The Ministers And Legislature Of The Cape Colony Do Not
apparently like the proposal to federate the South-African Colonies. They argue, in reply, that the time is inopportune, and are obviously offended that Lord Carnarvon should......
Lord Frederick Cavendish Delivered On Tuesday A Useful...
legal sinecures, pointing out how many of the officers of the Courts of Law have either little or nothing to do, or else receive very much greater sums for a year of 190 working......
Lord Dufferin, The Governor-general Of The Canadian...
at home for a holiday, was entertained on Wednesday by the Canada Club, and made a capital speech, brimful of confi- dence, and hope, and "go." There is something about these......
It Would Seem That The Abyssinians Have Some Reason For
their fear of the Egyptians. The Khedive has been receiving submis- sions all down the Nile Valley, including that of Darfur, and he has now purchased Zeyla, the best port on......
Mr. Forster Replied To Mr. Salt In A Speech Of
a good deal of fire, of which we have noticed some of the main points elsewhere. He disclaimed above everything making a party issue of this question, and expressed his belief......
The Trial Of The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Pastor Of
Plymouth Chetfch, Brooklyn, for seducing Mrs. Tilton, has ended without a verdict. The Judge, Mr. _Neilson, only occupied two hours with his charge, which, though incidentally......
Several Of The Most Important Joint-stock Banks Appear To...
suffered rather severely from the recent failures, more especially that of Messrs. Collie. The London and Westminster has declared a dividend of 10 per cent. on the half-year......
The Marquis Of Hartington Explained His Refusal To Vote In
a speech not very consistent with itself, since he first admitted the fitness of the agricultural voter, and then denied it on the ground of insufficient education. He declared,......
The Division List Shows Mr. Gladstone And Mr. Childers...
with Mr. Forster for Mr. Trevelyan's Bill, and Mr. Lowe voting against it, while Mr. Goschen appears to have followed Lord Hartington's example in not voting at all. The......
The Alfonsists, By Their Own Account, Have Captured The...
of Cantavieja, and driven Dorregaray back across the Ebro. They have also drawn up a Constitution for Spain, by which religious liberty is fully secured, a Parliament is......