24 FEBRUARY 1866

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Of the remarkable debate in the Commons, so far as

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it concerns Mr. Bright's magnificent speech and Mr. Gladstone's most effec- tive and almost pathetic reply, we have spoken in separate articles, and have probably said enough...

The Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed on Friday dotationa for

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the Princess Helena on her marriage, and Prince Alfred, who has attained his majority, though he has not yet, according to custom, been created a Peer. The grant to the Princess...

There have been few examples of more rapid legislation than

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this Act. Notice of its introduction the next day was given on Friday night in both Houses. On Saturday at twelve Sir George Grey made his statement, and the debate in the...

The arrests of " suspects" under the new Act have

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been exceed- ingly numerous, and it appears from a letter of Lord Wodehouse read by Sir George Grey that 500 will be seized. Some three hundred persons would seem to be in...


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T HE event of the week has been the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland. The Houses held an extra sitting on Saturday to pass the measure, which was introduced by Sir...

We would call attention to the incidents described elsewhere which

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have recently occurred in Rome. They will in all proba- bility be denied with some acerbity and a great appearance of official authority, but we have no doubt whatever of their...

On Thursday night Mr. Gladstone proposed in committee that a

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monument should be erected in NVestminster Abbey to Lord Palmerston, and that the country should bear the expense. He quoted the precedents of Lord Chatham, Mr. Pitt, and Mr....

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to leave the King absolute Commander-in-Chief of the Hun-

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Hun- garian army, and that he holds it needful, while retaining to the Diet the right of voting recruits, to " strengthen f resPect i " or ts own pu h rpose, rd eve we need...

P " declares," says the R rof es o r ecord, "

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t Hux hat in callin he g Professor Hux pect ley an Atheist there was no tinge of reproach, though much of profound . Te wos we hve italiciz are t i by te Record or ts own pu...

There will be a surplus, let us hope, this year,

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but clearly it avail themselves of it. We should be will not not much increased by redactions. The military estimates are only 235,0001. less than last year, though 10,000 men...

fully avoiding any allusion to party services. Mr. Disraeli, who,

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posing to confer the franchise on any man Who could pass a brief seems scarcely yet to have recovered from his annoyance at not 'tend simple examination in writing, yelling,...

cellor of the Exchequer. county and borough rate. This was

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in spite of two admirable Count von Bismark is tired of hearing eloquent representatives of speeches from Mr. J. 'S. Mill, in which he clearly defeated his the ad-. antagonist...

it chooses, on condition it carries the other, and will

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so be a Bill. That the Government do 'Sir Charles Wood has taken the title of Viscount Halifax. feebler step than one complete Bi intend to propose reform on both points we...

the nation prove to a demonstration that he has violated

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the Con- stitution, so on the 22nd inst. a Royal decree was read adjourning made no impression on the squires. They saw that all the of scarcity and the regular interval, and...

Lord John Russell

The Spectator

'we do not mind admitting there is one obscure contributor

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who looks anything but dyspeptic—as hungry as a wolf—and does wear an eye- glass, and most of our contributors try to think a little now and then. But hard as they try, none of...

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The Pall Mall Gazette quotes the following from the Telegraph:—"Whether

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there is a ball more or lea at Bucking- ham Palace, or a levee the fewer at St. James's, is, we need scarcely say, a matter of utter indifference to 999 out of every 1,000...

On the 5th inst. a treaty of offensive and defensive

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alliance was signed between Chili and Peru, and ten days later the latter power declared war on Spain. The combined Republics are said to have four iron-clads, one of which is...

On Saturday last, owing to the proposal of Government to

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suspend the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland, a fall of one-quarter per cent. took place in the value of Consols, the quotation for money having declined to 871. The fall, however,...

Fenianism is dangerous enough in all conscience, but Earl Remelt

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has faced a rebellion before now, and ought to know batter than to talk such raw-head-and-bloody-bones rubbish as he did on Saturday evening. "At these metiugs the Fenians hold...

The Cattle-Plague returns are again bad, the increase of seizures

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in the week being 1,400, and the total number 18,001. Letters are published every day affirming or denying the value of Mr. Worms' treatment with large doses of asafoetida, and...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Securities left

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off at the annexed quotations :— Friday, Feb. 10. .• 111 .. .. — • • 291 • . 271 •• 15 • . .. 70 .. •. 661 8 081 Friday, Feb. 23. ▪ 14 • 33 • 27 16 09 • 66 •• Greek Do....

The closing prices of the leading British Railways yesterday and

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on Friday week were :— Caledonian .. .• •• Great Eaatern Great Northern Great Western. • .. .• Do. West Midland, Oxford Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton .. ••...

A new scheme for relieving the pressure on London has

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been started, in the shape of a Company, with a capital of a :million,—the Suburban Village Company, —who propose to -erect suburban villages for all classes, carefully...

Mr. Hughes seems to have taken up his position as

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a metro- politan member with considerable success. He wants to secure compensation to poor tenants evicted by the railways, and by dint of opposing every company which refuses...

Mr. Cardwell's Bill confirming the transfer of legislative power over

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Jamaica from the Aksembly to the Queen was read on Thurs- day a second time. When passed a new constitution like that of Ceylon and Trinidad will be octroye by an Order in...

We hasten to correct two errors in the list of

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directors in the 'House of Commons which appeared in the Spectator of last week. Mr. J. Ormsby Gore is a director of three railway companies, and not of three financial...

The weekly returns of the Banks of England and France

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see very favourable, and a reduction has been made in the rates -of discount both in London and Paris. The official minimum here is now seven, or a fall of one per cent. ; and...

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THE COUP D'ETAT IN IRELAND T HE Government of Ireland has been authorized to arrest any person it suspects, and keep him in durance if necessary for a year. That is the...

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A fiR. GLADSTONE has begun his career as leader of the 1 House of Commons amidst conditions of the most hampering and delicate kind, and yet every one is talking not only of the...

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BISMARK IN ROME. T HERE is no field for surprises like

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the Court of Rome. Immutable as its ways are in one sense, it is and ever has been the favoured region for unexpected changes of person. An irresponsible Court is liable to all...

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T HE debates on the Cattle Plague have done one good service to the country. They have shown, that the squirearchy have regained their old commanding position in Parliament,...

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'HAIL does not clear a landscape, and foreign news arrives 11 in England just as hail falls. Pelt, pelt, pelt, the wretched little pellets of telegrams, paragraphs, and extracts...

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T HE publication of. Mr. Lockyer's admirable translation of M. Amedde Guillemin's splendidly illustrated handbook of popular astronomy,* is quite an era in the art of...

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T O men, who were lads about town in the ante-Crimean days, the music-hall, as it exists at present, was an unknown in- stitution. Evans's, the oldest of these establishments,...

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frtHOMAS, tenth Earl of Ormonde, was a lad Of fourteen at the j1. death of his father in 1546. He had been brought-up from his infancy at the Co - art of England, and had been...

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Rome, February 13, 1866. Ox the 24th January there appeared

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in the Times a telegram from "Our Own Correspondent " in Rome, announcing the conclusion of a loan of eighty millions of francs with the house of Erlanger. The statement was...

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New York, February 2, 1866.

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THE special Commission appointed by Congress to examine into our Revenue system has made its report. It has a novel in- . terest of a moral character, which seems to me more...

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Sirt,—A constant reader and general admirer of the Spectator as I am, I cannot coincide by any means as fully as I could wish with the criticism contained in your article on "...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."] Sur,—I believe you will be generous enough to print a short note in reply to your article on "Ritualism." It is of course most true that...


The Spectator

THE REALISM OF DESERT ISLANDS.* CAPTALN MUSGRAVE, who has tried it, is no admirer of desert- island romance. Indeed he speaks bitterly of it. When he had been trying it for...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Amidst discourses on cattle plagues and Reform Bills, your readers are not likely to take much interest in such a controversy as that...

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DR. MILMAN'S AGAMEMNON.* WE have had no lectures or controversies

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on translating the Greek Dramatic Poets, as we have had on Homer ; and it may be pre- sumed that in the case of the former it would appear superfluous to give any general...

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* Millais' Inastralions. A Collection of Drawings on Wood. By John Everett Millais, B.A. London: Aleaatsler Stratton. MG. THESE drawings illustrate in a remarkable manner the...

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The Iliad of Homer. Translated into English verse. By P.

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S. Worsley, MA., Fellow of C.C.C., Oxford. VoL L Books I. to XII. (Blackwood.)—Encouraged by his admitted success in the translation of the Odyssey, Mr. Worsley now undertakes...

English Travellers and Italian Brigands. A narrative of Capture and

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Captivity. By W. J. C. Moons. 2 vole. (Hurst and Blackett.)—We• suppose everybody will read these two volumes, or at least parts of them. The latter is more likely ; for what...

Treason at Home. A Novel. In 3 vols. By Mrs.

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Greenhough. (Newby.)—The key to this novel is to be found in the following ex- tract from a dialogue, p. 81, VoL III.:—" But there is something in the- idea of undetected crime...

7'he History of the British Empire in India (1844 - 62). 2

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vols. Vol. I. By Lionel James Trotter, late 2nd Bengal Fusiliers. (Allen.)— This work is intended to form a sequel to Thornton's History of India, and embraces the period...


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Hebrew Idyls and Dramas. By M. J. Chapman, M.A. (Saunders and Otley.)—The Greek Pastoral Poets Done into English. By M. J. Chap- man. (Saunders and Otley.) Third edition.—Mr....

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The Sunday at Home. 1865. (Religious Tract Society.)—This "family magazine

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for sabbath reading" is decidedly showing the influence of the age. Looking at several numbers, we find miscellane- ous information, history, biography, topography, even stories...

The Amulet. A Tale of Spanish California. (Longman.)—There are good

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points in this story, though as a whole it is unsatisfactory. We should say that its virtues were based on a study of Mr. Henry Kings- ley's novels, and that its faults proceed...

to illustrate the truth that

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"Faith without love is but as sounding brass— A soulless shadow—a sheer mockery." She shows us two brothers in the Reformation days parted in bitterness and become, the one a...

We have also received the Public Schools' Calendar, 1866 (Rivingtona),

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an excellent publication, now in the second year of its existence, con- taining, in addition to the calendar, or "Fasti Scholastici," the fullest in- formation about the nine...

The Joint-Stock Companies' Directory, 1866. (London : Charles' Barker and

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Sons.)—This is the second annual appearance of this very useful work, much enlarged and improved. It now contains full in- formation as to the directorate, officers, capital,...