The Year's Meeting Of The British Association Ended On...
It has not, to outside observers, been a very satis- factory one. Much of the apparent ineptitude of the discussions is doe, no doubt, to the wretched reporting, which is ruined......
According To The Latest Telegrams From Persia, Ayoub Khan...
successfully traversed Eastern Persia, and had appeared upon the frontier of Afghanistan. There, however, he was encountered by an Afghan commandant, and forced to retire into......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 101/ to 1011.......
Dr. Tanner Has Succeeded In Reducing The Right Of Question
in the House of Commons to an absurdity. On Thursday he actually asked the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs this question,—" Is it a fact that the frontier between Turcomania......
Mr. Gladstone Is Too Careful About Electoral Statistics....
Times of Tuesday there appears a letter from "Liberal Unionist" stating that the reaction against the General Election of 1886 is trivial when compared with the reaction which......
Three French Travellers, Mm. Bonvalot, Capus, And Pepin,...
reached India after traversing an unexplored Three French travellers, MM. Bonvalot, Capus, and Pepin, have recently reached India after traversing an unexplored district of......
In The Discussion On The Naval Estimates On Thursday, Mr.
Arthur O'Connor defended Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett'e salary of -21,000 a year from attack, on the ground that it served to secure his silence in the House of Commons, which was, he......
Mr. Justice Grove Has Resigned, And His Place Is To
be filled up by raising Mr. Arthur Charles to the Bench. It is an excellent choice. Mr. Arthur Charles has long been a very distinguished advocate in ecclesiastical cases ; he......
Mr. F. W. Mande's Conversion From Unionism To Home-rule...
to be one of the most abrupt on record. On June let, at Birmingham, he attacked Sir G. Trevelyan for his change of -mind, and denied that Mr. Gladstone had made any concession,......