Letters Reagan Deserves Better
Sir: Christopher Hitchens's article, ghoulishly announced as 'Living with a dying President', (20 July) was one of the most tasteless, dishonest, and pretentious I have ever......
Sir: We are writing on behalf of the `self-besotted goof' of this country to ask John Osborne how he can blame us for the `fine mess' of starvation, greed and injus- tice the......
Staying Anglican
Sir: Regular readers of your paper will know that Auberon Waugh celebrates the advent of the silly season with a pilgrimage to the tomb of St Thomas Aquinas. I had been......
Artist's Incomes
Sir: It is difficult to know exactly what Giles Auty is bemoaning in his article (The art of endurance', 3 August). Is it the cessation of the part-time art teacher or British......
Tie Spectator
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