29 MARCH 1834, page 8

The Private Letters From Paris State, That After The...

of the debate in the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, a violent alterca- tion took place between Marshal Soult and the Duke de Broglie, on the course which had been taken in that......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The news from France is interesting. A formidable spirit of re- sistance to the A ssociat . Law is beginning to manifest itself. The solemn speech of M. PAGES,......

The Army.

Wan-Orricz. March 2S.-Stla Heat. of Light Dragoons-- Lieut. S. 11. Ball to be. Capt. by purellas.e. vice Ponsonby, ss ho retires; Cornet anal Adjt. J. Reilly to have the rank of......

It Is Now Openly Admitted By Members Of The House

of Commons who wish well to the present Ministers, and have hitherto supported them in almost every measure, that some change must take place-that things cannot go on as they......

East India Shipping.

Deal, March 234. II. C. ships, Waterloo, Blakely. from China: 26th. Fauvoi:ir,on, ; and Bombay. Kellaway, from ditto. Off Falmouth. 224, Abel Gower. Smith. from Mauritius. At......

Lord Durham And Mr. Edward Olive Have Left London, For

the Cootittent. f hey arrived at Paris on Monday. bed Dm /min intends to visit his friend King Leopold, at Brussels; with the view, it is said, of' consulting the King......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANOB, THURSOA• AETERHOOK. Our market is still heavy. Consols close to-day 91 for Account, and 901, for Money. In the etrly part of the week, considerable distress......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

Our the 19th inst., the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM thews. Rector of Coberley. Glow. cestersliire, of a son. On the 16th inst., at Caen. the Lady of the Rev. JAMES GAIIIIIBH, 0( a......