Mr. Chamberlain's Fiscal Proposals And Colonial Opinion.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."J Sia,—I do not profess to have studied scientifically the thorny question of Free-trade or Protection. But during the past few years I have......
Pineapples And Free-trade.
[TO Tee EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] venture to suggest to our friends who desire to pro. tect British industry against the unfair competition of the foreign producer an object......
Political Corruption And Protection. [to The Editor Op...
am much surprised to find how little the English public realises the fact that a very large number of far. seeing people in the protected Colonies have been striving for years......
Free-trade Sydney And Protectionist Me Lbourne.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—In connection with the interesting figures adduced by your correspondent, Mr. J. Russell Gubbins, in the Spectator of September 26th,......