29 MARCH 1834

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The Spectator

DISSENTING disabilities have furnished our Representatives with their main talking-text this week. Lord ALTHORP has been laid up with a fit of convenient Ministerial gout ; and...

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The Associations Suppression Bill passed the French Chamber of Deputies

The Spectator

on Tuesday, by a majority of 2416 to 15 - 1. No amend- ment of any consequence was made in it ; and no limit is fixed to its duration. It is to become part of the French...

lerbatesi an liiroceelting4 in Parliament.

The Spectator

1. ADMISSION OF DISSENTERS TO THE UNIVERSITIES. Mr. SPRING RICE called the attention of the House of Commons on Monday, at its morning sitting, to a petition presented by him...

The cruelties practised in the hour of victory by the

The Spectator

Queen's troops upon the insurgents in the North of Spain, have been to some extent retaliated by a body of Carlists, who entered Vittoria on the 15th instant, and put to death...

Resolutions against the removal of the deposits from the United

The Spectator

States Bank have passed the Senate at Washington, with only one dissentient voice. But still the old President remains un- shaken.

The Belgians have been in a state of considerable alarm,

The Spectator

in consequence of some warlike movements of the Dutch troops on their frontiers. It is supposed, that in consequence of the disso- lution of the Anglo-French alliance,—for that...

The Sultan has replied to Lord PONSONBY'S interrogations respecting his

The Spectator

famous treaty with Russia, in the most firm and haughty tone. Ile has made up his mind to keep his engage- ments with the Czar, in spite of the hatred which his subjects bear to...

The Opposition party in the Parliament of Lower Canada is

The Spectator

likely to give the Government some trouble. A call of the House was made on the 15th of last month, when seventy resolutions were proposed, strongly condemnatory of the...

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ebe Court.

The Spectator

THE .King arrived on Wednesday afternoon at St. James's Palace, from Windsor, to hold the usual Levee; the attendance at which ap- pears to have been unusually thin. Among the...

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The Reverend Mr. Hugh Percy Bennett was charged, on Wednes-

The Spectator

day, at the Queen Square Office, with cutting and damaging the trees sag shrubs in Sr. James's Park. He was taken into custody by one of the Park-keepers ; who preduced several...

On Friday last week, upwards of seven hundred persons dined

The Spectator

at the Shire-ball, Chelmsford, on the occasion of preseetieg Lord Wes- tern with a piece of plate, as a testimony of their approbation of his political condurt during a period...

Etc itirtrapni&.

The Spectator

A Court of Common Courail was held on Thursday, at width the Lord Chancellor's bill for improving the administration of justice in the Metropolis was the subject of some...

Lord Lyndhurst stated et the Brighton Assizes last week, in

The Spectator

reply to a question from Mr. Clarkson, that the Judges had recently decided that former convictions should invariably be produced and read in Court on a second charge of...

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The Spectator

At a meeting held one day last week, in the Chamber of Commerce in Cork, and which %VHS attended by a considerable number of electors, including some personal friends of Mr....


The Spectator

The Paisley election has terminated in the return of Sir Daniel Sandford. 'I'his result is different from that which a letter, published in last week's Spectator, led us to...

Lord Durham and Mr. Edward Olive have left London, for

The Spectator

the Cootittent. f hey arrived at Paris on Monday. bed Dm /min intends to visit his friend King Leopold, at Brussels; with the view, it is said, of' consulting the King...

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The private letters from Paris state, that after the termination

The Spectator

of the debate in the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, a violent alterca- tion took place between Marshal Soult and the Duke de Broglie, on the course which had been taken in that...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. The news from France is interesting. A formidable spirit of re- sistance to the A ssociat . Law is beginning to manifest itself. The solemn speech of M. PAGES,...


The Spectator

Wan-Orricz. March 2S.-Stla Heat. of Light Dragoons-- Lieut. S. 11. Ball to be. Capt. by purellas.e. vice Ponsonby, ss ho retires; Cornet anal Adjt. J. Reilly to have the rank of...

It is now openly admitted by Members of the House

The Spectator

of Commons who wish well to the present Ministers, and have hitherto supported them in almost every measure, that some change must take place-that things cannot go on as they...


The Spectator

Deal, March 234. II. C. ships, Waterloo, Blakely. from China: 26th. Fauvoi:ir,on, ; and Bombay. Kellaway, from ditto. Off Falmouth. 224, Abel Gower. Smith. from Mauritius. At...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANOB, THURSOA• AETERHOOK. Our market is still heavy. Consols close to-day 91 for Account, and 901, for Money. In the etrly part of the week, considerable distress...


The Spectator

Our the 19th inst., the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM thews. Rector of Coberley. Glow. cestersliire, of a son. On the 16th inst., at Caen. the Lady of the Rev. JAMES GAIIIIIBH, 0( a...

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The Spectator

TO TICE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paisley. Tuesday, 2501 March 1831. 'SIR—The hopes of the Reforming party in Paisley, have been blasted for the present, and Sir D. SANDFORD is...


The Spectator

IS AN END OF THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN THE GOVERN- MENTS OF FRANCE AND GREAT- BRITAIN, " France and Britain have by their past conduct acted as if they were intended for the...


The Spectator

Middleton Terrace, Pentonville, 27th March 1834. Sin—Understanding that a work entitled " Cruikshank at Home," is advertised in your paper, I shall esteem it as a favour if you...

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The Spectator

THE DENMAN PEERAGE. OF all pensioners, lawyers are the most gieely. Among sin ne- ,* curists, they and their progeny are leviathans: witness the name:. of ELLEIVHOROUGH, YORKE,...


The Spectator

THE new Number of the Westminster Review contains an article on the state of the Post-office, and the need of a reform in it, which is calculated to ruffle the self-complacency...


The Spectator

IT is a fine thin , * to be the son of a Lord Chancellor of Ireland ; fin: it seems to be considered part of the duty of the Prime Minis- ter of England to take care of his...

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74. Ile was ready to con- cur in the general

The Spectator

proposi- tion of the noble Marquis, that the landed interest should have the benefit of a proporf of whatever A. No share, is a fair share ; as long as the landed interest is...


The Spectator

THE Lord Chancellor, on presenting a petition from the Dissenters of Edinburgh the other day, took occasion to allude to his decli- ning years, in a manner so touching that it...


The Spectator

SIR IIENRY PARNELL told the landed monopolists of the House of Commons a useful though disagreeable truth, when he declared that the interest of the farmer was not identical...

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The Spectator

WHO drills the orchestra of this institution ? Who is the re- sponsible chief? and to whom is he answerable? 1Ve ask these questions, because we must tell hint, that the...

The Celestial Empire is about lobe revolutionized, not only through

The Spectator

the commerce of England, but through the music of Italy ! An Ita- lian company is performing operas at Macao and other places in China. Rossini's music is preferred by the...


The Spectator

TI1E closing of the Theatres, as is customary during Passion- Week, has given the pious managers an opportunity of preparing their novelties for Easter Monday. Of the two Great...

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BARROW ' S EXCURSIONS IS a pleasant narrative of two hasty trips

The Spectator

made over ground rarely traversed by tourists in search of pleasure. In 1830, Mr. BARROW and a companion steamed it from London to Hamburg; drove across the slip of land which...


The Spectator

Murray. PICTIOX. A Year at Hartlebury ; or the Election. By Cherry and Fair Star. 2 vols. Saunders rtnd 011ey. l'orruv, The Revolutionary Epick. The Work of D'Israeli the...

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The Spectator

Is quaintly ascribed, by the titlepage, to "Cherry and Fair Star." The advertisement informs us that it is the production of "two made one;" the first child of a happy union,...


The Spectator

STANDING on the plains of Troy, "the lightning playing over Ida," and so tbrth," DISRAELI the Younger" conceived the scheme of the Revolutionary Epick. Raised by the fine frenzy...

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The Spectator

Is an illustration of the working of the Poor-law system in cities, as the Hamlets exhibited it in the country. In the latter tale, the paupers were reclaimed, the parish was...