10 MARCH 2001, page 28

Conrad Black V. Taki

From Nora Ariel Berger Sir: I am writing to praise Conrad Black for his courage `to tell it like it is' ('Ivly friend Taki has gone too far', 3 March). Those of us living in......

From Mr Jonathan Snyder Sir: Conrad Black Is Completely...

that the British and European governments and press still labour under a massive anti-Jewish bias, and that this bias comes out in their attacks on Israel. I feel that one day......

From The Rt. Hon. The Lord Gilmour Of Craigmillar Sir:

It was surely unwise of Conrad Black to accuse Taki of writing a piece 'almost worthy of Goebbels' and to accuse the BBC, Independent, Guardian, Evening Standard and the Foreign......

London Sw1

From Mr Vincenzo lannelli Sir: In October 1984 I was posted as a UN observer in the Middle East (Untso) where I spent the next two years covering Syria (the Golan Heights),......

From Mr Ernst Fraenkd Sir: Taki's Article Moved Me Back

in time to more than 60 years ago when in street-corner display cases in Berlin I used to read Julius Streicher's Stuermer. Streicher's reward for many years of vicious......

From Mr John Chuckman Sir: In Mr Theodoracopulos's Reply To

Conrad Black (High life, 3 March), he mentions Rabbi Irving Greenberg, who has apologised for writing letters in support of Marc Rich. What he does not say is that Rabbi......