Lady Victoria Buxton, Who Has Come Much In Contact With
Turkish soldiers, sends to the Times of Wednesday a note- worthy appreciation of them. She says they are utter fatalists, refusing to take thought for the morrow, and accepting......
There Has Been No Settlement Of The Dispute Between Austria
a:_d Hungary. Count Khuen Hedervary has resigned, and M. Koloman de Szell, the most adroit politician in Hungary, has been offered and may accept the Premiership ; but there is......
On Thursday, At Cinderford, Mr. Asquith Addressed A Large...
of the electors of the Forest of Dean in a very powerful and convincing speech. He showed that the founda- tion-stone on which Mr. Chamberlain rears his fantastic pile of......
The Newspaper Correspondents From The Far East All...
the struggle between Russia and Japan is drawing nearer. According to the best accounts, Japan con- sents to a Russian occupation of Manchuria, provided she herself obtains a......
Another Madman, A Workman From Minneapolis Named Peter...
been arrested by the Detective Service which now protects President Roosevelt, and sent to an asylum as a dangerous lunatic. He tried to shoot a policeman in the vestibule of......
The Sultan Recently Received M. Constans, M. Lockroy, And...
wives, and spoke to them of the Macedonian ins urreo- tion. He said it would be repressed before long, and com- plained much of the bitterness of comment upon his acts.......
, M. Jaures, Who Though A French Socialist Leader Is
a sane politician, disapproves of the projected demonstration against the Czar on his forthcoming visit to Romp. He says that, although the Czar may deserve such a display of......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols (2i per cent.) were on Friday 89.......