The Middlesex Magistrates.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:] S1R,-I apprehend that Mr. Cox, L.L., Carlton Club, will not contribute very materially to the interests of his party by the inaccurate letter......
Letters To The Editor.
• SMALL LANDOWNERS IN IRELAND. [TO TOR EDITOR OF THR " EPROTATOR:1 SIR,-I have read with much interest your article of July 13th on "Small Landowners in Ireland," and think it......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sin,—your...
Mistress," says she is tempted to imagine "that 'S. L.,' on account of some opinion she has given, "cannot be a woman," and for the same reason I should be more than "tempted to......
Women As Inspectors Of Schools.
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—" A School-Board Mistress" writes in your columns that a woman's nature is too small for the work of judging. By the hypothesis,......