10 MARCH 1849, page 14

The National' Cause In Hungary.

IT is very possible that the next post may bring the news of a decisive battle in Hungary : the hostile armies stand face to face in the neighbourhood of Pesth, and even while......

A New Colonial Reformer.

Mn. ADDERLEY has given notice of a motion in the House of Commons for the 22d instant, in the following words— " That an humble address be presented to the Queen, praying that......

The Irish Disease.

IF some patriotic Edgeworth could compose an effective "Essay on the Cure of Irish Bulls," perhaps that writer would do more for the country than any one else. It is mainly the......

False Record Of A True Judgment.

A VERDICT at the Central Criminal Court exemplifies at once the great advance made in the right understanding of matters that come within the cognizance of the criminal law, and......