5 JUNE 1897

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The Spectator

T HE Sultan either has or has not agreed to an extension of the armistice. It is affirmed that he has, but it is also affirmed that a difficulty has arisen as to the terms of...


The Spectator

With the " SPECTATOR " of Saturday, June 16th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure...

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THE RAID INQUIRY FIASCO. T HE sense of dissatisfaction in regard

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to the inquiries of the South African Committee to which we alluded last week has been deepened by the most recent proceedings of that body. It appears that after all Mr. Rhodes...


The Spectator

THE DRIFTING IN EASTERN EUROPE. E VERYTHING drifts in Eastern Europe, and the 'J drifting is all one way. The soldiers and clericals who surround the Sultan believe, possibly...

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The Spectator

W E ventured to say last week, when commenting on- the very singular phenomenon of the universal approbation bestowed on Mr. Balfour's scheme for giving to Ireland a local...

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The Spectator

M R. GLADSTONE, in the ill-judged letter which he has addressed to Mr. Bonham-Carter—ill-judged because it connects British action in Eastern Europe too closely with our party...

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the interesting address on " Reading " which the Bishop of London gave at Sion College yesterday week, he devoted the last part of his speech to a most useful exposition of the...

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DOES AMERICA HATE ENGLAND? T HE interesting letter from Washington in

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this month's National Review opens up a question, often dis- cussed, which may prove to be of the greatest moment to England in the event of any international complication of a...

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TT is unnecessary to call evidence in support of the assertion that the formation of new joint-stock com- lanies is proceeding at an altogether abnormal pace. Every newspaper...

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I N the brilliant lecture which Mr. John Morley delivered on Wednesday in the Sheldonian Theatre upon Machiavelli he seems to us—we write with full recognition of his better...

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The Spectator

M RS. J. R. GREEN, who professes to write in the Nineteenth Century for June on " Woman's Place in Literature," says exceedingly little on that subject. She devotes herself...

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The Spectator

T HAT the last levee of this season should be a " record" ievge, that is, one attended by an unprecedented number of persons anxious for presentation at Court, is not, perhaps,...

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The Spectator

T HE highest prices made for Jersey cattle during the last two years were made at the sale of a herd at New Park, in the New Forest, on May 20th. These island cattle made an...

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The Spectator

THE POSITION OF MR. RHODES IN SOUTH AFRICA. [To THI EDITOR or TILT "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—May I call attention to a matter connected with administration in South Africa which I...


The Spectator

WESTMORLAND LILIES. [To THZ EDITOR or Tag " SPECTATOH.1 SIR. — A.oree of wild lilies of the valley ! It sounds like the Elysian fields themselves, and in truth I am not far...

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The Spectator

[To TEE EDITOR or TIM " SPECTATOIL"j SIR. —When I was residing at Gilean Aigas, on the Beanly, in 1854, a woodcock, carrying a young one with its legs hanging _down, flew...


The Spectator

" IRELAND at peace." So under the fierce Queen . Men closed the cruel record. 0 strange peace Peace by division, peace by the poisoned cup, Peace by gaunt famine, peace by fire...


The Spectator

LORD CROMER.* THAT Lord Cromer deserves, or shall we say must not be ex- cused, the infliction of, a biography daring his lifetime, cannot reasonably be denied. The work he has...


The Spectator

[To THE ELITOK OF THE " 6PFCTATOR "J SIR,—A cat in a household with which I am acquainted has lately shown remarkable sympathy as well as intelligence in regard to a dog kept...


The Spectator

INSORI PrION AT BT. MARY'S ABBEY, WINDERMERE, THE RESIDENCE OF F. PIERREI'ONT BARNARD, ESQ GUEST of this fair abode, before thee rise No summits vast, that icily remote...

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The Spectator

T1TE joint authors of this history of the Chino-Japanese War claim fairly enough to be the first in the field with an attempt to give a full, comprehensive, and correct account...

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The Spectator

IF the Southern Alpe of New Zealand cannot now be fully known it will not be for the want of accurate information. • Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealand. By Arthur P....


The Spectator

A. HISTORY of the inhabitants of France, from the Stone Age and the cave-dwellers down to M. Faure, cannot be compressed into three hundred and forty pages without squeezing out...

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The Spectator

M. Boissiun has, with the vigour and vividness of his nation. given us a pleasing sketch of the mode by which the Roman Republic was revolutionised into a despotic Empire, and...

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The Spectator

THE best article, from the literary point of view, in the Reviews for June is Mr. Rowland Prot hero's account of life in provincial France (Nineteenth Century), and the most...

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The Poetical Works of James Thomson. A new edition, with

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Memoir and Critical Appendices by the Rev. D. C. Tovey, M.A. 2 vols. (George Bell and Sons.)—These volumes, which belong to the new issue of the " Aldine Poets," do credit to...


The Spectator

Sedbergh School Songs. Written and Illustrated by R. St. John Ainslie. (Jackson, Leeds.)—School-songs, however spirited, are likely to lose by being removed from their...

The Poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by William Ernest Henley

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and Thomas F. Henderson. Vol. III. (T. C. and E. C. Jack, Edinburgh.)—It may be thought by some readers that the exhaustive labours expended upon this edition of Burns are in-...

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An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation. By W. M, Lindsay.

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(Macmillan and Co.)—We have often wondered that this subject has not been utilised in England for educational purposes. Hagen's " Gradus ad Criticen " has for some years been...

Mercy Warren. By Alice Brown. (John Murray.)—The author of this

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book has gallantly contended with her fate. She had to write a book upon a woman of whom very little is known, and the result is really one which we cannot think interesting. It...

A Yoke of Steel. By C. 3. Wells and Godley

The Spectator

Burchett. (Hurst and Blackett.)—The two authors have, we think, achieved a dis- tinct success in the telling of this story. If there is nothing novel about the subject nor...

Prehistoric Man and Beast. By the Rev. H. N. Hutchinson,

The Spectator

F.G.S. (Smith, Elder, and Co )—The author of this volume has attempted to bring together in a popular form some of the con- clusions and guesses of geologists as to the early...

Battles 4:1,f the Nineteenth Century. By Archibald Forbes, G. A

The Spectator

Meaty, Major Arthur Griffiths, and others. Vol. II. (Cassell and Co.)--This handsome volume, with nearly eight hundred pages, and abundant illustrations, completes a work cf...

Benjamin's Sack. By Meta C. Scott. (Ward, Lock, and Bowden.)

The Spectator

—We cannot help feeling that this story is constructed on wrong principles. The author seems to have asked herself,—How can I picture a man enduring the greatest possible...

Notes on Browning. (National Home-Reading Union.)—The Home-Reading Union devoted a

The Spectator

course to the study of Browning. This little volume is devoted to the help of readers who have taken to this subject. The introduction, after long general reflections on the...

Across the Zodiac. By Edwin Pallander. (Digby, Long and Co.)—This

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" story of adventure " is what may be called an astronomical extravaganza. Edgar Poe tried his hand at this kind of writing, and with remarkable success. It is the sort of thing...

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Book Sales of 1896. By Temple Scott. (Bell and Sons.)—Mr.

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Scott gives the particulars—i.e., the more important particulars— of some seventy sales, adding general notes as to the character of the sale, and special notes as to the...

Royal Blue - Book, 1897. (Belly and Co.)—This volume is now in

The Spectator

its seventy-fifth year, and continues to fulfil as well as possible its special function of a "fashionable directory." There is an official list, a Parliamentary guide, and...

The Century Magazine, November, 1896—April, 1897. (Macmillan and Co.)—It is

The Spectator

scarcely necessary to do more than mention the half-yearly volume of this magazine. The Civil War still claims its share, for we have "Why the Confederacy Failed," witl various...

Circumstantial Evidence. By J. H. Swingler. (Digby and Long,) —This

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is a sensational story of the meet familiar type, for there is absolutely nothing in it to interest one except the question, who murdered Mr. G. W. Masters, of .Hillside, who...

Memoir of Hugo Daniel Harper, D.D. By L. V. Lester.

The Spectator

(Long- mans and Co.)—H. D. Harper was educated at Christ's Hospital, distinguished himself at Oxford, became Fellow and Tutor of Jesus College, and after presiding over...

After Long Wailing. By Jessie L. Nicholson. 2 vols. (Hurst

The Spectator

and Blackett )—This is a novel of the old-fashioned kind, not unwelcome after the problem literature to which we have been accustomed of late, and made more agreeable...

At Random. By L. F. Austin. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)—The

The Spectator

friend who advised Mr. Austin to write a preface would have done better had he counselled him not to publish at all. These, or some of these, sketches have appeared in the...

A Short History of Solicitors. By Edmund V. B. Christian.

The Spectator

(Reeves and Turner.)—Mr. Christian is not unfriendly to the profession of which he writes. He thinks that the public has an unreasonable prejudice against them, and that the...

English Lyric Poetry (1500 - 1700). With an Introduction by Frederic Ives

The Spectator

Carpenter. (Blackie and Son.)—Even in these days, when the book-market is flooded with volumes of extracts giving the best of the English literature of the past, this...

Lady Turpin. By Henry Herman. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)— Mr.

The Spectator

Herman is an expert in mystery-manufacture, and Lady Turpin must be accounted one of his greatest successes. Of course the female criminal is no novelty in fiction, or for that...

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Tales of Black Country Life. By David Hobbs. (Elliot Stock.)

The Spectator

—The scene of these tales is " Slagtown," and " Slagtown " is supposed to be in the Black Country of Scotland, of which Mr. Hobbs claims to be the first chronicler. His tales...

Life in Arcadia. By J. S. Fletcher. (John Lane.)—These sketches

The Spectator

of rural life are graphic and pleasing. Mr. Fletcher has judiciously put his " Tragedy " together so that we can take as much or as little of it as our liking suggests. As to...

The Lessons of Holy Scripture (Prayer - Book). Illustrated by Thoughts in

The Spectator

Verse. By the late Rev. J. H. Wanklyn, M.A.- Vols. V. and VI., illustrating the " Second Lesson," one volume being given to the Gospels, the other to the Acts and Epistles.

Chap - Wsfroin aWe. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. (j. Clarice and Co:)—Miss

The Spectator

Phelps tells us that she has never learnt anything from critics. This may be so. She may not be teachable. Among her, many high qualities this may be wanting. •. She further...

Side Lights on Shakespeare. By L. Rossi and C. M.

The Spectator

Corbonld. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—In this volume we have many interesting suggestions as to the interpretation and purpose of Shakespeare's work. To discuss them would...

Boons RECEIVED. — Ourselves in Relation to a Deity and a Church.

The Spectator

(G. Redway.)—The Chief End of Man. By George S. Merriam. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.) — The Greatest Need of the Age. By B. A. Watchman. (T. Williams.)—Revolutionary Tendencies...

MAGAZINES AND SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. — We have received the following for June

The Spectator

: — The Century, Scribner's Magazine, St. Nicholas, the New Review, Macmillan's Magazine, India, Review of Reviews, Blackwood's Magazine, the CornhiU Magazine, the New Century...

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The SPECTATOR is on Sale regularly at MESSRS. DAMRELL AND

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UPHAM'S, 283 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY, 83 and 85 Duane Street, New York, U.S.A.; MESSRS. BRENTANO'S, Union Square, New York,...

Cheque', and (Post - Oftem Orders 369 Strand) payable to "John Baker."

The Spectator


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Allen (Chu. D.), Ex Libris Essays of a Collector, 8vo (K. Paul) 14/0 Art and Life. & The Building and Decoration of Cities: Lectures (Rivington) 6M Aveling (F. W.), Who was...

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Application for Conies of the SPECTATOR, and Conunitnic , 1!ions upon matters

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of business, should NOT be addressed to the EDITOE., bit to the PUBLISHER, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.

The Spectator

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NOTICE.-The INDEX to the SPECTATOR is published half- yearly, from

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January to June, and from July to December, on the third Saturday in January and July. Cloth Cases for the Half- yearly Volumes may be obtained through any Bookseller or...