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Better, but Bad The Incitement to Disaffection Bill has been

The Spectator

so extensively modified as the result of concessions extracted from the Government during the passage of the measure through committee that the determination of Ministers to...

A Victory for Freedom The apparent capitulation of Herr Hitler

The Spectator

to, the German Confessional Synod may turn out to be one of the most important events since the revolution of 1983. The stand the dissident pastors were making for the right of...

OencEs : 99 Gower St., London, W.C. I. Tel. :

The Spectator

MusEum 1721. Entered as second-class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, Dec. 23rd, 1896. - Postal subscription 30s. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on...

NEWS OF THE WEEK T HE London naval talks are leading

The Spectator

nowhere, but it is not yet entirely clear whether Japan is negotiating. in the Oriental fashion, with a view to accepting later. less than she is asking now. If not then an era...

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A Vote on Mr. Roosevelt The American Congressional elections, which

The Spectator

take place . on Tuesday, will give the voters . of the United States ,the opportunity . of registering their verdict. on the New Deal. There in no serious , question about what...

Mr. Gandhi and the Villages The members of the Indian

The Spectator

National . Congress have . dispersed in some Mystification regarding the intentions of Mr. Gandhi. Whether he has really severed his connexion with Congress, no one quite knows....

The Canadian Cabinet's Troubles The resignation of Mr. H. H.

The Spectator

Stevenafrom the Canadian Cabinet is another nail in the coffin of Mr. Bennett's Government, not so much because-of the personal loss involved—though Mr. Stevens is.a by no means...

The Free State Banking COmmiision .

The Spectator

Rumour has been busy in Dublin on the question of the Irish Government's - financial ,policy and the possi- bility of a decision to separate the Free State pound from sterling,...

M. Doumergue's Dilemma The discussions regarding the revision of the

The Spectator

constitu- tion in France are worth watching because they may at any moment develop into something serious. The Radical-Socialist Conference at Nantes abandoned some of its...

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The Sedition Bill is being fought in the best traditions

The Spectator

of a Parliamentary opposition. The speeches have been short and well-reasoned, and though after more than eight hours' continuous debate on the Report stage on Tuesday the first...

* • * The mood of the House was reflected

The Spectator

in the relatively tepid reception that it gave to the Prime Minister in comparison with the roar of welcome it accorded Mr. Lansbury, when with the aid of a stick he rose to ask...

Ribbon Development The decision of the Middlesex County Council to

The Spectator

attack the evil of ribbon development is an example which should be followed • by other County Councils. Middlesex has secured powers under an Act of Parliament to protect main...

The Great Flight Public interest in the England-Australia flight has

The Spectator

b e en stimulated afresh by the return journey of Cathcart Jones and -Waller who, arriving fourth in the race to Melbourne in their D.H. Comet, set out without delay homewards....

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary correspondent writes :—It is

The Spectator

clear that the by-elections with their evidence of Labour's returning strength have put new life into this Parliament. The House has been packed out at Question Time and...

It seems likely that " Belisha-baiting " will be one

The Spectator

of the recognized sports of the forthcoming Parliamentary year. Captain Balfour raised the loudest laugh of the week when he asked, in a supplementary question . to the Minister...

A Quinquennial Census Within a few years, as was pointed

The Spectator

out in an article in The Spectator a fortnight ago, the population of Great Britain will begin to decline. This fact, says Sir JoSiah Stamp, affords a special reason why the...

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The Spectator

A FORTNIGHT ago General Smuts was talking to the world on freedom. A week ago Lord Beaver- brook was talking to the world on isolation. A com- parison between the two...

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The Spectator

Unemployment Act (1934) became law, and the Minister of Labour was given power to require all unemployed boys and girls under the age of eighteen to attend courses of...

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I suppose Sir John Simon hardly intended to pay the

The Spectator

Prime Minister a back-handed compliment at Monday's National Labour luncheon, but when he congratulated Mr. MacDonald on the way in which the Cabinet had stood the test of the...

* * * " During the first fortnight of July,"

The Spectator

says The Times, in relation to the Cathedral Pilgrimage, " the cathedrals opened their doors to all who would buy a pilgrim's ticket for half a crown." The implication that the...

The appearance of another volume of Mr. Garvin's " Chamberlain

The Spectator

" next week, following the appearance of another volume of Mr. Lloyd George's Mt mairs last week, marks a conjunction of luminaries which lends pertinence to a literary crystal...

I wonder how long it will take London to realize

The Spectator

how ridiculous Mr. Hore-Belisha is making it with his bevies of orange beacons. To be condemned perpetually to wear the air of preparation for a fifth-rate carnival might be...

Mr. Baldwin at the same luncheon relapsed more readily than

The Spectator

is common with him into &chi. He saw no prospect, he observed, of going back to the party dog-fight of the old days. The party dog-fight ! So that is the now approved...


The Spectator

THE statement Lady Haig has made to the Daily Record regarding Earl Haig's war diaries demonstrates the difficulty under which the late Field-Marshal's bio- grapher, Mr. Duff...

Astronomers have wrested many secrets from the stars, but never

The Spectator

the secret of whether life exists anywhere in the universe except on this earth. Sir James Jeans in his broadcast talk on Tuesday admitted that, observing that " some strange...

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The Spectator

By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT C OMING back to Japan after an absence of two years, one is surprised to see how greatly the range of manufactured goods has been expanded, and how...

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The Spectator

By J. L. HAMMOND I T is curious that more notice has not been taken of a revolution in public manners which is bound to have serious consequences on our public life. If we are...

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The Spectator

By HARTLEY WITHERS A S everyone knows, the progress of science has put into man's hands an opportunity for a great rise in the general standard of comfort. And yet not only are...

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The Spectator

By G. S. COX F ROM November 1st of this year twelve months' training in a Labour Camp became compulsory for every young German between the ages of 17 and 25. The militaristic...

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The Spectator

By SIR ARNOLD WILSON, M.P. "T HE Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord."—Thus runs Stone's hymn, and thus, in substance, said Saint Paul. The Christian Churches...

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The Spectator

By SIR EVELYN WRENCH I F you wish to learn how revolutions should be managed go to Majorca. I have been in two revolutions in the past eighteen months, so I know. As I did my...

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Old Age

The Spectator

Con guard me from those thoughts men think In the mind alone, He that sings a lasting song Thinks in a marrow bone ; From all that makes a wise old man That can be praised of...

• •

The Spectator

EINE VOLKERWANDERUNG [VON EINEM DEUTSCHEN KORRESPONDENTEN.) V OR einem Jahre erliess die Deutsche Reichsregicrung (in Gesetz, dureh das ein R eichsaussehuss fiir...

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The Cinema .

The Spectator

"The Camels Are Coming." At the New Gallery Tam Gaumont comedy, featuring Jack Hulbert, starts with aii extract from a genuine news-reel showing a flight of sera. Wanes, bought...


The Spectator

Theatre Royal." By Edna Ferber and George Kaufman. At the Lyric Theatre.-- 7 " Live& Leap." By Philip Johnson. At the Vaudeville Theatre NEITHER of these plays is anything but...

The Film Society. At the Tivoli.

The Spectator

AT its opening performance of the seasori, last Sunday, the Film Society showed Wilfried Basse's Deutschland Zwischen Gestern and Heute, which won the first prize for...

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The Spectator

The Beaver and the Silk-worm ONCE upon a time there was a silk-worm who lived on a mulberry tree by a river, and in the river there lived a beaver, for this was in a country...

A Broadcasting Calendar

The Spectator

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .f.nd LI 5 Friday Midday Conccrt, from Queen's College, Birmingham 6.30 Beethoven : keyboard Talk by Professor D. F. Tovey 6.50 In Your Garden : C. H....

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The Spectator

Just Devon It is an old claim that Devon rhymes with heaven, most appropriately ; and Devonshire people are beginning to protest against the growing habit of adding a syllable...

Carnivorous Squirrels

The Spectator

A certain rough motor shed set up at the edge of a park has for some reason attracted a ntunber of rats, which have honey. combed the place with holes. The owner, coming to get...

The Vanishing Chough

The Spectator

A project is on foot to reintroduce the chough, which is one of our disappearing birds, to favourite haunts in or about Britain. The bird is found in great numbers (one...

First Frosts

The Spectator

The first frosts, beneficently postponed till the eve of November, changed our world more abruptly than is common in this land and clime of quiet gradations. The elms had been...

Migrant Pheasants

The Spectator

Are pheasants stay-at-homes ? The local hunts all assert that they return to the home wood however severely dis- turbed. The shooting man is not so sure. A farmer, who is not...

Summer's Relics

The Spectator

It is the amiable habit of some gardeners to make a list of the flowers in bloom on November 1st. I have seen a list of sixty odd compiled in a cottage garden of small...

Immigrant Butterflies

The Spectator

At a time when all the world is wondering at oversea flights by airmen, some attention is due to a trans-Atlantic flight that is not less incredible. For the second year a good...

* * * *

The Spectator

Hungry Bees It has been a bad year for the collection of honey, and quite a number of people have sent me evidence of a new habit in the hive bee. In Suffolk, as in...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Principal Whale's casual reference to Rotary as " conserver of recognized values " in contrast with the Church invites comment from one...


The Spectator

SIR,—Your correspondents, Messrs. G. Wren Howard and Alec Craig, would appear to have missed the point of the suggestion of the Westminster Public Libraries Committee that a...


The Spectator

[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. The most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week" paragraphs. Signed...

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The Spectator

am very glad indeed to see a further comment in your paper on this subject.. Throughout the entire performance at the Old Vie one night this week I had to endure the smoke...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] " News of the Week " in last week's issue of The Spectator it is stated that public opinion will reject decisively the idea of building air...

[To the Editor of THE SPECT4TOR.]

The Spectator

SIR,—The excessive smoking in most auditoriums keeps thousands of men and women away from the theatres. This abstention is not from fussiness or prejudice, but because the fumes...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The correspondence in your columns regarding physical fitness is of great interest to all who have at heart the physical well-being of the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of Tax SPECTAToR.] Sm,—The present postal rates are, as everybody knows, two ounces for 1-id. Can you tell me what would be the loss of income to the Post Office...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I feel sure your readers will be interested in the efforts of the Entr'aide Europeenne to prevent the German refugees in France from...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE Srucrxroa.] SIR,—After reading some of the letters in your issues of September 21st and 28th, I am moved to do what I have been minded to do many times...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Prince zu Loewenstein is, I think, suffering under a delusion. I had no intention of casting doubts upon his integrity or on the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of Tau SPECTATOR.] Sut,—The reiterated statement in a book-review (namely that of October 19th, by Mr. Stephen Spender) that the literary criticism contained in...

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The Problem of Scotland

The Spectator

By EDWIN MUIR A FACULTY of the Scottish mind which never seems to be dealt with in books about Scotland is its legend-creating power. This can be seen clearly if one compares...

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History With a Purpose

The Spectator

A Brief History of Our Own Times. By Ramsay Muir. (George Philip. 5s.) A Brief History of Our Own Times. By Ramsay Muir. (George Philip. 5s.) MOST teachers and students of...

A Study in Normality

The Spectator

Ms. HEPPENSTALL tells us that he has selected Mr. Middleton Murry for study because he is an _example of " excellent normality." By this he appears to mean that Mr. Murry is the...

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Malbrook S'en Va-t-eri Guerre

The Spectator

Marlborough, His Life and Times. By Winston S. Churchill. Vol. II. (Harrap. 25s.) ANYONR at all fond of the art of war, and among them are many sound pacifists, will.find much...

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Sir Isaac Newton Isaac Newton : A Biography. By Louis

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Trenchard More. (Scribners. 18s.) REFRIGERATION or suspension of mere humanity is what we look for, and usually find, in the more illustrious men of science. They seem to know...

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The Later Stuarts

The Spectator

The Oxford . History of England. Volume X. The Later Stuarts, 1660-1714. By G. N. Clark. (Oxford : At the Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d.) .Wrin this inaugural volume—the first to...

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A Rolling Scot

The Spectator

Retreat from Glory. By R. 1i. Bruce Lockhart. (Putnam. 10e. 6d.) TILE reason of the title is rather obscure. Readers last met Mr. Lockhart in his Memoirs of a British Agent,...

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The Philosophy of Dostoievsky

The Spectator

Dostoievsky : An Interpretation. By Nicholas Berdyaev. (Shoed and Ward. 6s.) FIFTEEN years ago it would not have sounded absurd, or even original, to write in an English journal...

Off with the Motley

The Spectator

Make It New ; Essays by Ezra Pound. (Faber and Faber. I2s. 6d.) MR. POUND is the complement of the academic critic. He has enthusiasm, energy and independence, as well as a...

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Pioneer Histories The Spanish Conquistadores. By F. A. Kirkpatrick. (A.

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and C. Black. 15s.) The Exploration of the Pacific. By J. C. Beaglehole. (A. and C. Black. 15e.) Tim. ".Pioneer Histories " excel in disposing masses of material so as neither...

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The Soul of Robespierre

The Spectator

Maximilien Robespierre a Study in Deterioration. By Reginald Somerset Ward. (Macmillan. 188.) THE modern inclination to biographical studies expresses itself in many forms,...

The Creator of Captain Hook Gerald: A Portrait. By Daphne

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du Maurier. (Gollancz. 10s. ad.) BIOGRAPHIES of distinguished persons still alive or but recently dead are difficult, almost impossible to write, but they will continue to be...

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The Gunpowder Plot

The Spectator

The Trial of Guy Fawkes. Edited by Donald Carswell. Notable British Trials Series. (William Hodge. 10s. 6d.) Tuis is an opportune addition to the Notable British Trials Series....


The Spectator

By GRAHAM GREENE Fontattiara. By Ignazio Silone. (Methuen: 7s. 6d.) Earth Stopped. By T. H. White. (Collins. 7s. tkl.) Tim profession of letters is rather like a fox hunt ;...

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Current Literature

The Spectator

OXFORD INTO COALFIELD By Roger Dataller A study more of the psychological than the economi c conditions in the South Yorkshire coalfield, Mr. Datali e f c journal (Dent, 5s.)...


The Spectator

By Virginia Woolf Graceful, charming, evocative—one knows the qualities of Mrs. Woolf's writing, and in this short essay (Hogarth Press, is. 6d.) they are displayed to their...


The Spectator

By S. C. Roberts Almost all undergraduates and most dons must know that faint sinking feeling which follows the request of a visiting aunt " to be shown the beauties of...

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" When I must shipwrack," says Donne in a letter

The Spectator

to Sir ' 1 Henry Goodyer, " I would do it in a Sea . . . not in a sullen, weedy lake where I could not have so much as exercise for my swimming." Through the gardens of the...

Mr. Lansbury's sincerity and warmth of heart have endeared him

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to his political opponents as well as to his political friends. His new picture of a Socialist England (My England. Selwyn and Blount, 7s. fid.) is charged to the full with both...

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The Spectator

The Rise in Government Stocks A FRIEND called upon me the other 'day to ask whether I would advise him to sell,high-class investment stocks . at their present high level with...

Financial Notes

The Spectator

INVESTMENTS FIRM. A coN-ruct - En upward movement in British Funds; with a slackening - of business in some of the .general departments of the Stock Exchange, continues to be....

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The Spectator

While the latest proposals for the reconstruction and capital reduction of Dorman, Long and Co., the big iron and steel combine, are somewhat less severe than those contained in...


The Spectator

It is in no sense of blaming the management of this great industry that I would draw attention to the fact that this is one of many instances where the British investor has been...


The Spectator

I consider that the directors of the Great Western Railway have taken a wise step in electing Mr. Charles Hambro as Deputy-Chairman. Mr. Hambro's practical knowledge of finance...