Paisley Election.
TO TICE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paisley. Tuesday, 2501 March 1831. 'SIR—The hopes of the Reforming party in Paisley, have been blasted for the present, and Sir D. SANDFORD is......
Letters From Paris, By 0. P Q. No. X. - There
IS AN END OF THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN THE GOVERN- MENTS OF FRANCE AND GREAT- BRITAIN, " France and Britain have by their past conduct acted as if they were intended for the......
To The Editor Of The Spectator.
Middleton Terrace, Pentonville, 27th March 1834. Sin—Understanding that a work entitled " Cruikshank at Home," is advertised in your paper, I shall esteem it as a favour if you......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Our the 19th inst., the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM thews. Rector of Coberley. Glow. cestersliire, of a son. On the 16th inst., at Caen. the Lady of the Rev. JAMES GAIIIIIBH, 0( a......