3 MAY 1963

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— Portrait of the Week —

The Spectator

THE HIGHEST-POWERED political symposium of the year took place at Chequers, where every Govern- ment Minister gathered to discuss 'Britain in the Seventies.' All the pundits...


The Spectator

Nobody, I believe, wilt consider it merely as the language of spleen or disappointment, if I say, that there is something particularly alarm- ing in the present conjuncture....

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 7036 Lscablished 1828 FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1963

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Island on the Run

The Spectator

M HE petition just presented to the Queen on I behalf of the 800,000 stateless Tamils of Ceylon outlines a now familiar pattern of grievances. The Bulletin of the International...

Rearguard Action

The Spectator

T HE stunned silence from Bonn should not lull anyone into supposing that Chancellor Adenauer has had his final word on the subject of his retirement or upon his successor. It...

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The Spectator

By KENNETH MACKENZIE I T is di ffi cult to imagine a more refined form of torture than to wait until a man is within days of completing a long prison sentence and then announce...

Security in Moscow

The Spectator

The Foot in the Door By J. V. DAVIDSON-HOUSTON* A WESTERN embassy behind the Iron Curtain is an island of freedom in a sea of suspicion. Despite all that is said about the...

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Press Postscript

The Spectator

I3.■ BRIAN INGLIS T HE press, The Times said, `conies badly out of the report'; the Observer, pleading guilty to a sin of its own, had `The Press Caught Out' as the headline to...

The Killing of Grimau

The Spectator

By J. M. COHEN T HE execution of Grimau aroused anger and horror in circles far wider than those of Communist sympathisers, of whom there are many among the intelligent young...

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Never on Saturday

The Spectator

By DENIS BROGAN I HE restaurant we had booked into is one of the smartest in Washington's smart district, Georgetown—which is a sort of superior Chelsea. Thirty years ago it...

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Native Sprawl My native city; how I wish I had

The Spectator

never left it, for then I need never have known just how brutally ugly and unnecessary those enclosing miles of semis are. Strung along narrow tracks with surfaces like billiard...

A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

T HE ferry aeroplane, flying low, had to make a wide sweep over the coast of the Island. The moment, often repeated, of emotion at the mere fact of the Island's existence, gives...

Uncomfortable Wait

The Spectator

The lack of political and modern history teaching and the resulting ignorance and in- difference in young people of how our society works is producing a whole generation of...

The Right to be Wrong

The Spectator

The press has behaved disgracefully. Partly because officials never tell reporters anything, it is true, but still, disgracefully. And even if the press knows more than the...

Wrong Sets

The Spectator

One or two pointers may perhaps be made about security from years of onlooking in em- bassies and Behind Curtains. Retired service officers, with their strict and Haig-like...

Official Approval

The Spectator

Reports that the Queen may visit Germany, either later this year or early in 1964, must meet with universal approval, not because we are doing the Germans a favour, but because...


The Spectator

Impressed by London's new skyline, 1 tried to get a thirtieth-floor after-dinner brandy in a much-publicised, very new hotel. Expelled peremptorily by minuscule uniformed...

Dickie Dialogues `Harold doesn't think Dick's present job is big

The Spectator

enough for him. He's going to give him responsibility for the whole of economic policy.' `How do you know'?' `Dick told me himself.' `Harold's going to let Dick choose people...

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Coming of Age in Great Britain

The Spectator

By COLIN MACINNES Mr. Mataranka Birdum, a young Australian aboriginal and disciple of Miss Margaret Mead, was among us recently, on a scholarship from the British Council, to...

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Politics and Sex

The Spectator

By CONSTANTINE FITZGIBBON O CCASIONALLY in history sex and politics have coalesced. There is no need to go back to prehistoric times, the practice of exogamy, and wars waged to...

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m ▪ uch "1 - ulle many public schools would welcome a

The Spectator

closer relationship with the State schools, it is schools no means as certain as you suggest that the public schools should bring their age of entry into line With the State's....

SIR, —In his 'Spectator's Notebook,' Mr. Alan Brien tries to

The Spectator

be funny at George Lichtheim's expense, but succeeds only in being unfair and missing the point. George Lukacs is not one of the caged victims, but one of the gaolers and...


The Spectator

SI —Your contributor Mr. Alan Brien protests that my criticism of George Lukacs is a case of 'the free , man teasing the caged animal.' I doubt if Lukacs sees himself in this...


The Spectator

SIR,—Peggy Duff's letter in last week's Spectator deserves detailed answer. Mrs. Duff : You say I distort, first about CND's aloofness to the first Aldermaston march. Well, CND...

POP GOES THE POLL SIR; Like Mr, Alan Brien, I

The Spectator

was startled by .the figures of 57 per cent approving of the aims of the Aldermaston March and 33 per cent approving of the March itself, principally because of the relation-...

Press and the Public Whose Public Schools?

The Spectator

Pop Goes the Poll J. C. Maxwell Cul tural Fallout George Lichtheim, Alfred Sherman CND's Future Herb Greer, Rachel Powell Oh What a Lovely War' Arab. Unity and Israel...

SIR,—My comments on ). our article about CND have been

The Spectator

delayed by another Aldermaston. The experi- ence only confirms the feeling I had when reading the article—that nobody can make sense of the Cam- paign without looking seriously...

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4t41 WHAT A LOVELY WAR' SIR; I find it distasteful

The Spectator

that a historian of Mr. Terraine's standing should condemn a show he has not seen on the evidence of a dramatic critic who did h no t see part of it prperly. Wt Mr. Lin thought...


The Spectator

Dream World By ISABEL QUIGLY Two Daughters. (Academy I AM never quite sure whether it is mostly India that pro- vides the quite extraordinary attractiveness of Satyajit...


The Spectator

SIR,—Even Lord Radcliffe, in his benign comments in the Vassall report, does not maintain that tautology, blatant fantasy or intellectual dishonesty are a justifiable part of...


The Spectator

SIR,—According to reliable press reports. since the beginning of the year, in a number of mass trials in South Africa under the shameful General Law Amendment Act, the so-called...

D ERIVATIONS .SIR,—Alan Brien seeks to demonstrate the superiority of day-schools

The Spectator

to boarding-schools by chiding Mr. Worsthorne for his use of the word 'jejune.' He could have found a happier example. Murals (French jeun) thi n.' 'fasting' and, by extension,...

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The Spectator

Design at Work By NEVILE WALLIS ONCE again the Royal College of Art has mounted with style an exuberant and unpredict- able exhibition in its Gulben- kian Hall, itself an...


The Spectator

The Tippett Question By DAVID CAIRNS ALTHOUGH the BBC's broad- cast of The Midsununer Mar- riage (recently repeated on the Home Service) has raised the stock of Michael Tippett...

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The Spectator

Schools BY BAMBER GASCOIGNE A medee. (Piccadilly.)—Luv. (New Arts.)—The Rivals. (Lyric, Hammersmith.) Ar its worst the French style of acting can be truly appal- ling; and,...


The Spectator

Apr eg-Bomb By CLIFFORD HANLEY THE post-bomb story is one of those irresistible temptations to writers, and considering how closely we live with it now, the lure will probably...

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The Spectator

Beyond the Pain Principle BY ANTHONY HARTLEY I T has often been remarked—by Andre Mal- raux amongst others—that our era has a taste for the fragmentary in art and letters. In...

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How to be European

The Spectator

The Culture of Western Europe: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By George L. Mosse. (John Murray 50s.) History and Hope: Tradition, Scepticism and Fanaticism in Modern...

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`HONESTY' is as devious a critical term as any. The

The Spectator

main character of Walker Percy's novel strikes the reader as honest chiefly because he makes so few claims on the abstract. Behind him are littered the wrecks of patterns and...

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Rebel Nation POLAND is a country with which Britain has

The Spectator

been intimately associated in recent times, in a very – s pecial though melancholy relationship. The but guilt complex on Poland is still a minor Knowledge signi fi cant factor...

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Precious Stream

The Spectator

Virginia Woolf. By Dorothy Brewster. (George Allen and Unwin, 20s.) Virginia Woolf. By A. D. Moody. (Oliver and Boyd, 5s.) IN July, 1923, David Garnett reviewed in The Dial,...

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The Spectator

Refusing a Dance Concords true picture shineth in this art Ninety-eight miles to the sea, Arrived late in the day To find sunshine gone and the sea Like the has blue-grey: It...


The Spectator

Early fell to the spell of, What wrong have I done love? Wondered with you how Gracefully not to allow Sense a way. Did not know Flesh has its mind, of danger, Whose coolness is...

The Half-Full Glass

The Spectator

I told you I was drained of happiness. The wine was only half-way down our glasses• You said to me, 'Are you not happy now?' Searching my heart, I had to own I. was. How should...

Grand Canal

The Spectator

Your hair that makes the most of vines, Blue shirt against the trellis, and goggles Like insect's eyes, reflecting the lagoon. That's all the Kodacolour yields To which I add a...

Sixty Gulls

The Spectator

Sixty gulls seed this field with white, Salting each furrow, crumbling the soil That falls in slabs like fruit cake. Serene in air, They waddle on the ground, their feet...

That Room

The Spectator

Side by side on the narrow bed We lay, like chained giants, Tasting each other's tears, in terror Of the news which left nothing to hide But our two faces that stared To ritual...

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Power Slick Oil Companies and Governments. By J. E. Hartshorn.

The Spectator

(Faber, 36s.) IT is only natural that the oil companies should have been cast for the part of wicked uncles in Popular mythology. They are large, rich and often American in...

Celtic Highlight

The Spectator

Between the Lines: W. B. Yeats's Poetry in the Making. By Jon Stallworthy. 38s.) AMID today's vast overproduction of works about and around literature, it is always a relief to...

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American Cicerones

The Spectator

Postwar British Fiction. By James Gindin. (C.U.P., 30s.) LAST year there were 2,352 novels published in England; for the forty years since Ulysses (which is the period covered...

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Real Books

The Spectator

Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing. By Ruari McLean. (Faber, 45s.) T HE shelves of our few remaining second-hand book s h ops are changing as rapidly as second- hand...

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What is the Stars?

The Spectator

BY TIM PAT COOGAN C EAN O'CASEY and Dr. Konrad Adenauer have Oa good deal in common. Both are practically indestructible, religion plays a large part in the lives of both—and...

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The American Scene

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT THERE is no doubt that the feeling of sober optimism which has seized hold of the London Stock Exchange— and let no one try to crab the fun of living more...

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Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS T . best proof that the public is in the market is the recent success of the unit trust i ssues. The Welsh Dragon issue of five million - ) a. units, which came out...

Company Notes

The Spectator

y. 1,0THBURY O VER the past two years London and Manchester Assurance. has, by wise invest- ment , of its funds, substantially increased the rate of interest earned on them. In...

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No Longer the Local

The Spectator

By MAUREEN O'CONNOR E VERYONE has been so busy lately assessing our latest social revolution or condemning office building that no one has noticed the de- cline of one of our...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

The Air Herd By LESLIE ADRIAN AFTER all the competition between the international air- lines (muffled in recent years by Uncle lata, who thinks that anything that is good for...

Caretaker Councils

The Spectator

By SHEILA MARTYN M ORE than 10,000 candidates will contest local elections next week all over the country, except in London, and they will all be known, at least by sight, to...