Liver- pool. The result in Birmingham put the eight Leaguers at the head of the poll ; the Catholic came next ; and last came the six...

A Home-Rule Conference has been sitting this week in Dublin,

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advocating a federation between Great Britain and Ireland in place of the present Union, and demanding for Ireland her separate Houses of Commons and Lords. In fact, what...

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Two accounts have been given of Mr. Lowe this week.

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One is by Mr. H. Cole, who took the occasion of the opening of a School of 'Art in Spitalfields to declare that the late Chan- cellor of the Exchequer had a flinty bosom, was a...

The other view of Mr. Lowe is a very different

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one. He has actually received a deputation from the Licensed Victuallers' Association, and sent it away so delighted that its chairman, in reporting the interview to the Times...

The Austrian Budget was produced on November 18, and showed

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an expenditure of £38,730,000 against a revenue of £38,980,000, leaving a small surplus ; but as the telegraphic report includes a sale of Rentes in revenue, all that we can say...

The Irish Lord Justice of Appeal, Lord Justice Christian, has

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been committing another of his curious escapades, —one turning on his favourite point that certain inquiries of the Court below should be made by the Judge himself, and not by...

The Times declares that the substitution of Dr. Lyon Playfair

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for Mr. Monsell is intended by the Prime Minister as a significant hint to the Irish Catholics that they need not look for any more attempts to conciliate them of the kind...

The news of the Bengal famine has throughout the week

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been bad. It is announced that the Viceroy has warned all authorities to restrict expenditure, as the " financial strain " may be severe, and that some difference of opinion...

Consols were on Friday 92; to 92i.

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THE "MARSHALATE." W E take that word from the Pall Mall Gazette, because it is the only one which rightly describes the Constitu- tion which the majority of the French Assembly...

THE CUBAN OUTRAGE. ''-`1" in .9 r-cfam 7 T AST week it

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was not known that Great Brita iT in 4; 1.1 as directly interested in the unscrupulous tierdni the, prisoners taken in the Virginias as the United, tbate d , There is, however,...

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T HE news from Ashantee published in London on Wed- nesday is, with one single and most serious exception, exceedingly satisfactory. It shows, in the first place, that Sir...

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I T T is quite time that the India Office should publish a de- tailed account of all the reports upon the Bengal Famine that have been received from India, including Lord North-...

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T HE recent School-board Elections have been of consider- able interest, not only in relation to their results, but in relation to the lesson they give us with regard to the use...

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T HE characteristic which makes Mr. Disraeli so fascinating to literary men is this,—that he hardly ever makes one of his greater efforts without at one and the same time giving...

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M R. D1SRAELPS hint as to the true reason why fathers and 1 mothers make so many mistakes about their children is a very valuable one, though we should dispute his method of...


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T HE Newspaper Press is in the unhappy predicament of not giving perfect satisfaction to Dr. Dickson, Professor of Theology in the University of Glasgow. We cannot indeed...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPUTA-TOR:1 SIR, —I must say that I agree with you, and not with your corre- spondent "A.," in your description of Mill's "Autobiography," and let me...


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MILL AND MAURICE. (TO THY EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—Those of us who have been accustomed to admire the genius of Mr. Mill, while yet thinking it inferior to that of Mr....

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE sricarkroz."] Sin,—I am desirous of thanking you for the very liberal and courteous remarks in the Spectator of the 8th inst., on the mission from his...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—I will put into as few words as possible my reply to Mr. Leonard, in the hope that you may be able to find room for it. We are...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR " ] Sin,—Notwithstanding the high authority and Parliamentary experience of the lady who had the honour to give birth to Mr. Charles Reade, few...


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SIR, —The astonishment with which I have read Mr. Leonard's letters was increased when I found him stating that "there are few men living who know more about the controversy...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "13PECTATOR.1 SIR,—.-Allow me to correct a mistake in your notice of the late Lord Lyveden. I heard the greater part of his hustings and after- dinner...

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[TO TUB EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTITOR.1 SIR,—May I be allowed to draw the attention of your readers to the new statute of this University with reference to the Divinity...


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[TO TRH EDITOR OF THB " SPEATATOR.1 SIR,—While admitting that it is one of the first duties of a writer - not to fall foul of his reviewers, so long as they confine themselves....

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[TO THB EDITOR OF TIM " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Did you ever see Cowper': epitaph on, Lord Holland ?— Whoever this casket unlocks, Of its tenant may truthfully sap He doubled with...


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AUTUMN. ON the red autumn leaves I ride, While, parting from the half-stripped trees, The flakes of gold and amber glide And float on the November breeze. The larches' hair is...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF THB " SPBOTATOR.") &Ili—May I offer a " reply " in prose to Mr. Bourdillon's poem? "The bright world" has two hemispheres. If "the light of " some very...


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MR. LOCKER has here found a rival, and a formidable one. It is not for the first time in this book that we have admired the grace and skill of Mr. Austin Dobson's verse. Many of...

(TO THE EntTOn 01 senarkrott.1

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Six, In your impression of the 15th inst. the following paragraph occurs in your review of the "Fair Haven," by Mr. Samuel Butler :—" Finally, be [Mr. Butler] points out the...

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THE author of this volume says truly that a great deal has been written about life in France, and he adds, which is true also, as far at least as the present work is concerned,...

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Mo' of Mr. Boyle's Camp Notes have already been published in Chambers's Journal—a fact which ought to have been stated in the preface or on the title-page of this volume—but...

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THIS edition of Persius, which concludes the account of the great services rendered by Professor Conington to classical learning, exhibits in a remarkable degree the peculiar...

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OLD CROSS QUARRY.* THE author of Old Cross Quarry—perhaps having

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Chaucer as well as the Bible in mind—says modestly, " There is nothing new under the sun ; and as we cannot create new worlds, we can but plough up year by year the old ground,...

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Life of Moseheles. By his Wife. Translated from the German by A. D. Coleridge. (Hurst and Blackett.)—These two volumes will interest lovers' of music. They are the very nicely...

BA : and-By. By Edward Maitland. (Richard Bentley and Son.)— ha

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author of the "Pilgrim and the Shrine "—a story which we noticed t b uop a:tilt i'ears ago—ha; in this new work, completed the u 1 #f i elitee talelit'iti which he has, not...

The ,Seer-et of Two Houses. By Fanny Fisher. (Samuel Tinsley.)

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—We wonder whether Mrs. Fisher will over get past the youthful stage of what we may call the cloak-and-slouched-hat romance. There is spirit, some power of delineating...