10 MARCH 1849, page 11

Theatbis And Music.

There is more of the picturesque than the humorous in the last Ly- ceum novelty, entitled A Romantic Idea. A German student, sleeping for a night in a ruined castle to which a......

In Anticipation Of The Regular Programme Of Her Majesty's...

for which it appears things are not yet ripe, a demi-official announcement states the arrangements of the season in so far as they are yet made. In regard to the most......

Next Week, If Dramatic Promises Are To Be Fulfilled, We

are to have the two Italian Operas; Othello with the "characters reversed," and a new farce, at the Haymarket; and a new weighty melodrama, called Hop-pick- ing, at the Adelphi.......

At Astley's, An American Youth Named Hernandez Has...

extraordinary ease and elegance, that he actually gives a novelty to the most old-fashioned feats of the ring.......

The Irish Schools And The British Relief Association.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sta—In your number (1079) of the 3d instant, after noticing the fact that some members of the British Relief Association had felt hurt at the......