Parson's Green. By G. Norway. (nisbet And Co.)—this Is A
short story in which the moral of the harmfulness of idleness is pointedly enforced. A middle-class family and an artisan's come to trouble because the young people think only......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. The Red Grange. By Mrs. Mogsworth. (Methuen and Co.)— We have had the pleasure of noticing the stories which Mrs. Molesworth is accustomed to give us at this season......
Those Three. By Emma Marshall. (nisbet And Co. )—this Is
not one of Mrs. Marshall's best stories—these, we take it, are her reproductions of bygone periods of life—but it is good of its kind. If it has a moral—and saying so much......
Cromwell Anecdotes. By Dr. Macaulay. (hodder And...
has really put together in this volume a short history of Cromwell's career, illustrating it, as occasion occurs, with such anecdotes as history or tradition has preserved. He......
Hepsy Gipsy. By L. T. Meade. (methuen.)—mrs. Meade...
story to George Smith, of Coalville. Nothing could be more appropriate. It is effectively written, and should help to awaken an interest in the wanderers in whose welfare Mr.......
Our Home In The Silver West. By Gordon Stables, M.d.
(Religious Tract Society.)—The "Silver West" is not, as one might possibly suppose, the West of the "Silver Kings." It is the Argentine Republic, and the story belongs to a time......
Thomas Campbell.*
IF it could be possible for the souls of poets dead and gone to keep themselves posted with regard to current publications, we are not quite sure that Messrs. Bell's excellent "......
The Cabinet Portrait Gallery. From Photographs By W. And D.
Downey. Second Series. (Cassell and Co.)—Here are thitty-six photographs, all more or less good, of personages more or less eminent. The notices are from a pen or pens unnamed.......