British Work In India. By R. Carstairs. (w. Blackwood And
Sons.)—This is a thoughtful and carefully elaborated work on British rule in India, on what it has done, ought to do, and can do. Defects of the present system are criticised in......
With Gordon In China. Letters From Thomas Lyster. Edited By
E. A. Lyster. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Thomas Lyster, a lad of Irish birth, obtained his commission in the Royal Engineers in 1857. He served at the Curragh for nearly three years,......
A Fragment On Government. By Jeremy Bentham. Edited, With An
Introduction, by F. . C. Montague, M.A. (Oxford.)—The Fragment on Government was published anonymously (with this title) in 1776, when Bentham was in his 29th year. It was a......
English Writers. By Henry Morley. Vol. Vi. (cassell And Co.)
—Professor Morley's sixth volume takes in a variety of English writers (a term which includes authors born north of the Tweed) from "Chaucer to Caxton." The first name is John......
Five Years At Panama. By Wolfred Nelson, M.d. (sampson Low,
Marston, and Co.)—Dr. Nelson has much that is interesting to tell us about men and manners in Panama. He describes the churches, the priests, and population generally; and he......
Deal : Past And Present. By Henry Stephen Chapman. (reeves
and Turner.)—Mr. Chapman, of course, believes, and is probably right in believing, that Deal was the point at which CEesar made his first landing. With this incident, therefore,......
Catalogue Of The Ouille-alles Library And Museum....
Alfred Gotgrave. Assisted by Henri Bolland. (H. Sotheran and Co.)—The Guille-Alles Library and Museum is an institution of which Guernsey ought to be and doubtless is......