10 SEPTEMBER 1859, page 2

Amid The Oratory Of The Week, The Speech Of Mr.

Bright at Huddersfield stands conspicuous for the power of its eloquence, although it does not carry us to any new point in political pro- gress, or throw any fresh light upon......

Tt Alttrupalio.

The Great Eastern has moved from her station at Deptford, gone down the river, and steamed out to sea. Early on Wenesday morinng all hands were astir, making the necessary......

The Dead Season Of Politics Has Been Enlivened In Various

quarters of the United Kingdom with some sectional efferves- cenoeof fanaticism, very partial in their character, although to a °Alin extent wide in their geographical range.......

The Strike Of The Builders Has Been Brought To A

partial close, but in a .manner that leaves us in doubt as to the sequel, and does not, we confess, appear calculated to renew the smooth pro- gress of industry. The masters......

The National Debt.

A Parliamentary Blue-book with the National Debt for its subject could net fail to be as full of interest as it is of figures. That just pub- lished consists of 104 pages, and......

The Strike Of The Builders.

The most novel incident in the current history of the strike in the building trades is the announcement of the master builders that they will on Monday open their shops to all......