10 AUGUST 1878, page 3

The Entry Of The Austrians Into Bosnia Has Been Far

from a mere military parade. In Maglai they were well received, but hearing that resistance was being organised at Zepce, Captain Millinkovich marched on to subdue it ; was......

The Queen's Bench On Thursday Dealt A Blow Not Only

at Lord Penzance and his Ecclesiastical Court, but at the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. By a majority of two to one, —namely, the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Justice......

On Tuesday, Mr. Hayter Brought Before The House The Recom-

mendation of the Committee to allow to candidates for the Army marks for physical attainments, urging that it would turn the attention of boys at school from their proper work......

The German Elections, So Far As They Have Yet Been

determined, do not promise favourably for the Liberals. The Conservatives, it is said, are 112 strong in the new Parliament, against only 77 in the old. The Liberals are only......

Consols Were On Friday 941 To 941.


On Monday, In Moving The Education Estimates, Which...

£2,149,000, Lord George Hamilton stated that last year the Voluntary subscriptions amounted to £786,000, the rates to £447,000, and the school pence to £1,138,000, so that,......

Mr. Forster, In The Discussion Which Ensued, Pressed Upon...

Government Mr. Mundella's warning that the masters of ele- mentary schools have far too much of their time occupied in compiling the very elaborate returns required by the......

Lord Salisbury In His Answer To The Same Deputation Made

one memorable comment on party discipline. Lord Melbourne, he said, "used to define a supporter as a man who would support him when he was wrong." He did not ask for so......

Lord Beaconsfield And Lord Salisbury,—the Demigods Of The...

in which Sir Stafford Northeote, as the mere leader of the Commons, appears to hold a very subordinate place,—received on Tuesday, at the Foreign Office, an immense deputation,......

It Was Announced On Thursday That Sir Henry Drummond Wolff,

M.P. for Christchurch, is to be the British Commissioner on the European Commission for the reorganisation of Eastern Roumelia. It would be difficult, we imagine, to find in the......