24 MAY 1957

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The Spectator

T HE American constitution, said Chief Justice Hughes, ,i, what the judges say it is.' The same is true of the law of contempt of court in this country. Contempt of court is...


The Spectator


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The Spectator

?V HE Middle East, traditionally lavish of trans- formation scenes, has seen few more startling peripeteia than the visit of King Saud to Baghdad. The rivalry between the...

No Regrets

The Spectator

FVHE fall of the Mollet Government, due to the I adverse vote of a considerable section of the Right against the advice of their leaders, will hardly be Much regretted. In spite...

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The Spectator

By RICHARD H. ROVERE New York A MOST interesting and important anthology has just been pub- lished here — Dwight D. Eisenhower's Fay- 4, orite Poetry, Prose, 181 and Prayers. It...

Portrait of the Week

The Spectator

The Middle East seems for the moment to have reached a finely balanced stability which even the discussion of the problem of the Suez Canal in the Security Council has been...

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,,Westminster Commentary

The Spectator

THE game of quoting Henry V, which was begun by Lord Hinchingbrooke towards the end of the first day of the Suez debate, and reached truly im- Nevertheless, one or two things...

Sea Wolf Intelligence

The Spectator

THE- CRUISER'S original name had been obliterated from her hull and a new name, Loup de Mer, sub- stituted on a wooden plaque. Daily Telegraph, May 15. THE NAME of Coup de...

Dublin Intelligence

The Spectator

THE CITY is en fete. Its Theatre Festival has brought great and enthusiastic crowds to streets which at night glitter with green and red and yellow fairy lamps. Sunday Times,...

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IT MAY NOT have been obvious in recent months that

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the men in charge of the Government's destinies have a sense of humour, but the choice of Government spokesman in the Salisbury-Suez debate shows that Lord Home, at least...

THE OVERWHELMING impression one got from a first meeting with

The Spectator

Professor Gilbert Murray was of his charming humility. It was difficult for the casual acquaintance to believe that this was one of the outstanding scholars of the age and its...


The Spectator

Scottish Number Contributors will include SIR ROBERT BOOTHBY, MP, BERNARD DARWIN, DR. CHARLES WARR also LORD DAVID CECIL on The Edinburgh Review

REPLYING TO A discussion in the House of Lords about

The Spectator

the appointment of Lord Hailes as Governor-General Designate of the West Indies, Lord Home stated unequivocally that 'what we need to do is to try to get the right man in the...

DO we REALLY all mind so much about the passing

The Spectator

of Picture Post? Sir Gerald Barry's letter to The Times last week was a valuable corrective to a mounting pile of nil nisi bonum sanctimonious- ness. Of course one isn't pleased...

WHEN MR. BEVAN was reported in The Times during the

The Spectator

Suez debate as quoting Henry V's prayer before Agincourt as follows : 'Steal my soldiers' hearts . . . take from them now the sense of reckoning,' those familiar with Shake-...

A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

IT IS GOOD NEWS that the Prime Minister has acted on the suggestion of Mr. Desmond Donnelly that the burden of work on senior Ministers and possible ways of relieving it should...

`To THOSE of us who still, after forty years and

The Spectator

more, cherish the memories of the entertainments which Percy French used to give all over Ireland, your plea for respect for his works was heart warming.' Thus, the Director of...

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The Appeaser

The Spectator

I: The Memory of Shame BOOTHBY, MP By SIR ROBERT m s book * almost defies review. If you fall under the author's spell, as so many have done, including the present writer,...

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II: Destroying the Myths

The Spectator

By LORD TEMPLEWOOD musr follow the Parliamentary convention land, before I discuss this volume of memoirs, disclose my personal interest in it. Lord Halifax and I have been...

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The Spectator

I read in the West Briton that the charming Regency crescent called Walsingham Place in Truro is to be preserved through the action of a firm of young architects of a...


The Spectator

The City churches, twelve years after the end of the war, are slowly beginning to reappear. St. Mary Abchurch is open again, its painted dome by Thornhill miraculously restored,...

City and Suburban

The Spectator

By JOHN BETJEM AN I ET me open with good news if you have not d already heard it. The Oxfordshire County Council, which stood out against the proposals of the Central...

Ilya Ehrenburg

The Spectator

By J. E. M. ARDEN I N the Stalin epoch when the great writers of Russia were being driven to exile or execution, like Babel and Pilnyak, or were committing suicide, like Essenin...

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Ulcers for All ?

The Spectator

By STRIX WAS greatly struck by a full-page advertise- Iment which appeared in last week's Spectator, and doubtless also in other periodicals which, for better or for worse; I...

Vie Optttator

The Spectator

MAY 26, 1832 IN consequence of recent events, the proprietors of the Wellington Chatham coach, which runs from Graccchurch Street, have been compelled to change the name of the...

Consuming Interest

The Spectator

By LESLIE ADRIAN T is almost impossible to be stranded over- Inight in Brighton, Blackpool or Bournemouth. You can arrive unexpectedly at any of these ad j mirable resorts and...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Sir Linton Andrews in the course of a dis- cursive letter to the Spectator makes a number of points, only one of which I feel it necessary to challenge. Sir Linton states...

DOCTORS' PAY Sill.—I was interested to read the letter from

The Spectator

Angry Old Practitioner giving his view of the changing face of General Practice. I thought he gave a fair and moderate account of the picture as he sees it. How- ever,- another...

Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

Battle of Jutland Admiral Sir W. M. James, Ludovic Kennedy Doctors' Pay Sad Young Practitioner Mr. Churchill and the Press Council Randolph S. Churchill Schools Tomorrow J....

SIR,—Sir Robert Boothby has cited various dis- tinguished authorities who

The Spectator

have condemned Jellicoe's tactics at Jutland : Churchill, Admiral Richmond and the captains of certain ships taking part. It would be equally possible to cite other authorities,...

99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1

The Spectator

Euston 3221

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THE CASEMENT DIARIES SIR,—In referring to yet another typescript copy

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of the alleged Casement diary, Pharos has stated (May 3) that in his opinion it was written by an insane man and that it is 'barely credible that Case- ment could have been that...

SIR,—qt is permissible to argue that a parent has as

The Spectator

much right to buy a good education for his children as to buy them a television set, and that the aim is both worthy and in the public interest.' So Mr. Maude in your last...

EASTER MORNING SIR,—Surgeon is wrong in interpreting the expres- sion

The Spectator

'marvelled if' as implying that Pilate was filled with an almost incredulous astonishment. The Greek does not suggest this, and can quite well be trans- lated by the modern...


The Spectator

SIR,—May I comment on two statements made or quoted by Miss Buckley? The first of these is that 'Catholic Nationalists have no power even locally' (my italics) and 'in...

SIR,—Mr. Angus Maude has skirted round the most valuable attribute

The Spectator

of the public schools—their free- dom and independence from the Slate system. Any legislation which brought a loss of independence could not possibly be supported by a Tory...

qCHOOLS TOMORROW SIR,—In your editorial 'Schools Tomorrow' you say that

The Spectator

it has now become obvious 'that the 11-plus. idea [my italics] was bad in principle and is rapidly be- coming unworkable in practice.' This statement seems to me to imply that...

SIR,—I was very interested in the series of articles on

The Spectator

education, partly because I attend a public school, but mainly because I feel that education is the basis of , society, and if we wish to change that society we must first...

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At the Dublin Festival

The Spectator

ONE had heard, of course, of the degeneration of the Abbey; but here it was, substitute playhouse, crumb- ling walls, threadbare upholstery and all, and a depressing evening it...


The Spectator

SIR, —Is it not strange that no comment has been made on the pronouncement of the RC Bishop of Clifton the other day that they 'will not rest until every man, woman and child in...

Contemporary Arts

The Spectator

Germany Then and Now It is unfashionable to remember Germany's politically criminal past today; a tinge of unsport- ingness is supposed to colour any reminders of it to a...

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Aida and Lucia

The Spectator

THE Italian Opera Season now run- ning at the Stoll is considerably better than those of the past few years, both in its repertory and in the standard of the performances. Lucia...

The Mill-Pond

The Spectator

The Chairs, by Eugene Ionesco, and The Apollo de Bellac, by Jean Giraudoux. (Royal Court.) ONE realises perfectly well that it is no use trying to convert people to Ionesco—it...

Three Sculptors

The Spectator

How often it is said that the English are not really appreciative of sculp- ture, but one of the most obvious features of our artistic life in the last ten years has been not...

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The Spectator

The Birth of a Nation By D. W. BROGAN T rr HE last New Yorker to reach me shows an 'exurbanite' waiting for the latest issue of the `Civil War Book Club,' dressed like a Union...

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A Lawyer's Paradoxes

The Spectator

The Lion and the Throne: The Life and Times of Sir Edward Coke. By Catherine Drinker Bowen. (Hamish Hamilton, 42s.) SIR EDWARD COKE is one of the most fascinat- ingly...

Battle Grey

The Spectator

THE British infantry soldier and his Canadian counterpart are the joint heroes of this book. It deals with the hard, bitter fighting required in October and November, 1944, to...

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London Pleasure

The Spectator

The Buildings of England. London, Vol. 1. The Cities of London and Westminster. By Nikolaus Pevsner. (Pelican, 15s.) THERE is plenty of information, indeed rather too much,...

Sailing to Byzantium

The Spectator

Byzantium: Its Triumphs and Tragedy. By Rene Guerdan. Translated by D. B. L. Hartley. (Allen and Unwin, 25s.) THREE books on Byzantium, and each of them interesting in its...

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Short Stories

The Spectator

Abroad: Travel Stories. Edited by Alan Ross. (Faber, 15s.) The Sacrifice and Other Stories. By Donald Moore. (Arthur Barker, 12s. 6d.) A Long Way from Home. By Vern Sneider....

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The Lancaster Queen

The Spectator

WHATEVER Miss Nancy Mitford may urge in its favour, most people cannot possibly manage, however hard they try (and an inverted puritanism often makes us try to like all sorts of...

Strange Athlete

The Spectator

BARING-GOULD was an English eccentric and a confirmed amateur. To people like this the nation tends to accord an indulgent awe. And the sug- gestion that someone is a boring...

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New Novels

The Spectator

Far, Far the Mountain Peak. By John Masters. (Michael Joseph, 15s.) The Red Rock Wilderness. By Elspeth Huxley. (Chatto and Windus, 15s.) BECAUSE to write a good historical...

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The Spectator

`I must apologise for an error 1 inadvertently made in my letter regarding the little heaps of soil in your Hampshire reader's paths,' says a correspondent , who continues, 'The...

Country Life

The Spectator

By IAN NIALL AT times when I climb to the tops of mountains, as I not infrequently do in summer, it strikes me that a vast area of wasteland, that only by a stretch of imag-...


The Spectator

Horse fairs are much harder to find now than, say bull fairs, for to have a horse fair there must be enough horses to sell. It seems a pity that one of the old horse fairs,...


The Spectator

By PHILIDOR No. 103. A. ELLERMAN (1st Prize, Good Companions, 1919) BLACK (8 men) WHITE (13 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last...

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SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 380 Set by Allan M. Laing Many

The Spectator

years ago an ingenious versifier trans- posed the nursery rhyme 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star' into scientific jargon, thus: Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific; How can...


The Spectator

o'er Egypt's dark sea' love' (Yeats) (7). ACROSS 1 Though musical, the German has task at school (7). 5 What a fall for the hairdresser! (7) 9 This writer seems to have...

Sic Transit . . .

The Spectator

SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 377 Report by Blossom • The usual prizes were offered for a set of verses (not exceeding a dozen' lines) suitable for publi- cation on May 24 (Empire...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS ONCE again the gilt-edged market has been disappointed by the Bank • • of England which refuses to lower the Bank rate from 5 per cent. to 4+ per cent., although the...


The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT MR. RICHARD CROSSMAN and his colleagues are to be congratulated on bringing domestic politics down to earth. So much of the debating at Westminster is...