7 APRIL 1849

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The great questions on the Continent do not cease to

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shift and change. In reply to the offer of the Germanic people, Frederick William of Prussia has declared that he will consult his allies. In Italy, the abdi- cation of Charles...

The season of Easter is often fatal to a weak

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Government; sometimes useful for reconstructing or patching it up. This year, the customary va- ticinations are not wanting. Of these the boldest is, the possible advent of a...


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EASTER breaks the session with its brief recess, and Parliament adjourns for the holydays ; as usual, without having earned them by work done. EASTER breaks the session with its...

The Revenue Accounts for the year and quarter are in

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that balanced state which enables commentators to describe them as "satisfactory" or " unsatisfactory" at pleasure. On the quarter, the Customs show an in- crease of 200,0001.;...

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By the mail from India we learn, with the Caesarian

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conciseness of a hasty despatch, that Lord Gough had at last won a victory over the Sikhs. The accounts still ascribe something Irish to the mode of this achievement : as the...

The Canadian papers go far to persuade us that the

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turmoil about the Indemnity Bill has been exaggerated in the former representations. One fact is not to be gainsaid : when the bilfpassed in the House of Assembly, is was...

Debates anb Vrotetbings in Varliaintnt.

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PRINCIPAL MISTRESS OF THE WEEK, Horns or Loans. Monday, April 2. No business Of importance —Adjourned at 6h. 15 m. Tuesday, April 3. Royal Assent to the Larceny Acts...

The latest accounts from the United States are not very

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favourable to the plans and prospects of our Ministers : it appears that an angry feel- ing has been excited against Mr. Bancroft for a too ready promise of coasting...

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Zbe QG curt.

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THE Queen held a Court on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. The Count of Syracuse had an audience of her Majesty. The Honourable William Fox Strangways was presented, on...

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sin Vrobintts.

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On the day of nomination for North Hampshire, an opponent to Mr. Melville Portal confronted him, in the person of Mr. William Shaw, well known among agriculturists as the editor...

%rig fattropolls.

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The Court of Aldermen and the Common Council have met this week and despatched a variety of business; and a few public meetings have been held—notably two at the Whittington...

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The vacant see of Down, Connor, and Dromore is given to the Reverend R. Knox, a moderate Whig, of very amiable character. A return by the Irish Board of Public Works, of the...

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ffortign an (Colonial.

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FRANCE.—The Assembly occupied itself during nearly all Friday and Saturday with the discussion of motions by M. Bixio and others on the sudden turn of affairs in Northern...

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A deputation of "gentlemen connected with the representation of Ire- land" waited on Lord Clarendon this week at the Irish Office in West- minster, and "presented to him, as the...

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SATURDAY. In anticipation of the Parliamentary vacancy created by Mr. Ward's ap- pointment to the Ionian Islands, the Liberal electors of Sheffield have taken active steps to...

In accordance with the vote of the House of Commons

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on the motion of Lord Ashley, the Queen has appointed the following persons to be her Majesty's Commissioners to inquire into the practicability and mode of sub- dividing into...

The Boulogne papers describe the arrival of the International English

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and French Association, on Thursday, en: its way to Paris, returning the fraternal visit of the National Guards to London. Great demonstrations of compliment and hearty welcome...

Lieutenant-Colonel William Miller, late a Deputy Inspector-General of the Irish

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Constabulary, has been appointed a Civil Companion of the Bath. The Queen will hold a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday the 2a. of May, at two o'clock.

The Abbate Gioberti has arrived at Paris, from Turin, on

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a special diplomatic mission. King Charles Albert arrived at Bayonne on the 1st instant, on his way, it is said, to England: he intended to come by steamer on the '2d, but was...


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On the 27th March, at Girton Rectory, Cambridgeshire, the Wife of the Rev. Francis Tate, of a son. On the 31st, in Upper Brook Street, the Wife of Edward Dawson, Es4 , of...

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Hannah Sandles, condemned to death at the Lewes Assizes for

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murdering her child at Chailey, has been respited during her Majesty's pleasure.

The King of Prussia received the Frankfort deputation on the

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3d instant, and replied to the address of the Assembly at Frankfort with a conditional refusal of the Imperial crown. Acknowledging with eloquent warmth the confidence that the...


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A romantic burlesque on the subject of the Seven Champions, at the Lyceum, where Mr. Planchd seems to have deserted that classicality which used to distinguish his Paschal from...

Extract from a letter written at Montreal just before the

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departure of the last mail. " You will be sorry to learn that annexation is openly talked of by many, whose lips the word would have burnt a few years back, nay three months...

Jenny Lind has again been devoting her powers to the

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cause of bene- ficence. There was a great concert of sacred music at Exeter Hall on Tuesday evening, at which it was simply announced that Mademoiselle Lind would perform; bat...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. The intelligencefrom India caused the English Stock Market to open on Mon- day morning at a considerable advance on the prices of Saturday:...

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OUR MINISTERS. IT is an exasperating thing, it might make the spectator of a cricket-match turn misanthrope through contempt for his species, to see a player miss a fine ball;...

stated that Mademoiselle Parodi, the young singer Her Majesty's Theatre

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next week, is a pupil of Pasta. Accorchno to ittle memoir in the Morning Chronicle, her father is a re- tired emploid under the Sardinian Government; and she was born at Genoa,...


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Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 1848 and 1849, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof. - SEARS ENDED...

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PROJECTS without number have been advanced for the restora- tion of Ireland; but two courses of policy are at present t6dia- spicuously before the public,—one proposed by...

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A PHRENOLOGIST would say that Lord Mahon has the organ of music small ; but it may also be said that he cannot have used his opportunities for noting the operation of...

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Ir there is any one point settled in history, it is that the House of Lords is the worst place for hearing in the known world. The Peers may look pretty in their ornate chamber,...


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A correspondent at Stnttgardt quotes the following passages from our pa- per of the 10th March, in order to call their accuracy in question. "All the aristocracy of Transylvania...

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CAPTAIN CUNNINGHAM'S HISTORY OP THE SIKHS.. THE facts connected with the lives and characters of the apostles of the Sikhs, from their founder Nanuk, who flourished in the early...

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have elapsed since Mr. Ross embarked in the service of John Jacob Astor to aid in establishing the " Pacific Fur Company," and underwent the experiences this volume narrates, a...

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Arras his long sojourn among the modern Syrians, and his exploration of Servia, Mr. Paton seems to have found himself at Vienna in 1846 ; when the late Sir Robert Gordon, our...

The Appel aux lIonngtes Gens, by Louis Blanc, is a

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curious ex- ample of the difference between French and English character. Had an Englishman been accused of complicity in an insurrection, and of an overt act in connexion...

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Exmoor, or the Footsteps of St. Hubert in the West,

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is better in design than in execution. Mr. Herbert Byng Hall's expressed object is to call the attention of foreign tourists to the fact that scenery as beautiful and as wild as...

Mr. Abbot's History of Mary Queen of Scots calls mechanical

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art to its aid, in a way which might be advantageously adopted in histories designed for old as well as for young readers. A map of the central parts of Scotland, where the...


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SUFFOLK STREET EXHIBITION. THE Society of British Artists displays this year a collection on the whole maintaining the level of last year, but it impresses us as being less...

The Holy Land Restored, by the Reverend A. G. H.

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Hollingsworth, consists of twelve dissertations on the Prophecies, especially as referring to the Millennium. The author is not so precise as some writers that have lately...


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BOOKS. The Sea Lions; or the Lost Sealers. By the Author of " The Red Rover," Sic. In three volumes. Eighteen Hundred and Twelve; an Historical Romance. From the German, by...

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Mr. Noel Humphreys brings the skill and taste of a competent artist to the task of illustrating Mrs. Loudon's descriptive•catalogue of annuals and perennials in The Ladies'...


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The Free Exhibition at Hyde Park Corner, which last year seemed to be only an experiment, now takes its place among the regular annuals. It affords another wide opportunity for...


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At the Cosmorama Rooms also is exhibited a series of models illustrating the anatomy of the human form, with some specimens of comparative anatomy, on the natural scale, and...


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A fine model of Cologne Cathedral is exhibited at the Cosmorama Rooms. It is of considerable dimensions, the spires running to a height of some feet; so that a distinct idea of...


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Mr. M`Lettn is exhibiting an oil-painting of Sir Charles Napier, by Mr. Smart, an artist who practises in India. The style is dry and hard, but spirited and lifesome, distinct,...


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WAR-OFFICE, April 3.-34th Foot-Asaist.-Surg. G. W. Powell, from the let West India Regt. to be Assist: Sorg. vice D'Arcey, appointed to the 87th Foot. 435 Foot- Assist.-Surg. J....


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Tuesday, April 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Baker and Moore, Great Yarmouth, Unendrapers-Brown and Christmas, Lancelot Place, Brompton, coach-painters-James and Seymour, Ross,...

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BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 31st day of March 1849. ISSUE DEPARTMENT. Notes issued...