10 JULY 1869, page 3

Mr. Hughes Moved On Wednesday The Second Reading Of The

Trades' Unions' Bill, which repeals all the combination laws, and gives all societies of the trade, not otherwise illegal, the same protec- tion for their funds now accorded to......

We Do Wish Members Would Leave Off Asking For Medals

for every petty expedition in which our troops may be engaged, and leave the Government to recommend them. On Thursday a medal was asked for for Bootan, an expedition which had......

Mr. Gladstone On Thursday Requested Sir H. Bulwer To With-

draw his notice to call attention to recent negotiations with America. The Government of Washington "thought it desirable that some interval should elapse, in reference to the......

This Very Broad Hit At The House Of Lords And

hint at the future,—which, on the high conventional theory of life, teems to us much more questionable than the more famous ." indiscretion" of Mr. Bright,—elicited from Mr.......

The Negroes For The First Time Have Allied Themselves With

the Democrat party, and have given their candidate for the Governor- ship of Virginia a heavy majority. The Democrats were obliged, ihowever, to give a public and " sacred "......

The Hon. W. Woodward, Formerly Chief Justice Of...

now a Democratic Member for Congress for that State, has written a letter on the Alabama question, which is sensible, though rather stilted, as far as the American side of the......

Mr. Lowe In Declining A Government Grant For A Monument

to Faraday last Monday night, said that it had not been customary to vote public monuments to private citizens,—meaning by "pri- vate," we suppose, men not eminent in political......

At The Dinner Given At The Trinity House This Day

week, Mr. Lowe committed what they call "an indiscretion" graver than Mr. Bright's recent indiscretion ; but which nobody seems to be equally shocked at,—perhaps because......

Lord Hartington Brought In The Bill For The Purchase Of

Electric Telegraphs on Monday. The money to be paid to the companies, to the railways, and for expenses is 16,750,000, and the surplus, after paying expenses and interest, is......

Consols Were On Friday Evening 93/ To 93k.
