10 SEPTEMBER 1910, page 14
The Tariff Reform "challenge."
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn,—I gather from the Press that the Tariff Reform League is supposed to have challenged the Free - Trade Union to send a joint deputation......
[to Tes Editor Op Tier " Spectator. "] Sra,—half-crown...
Moores (August - 20th) seems to think it his duty as an anti-metricalist to defend the half- crown against the florin. Why P The florin is nothing metric ; it is two dozen......
Metric Reform.
[TO TICE EDITOR OF TER SPRCTATOR.1 SIR,—May I venture to summarise the position as follows P- (1) Our British system of measures of length, area, volume, and mass have no direct......