Mr. Stanhope, The Secretary For War, Announced On...
his Department had prepared its scheme for the reorganisa- tion of the War Office. It is to be assimilated in principle to the Admiralty. There will be eight heads of......
The Limitation Of This Plebiscite To Trade-unionists Is...
Bevan in his speech obviously wished that Trade-Unionists and independent workmen should combine; but that is not the decision of the Congress. Yet it is obviously preposterous......
Late On The Night Of Friday Week, The Discussion On
the Irish prison vote gave rise to one of those scenes in the House of Commons which now occur once or twice in the week. Mr. T. P. O'Connor wished for the day when he might be......
English Workmen, We Imagine, Are Not Becoming Ideologues,...
of their delegates are. At the meeting of the Trade- Union Congress at Swansea, on the 6th Met, Mr. W. Bevan delivered an address which was really an assertion that capital was......
Those Who Wish To Know What The So-called Concessions Made -
to the Liberal Unionists are worth, should consult the corre- spondence between Mr. Elson and Mr. Gladstone on the one hand, and between Mr. Elson and Lord Rosebery on the other......
The German Chancellor Will Not Have It Believed That He
is anti-Russsian or pro-Russian upon Bulgarian questions. On Monday, the North German Gazette contained an inspired article declaring that Germany intended to be bound strictly......
We Regret To Perceive That The Trade Union Congress Has
adopted, in theory at least, one of Mr. George's proposals. The delegates accepted without a division the following resolution :— " That Parliament should without delay effect......