24 JULY 1941

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The Spectator

HE policy of the new Japanese Cabinet formed by Prince Koncrye has already taken a dangerously aggressive turn. In the new Government the Army, the Navy and big business are...

A Wise Move in India

The Spectator

British Cabinets have a genius for doing the right thing too late. In September last year a statement was issued by the Viceroy of India announcing his intention, in spite of...

America Sees the Peril

The Spectator

In his message to Congress asking for an extension beyond one year of the term of military service last Monday, President Roosevelt sought " acknowledgement " of a national...

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The Nazis in Latin America

The Spectator

The intensity of Nazi activity in Latin America has reached the point when it constitutes a grave danger to certain Govern- ments. The Bolivian Government has been forced to the...

The Road to Inflation The White Paper issued by the

The Spectator

Government on Tuesday o n "Price Stabilisation" is already being criticised by trade unionists on the ground that it means wages-stabilisation for all but the more poorly paid...

General Franco Provocative

The Spectator

It would have been idle to suppose that the war which Germany has thrust upon Russia would not profoundly affect the attitude of Spain. The Franco regime came into being by...

The Russo - Czech Agreement The agreement signed between the Soviet Union

The Spectator

and the Czecho-Slovak Republic in London last week is another step in the bringing together of Governments which under the stresses of war are realising their common interests....

Absenteeism in Industry

The Spectator

If employees in war industry were never unnecessarily absent from work output would be raised by a substantial amount. The causes of absenteeism vary in different industries,...

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The Spectator

HERE is not very much V in the new Ministerial changes. These perambulations of secondary Ministers o ne office to another create no conviction of a general ease of efficiency....

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History repeats itself, sometimes rather too literally. I printed last

The Spectator

week a letter, in picturesque English, which h reached me from Hong-kong. It appears that the same lett reached another London paper some fourteen years ago, one or two of my...

I shall be surprised if Mr. Seebohm Rowntree's new Poverty

The Spectator

and Progress, does not make history. His Poverty: Study of Town Life, published in 1899, did. A new study the same city, York, forty years later, provides an invalua basis for...

Having now, I hope, paid due homage to the preval

The Spectator

letter, I propose to erase it for a while from my ocabuhry. JANI: s.


The Spectator

A CHANGE in the editorship of The Times ranks as an event of the first journalistic importance from San Fran- cisco to Melbourne and back again the other way. To the general...

A predatory authoress is at large in London. This deplorable

The Spectator

fact is vouched for by the Bookseller in its current issue, where it is mentioned that a sub-committee of London booksellers has been set up to deal specifically with the...

Any Ministry of Information is as receptive a target as

The Spectator

St. Sebastian for arrows from any and every quarter. It is there to be shot at. If it escaped it could only be because it wasn't worth notice. But the Malet Street Ministry,...

Some of the qualities of that vigorous lady Caroline Anspach,

The Spectator

wife of George II, arc not, I think, appreciated they might be, except by professional historians. I happen have just come across her characterisation of Lord Harring at that...

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hc War Su rveyed

The Spectator

THE DRIVE TO MOSCOW By STRATEG ICUS T is extremely difficult to estimate the position on the eastern front. Not only are the official reports in flagrant ntradiction, but also...

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The Spectator

By PETER MATTHEWS W HEN Hitler sent his troops across the German-Russian frontier on June 22nd, it was immediately clear that one of his objectives was to win support for his...

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The Spectator

By MARK STERLING C ONTINENTAL peoples, especially the masses of their individual workers, are far more worried today about the uncertainty of their economic future than about...

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The Spectator

By MICHAEL GRAHAM M R. R. S. HUDSON recently announced his intention to go on paying part of the cost of liming land, acting through the Land Fertility Committee. That is good,...

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The Spectator

THERE is no lack of light and singing limbs, Of throats and ribs and all the naked gear That holds the quick breath in ; there is no fear That these will fail them and dissolve...


The Spectator

By E. L. WOODWARD NCE I was held up for four days by rain and snow in a Swiss hotel. There was in the salon a single shelf full books left by earlier visitors. I read all these...

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The Spectator

THE THEATRE 4 , The New Ambassadors Revue." At the Ambassadors. THE revues pile up in central London: it is difficult to remember which is which—the mind becomes flooded in...


The Spectator

Fantasia." At the New Gallery and the Marble Arch Pavilion. THE idea of interpreting or illustrating music with visu a l images is no newer than the ballet. Walt Disney's Faman...


The Spectator

The Centenary of " Giselle " THE Sadlees Wells Ballet has returned to the New Theatre with its orchestra, and so is able to give performances of some of the larger works in its...

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The Spectator

SIR,—In last week's leading article you say, "It would be an affectation to suggest that we can today think of Soviet Russia as we think of France." So far as my own experience...

WHITEHALL AND CRETE SIR,—There is at the top of Whitehall,

The Spectator

outside Drummond's Bank, a sandbag defence-post steadily falling into disrepair, sometimes stuffed with waste-paper. It has never been used for months. It occupies all the...


The Spectator

TFIE CHURCH AND THE WRLD Sus,_Dr. Re1ton writes wisely when he draws attention in your columns to the fact that the primary and essential function of the church is to produce "...

YOUNG ENGLAND Sue,—I do not think that "A. R.'s "

The Spectator

letter contained any criticism which I had not already anticipated in my article. The "putting the clock back" theory is, as I then pointed out, the survival of an exploded...

BRITAIN AND A NEW ORDER SIR,—The letters you publish under

The Spectator

the above heading are written !under a certain limitation or illusion. Britain neither has nor will have, nor desires to have, the power to foist a new order on Europe or on the...

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The Spectator

SIR, —As it happened, I was reading Mrs. Cecil Chesterton's book when I came upon the notice of it in your columns. The impres- sion it made on me was so d:fferent from that of...


The Spectator

Stn,—I should like to endorse every word of the article "How France is Resisting," by Robert Mengin. As one of the many Englishmen who escaped from Occupied and Unoccupied...

Sin,—I have to thank you for calling my attention in

The Spectator

"A Spectator's Notebook" to an inaccuracy of fact m The Chestertons in regard to Dr. Johnson. I was, perhaps, thinking more of the literary associations of that period than of...


The Spectator

Sin,—In her review of my book, Miss Perham wrote, "Dr. Leys a prophet rather than a student . . . one aims at influencing policy by presenting a case ; the other at presenting...

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The Spectator

Sm,—As a Housemaster at the Public School described by "A Head- master" in your issue of July 4th, I write to state some facts about this school which may clear up some points...

Bad Egg

The Spectator

The egg-scheme was fantastic in theory ; it appears to be still more fantastic in practice. Formerly my children walked a quarter of a mile and bought the family eggs, which...


The Spectator

Hudson and White In a new and excellent introduction to the Penguin Natural History of Selbourne, Mr. James Fisher remarks that "there are many great naturalists whose...


The Spectator

SIR,—YOU refer in your Notes to the Pharmacy and Medicines Bill, which provides for the disclosure of the ingredients of patent and other medicines on general sale. Lord Woolton...

SIR,—Many of your readers, besides myself, must be grateful to

The Spectator

"Janus" for his protest against the unseemly attack upon P. G. Wodehouse on the wireless. We may console ourselves by remem- bering that no one listened to the original...


The Spectator

SIR,—Although I was not interested in Wodehouse and was repelled by his books, I thank you heartily for your condemnation of the broadcast by Cassandra. 'Both the broadcaster...

Preserving Tomatoes Months ago I suggested that then, would be

The Spectator

an acute shortage of tomatoes this summer, this shortage, and the fact that it will in- crease again after September, led me to ask for a sound recipe for preserving tomatoes....

In the Garden Rain has turned the colour of the

The Spectator

cabbage-plants from dry steel blue to deep green. The drought has meant disappointments. Look over the cauliflower-plants, for example, and see how many have the blind eye, and...

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The Spectator

Scholars' Playground MR. BRAntatt is to be congratulated on the enormous industry and thoroughness with which he has handled a subject on which previously no authoritative work...

An Invitation to Think

The Spectator

Ideals and Illusions. By L. Susan Stebbing. (Watts. 8s. 6c1.) PROFESSOR STEBBING'S Ideals and Illusions comes with great value to our day. At a time when we desire and need to...

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The Pedigree of Nazism

The Spectator

THE author's central thesis is that "national-socialist theory is almost entirely derived from the common elements of traditional German thought during the past hundred and...


The Spectator

Behind the Nazi Front. By John McCutcheon Raleigh. (Harrap los. 6d.) IN a full and interesting narrative a correspondent of the Chicagc Tribune relates the experiences and...

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Talk About the Land

The Spectator

England and the Farmer. Edited by H. J. Massingham. (Bats los. 6d.) THE case against the agricultural system of today and for a n agricultural system of tomorrow has already...

The Secret of Military Success

The Spectator

THOSE who read Captain Liddell Hart's The Decisive Wars of History will require no commendation of this new and enlarged edition. The additions consist of extensions to one...

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More About the R.A.F.

The Spectator

IT is, I suppose, inevitable that so many books should be pub- lished about the Royal Air Force; and also inevitable that so few of them should be of permanent value, since...

A Clap for Tiukerbell

The Spectator

Eight for Immortality. By Richard Church. (Dent. 6s.) THE title of this book reveals how much is expected of English poets. It also reveals how little use we can find for our...

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The Spectator

THREE badly chosen titles—if indeed they were chosen at all, not drawn from a hat. For writers of fiction the title-question has got completely out of hand, of course, but the...

Shorter Notice

The Spectator

THE lay reader, at first slightly repelled by such language as (of a three-year-old), "he will persist in a non-adaptive motor- pattern" and in "solving spatial problems which...


The Spectator

By CUSTOS HAVING indulged their hopes fairly liberally in selective buying of shares with recovery chances, investors have now relapsed into art attitude of wait-and-see. There...

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The Spectator

l ' . 1 re T C ' RI 'PIER , g 5 t PalAIIT & E - igt t "V• .26, .27 "70' uRAG R o e SOLUTION ON AUGUST 8th The winner of Crossword No. 122 is Mrs. J Marshall, 179, Old Dover...


The Spectator

IA prtze of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked with...