10 SEPTEMBER 1910, page 26

Scnool - Booxs. — The Elements Of Language. By F. H....

W. Ruddock and Sons, Lincoln. Is. 6d. net.)—Mr. Chambers is one of the many teachers who feel the pressure of the educational burden. There are so many more things to teach, and......

In The Series Of The "analysed Bible " (hodder And

Stoughton, 3s. 6d. per vol.) we have the Prophecies of Isaiah, by G. Campbell Morgan, D.D., 2 vols. This is devotional, not critical; perhaps it would have been better to leave......

Memories Of Swinburne, With Other Essays. By W. G. Blaikie

Murdoch. (J. and J. Gray. 35. 6d.)—In this volume we have a republication of various critical essays which have appeared in the English Illustrated Magazine and elsewhere. There......

Magazines And Serial Publications.—wo Have Received The...

:—The Century, the Pall Malt Magazine St. Nicholas, the Review of Reviews. Harper's Magazine, the Windsor Magazine, the United Service Magazine, the Outlook, National Defence,......

New Editions.—the Lake Of Como : Its History, Art, And

Archaeology, by the Rev. T. W. M. Lund (liegan Paul, Trench and Co., 5s. net), is a reprint from the author's larger work of that part which refers to the Lake of Como, the most......

Low's Handbook To The Charities Of London (eliot...

appears for the twenty-fifth time. The preface to this edition is devoted to the subject of orphanages. Germany seems to have taken the lead in this beneficent work. In England......

Golden Days In Many Lands. By Winifred H. Lays. (methuen

and Co. lOs. 6d. net.)—Without doubt the " lands " in which Miss Leys experienced these "golden days" were many. First we hear of a voyage from Sydney, in which the nights,......

Napoleon's European Campaigns. By Captain F. W. O....

and Polden. 5s. net.)—This gives a clear and vigorous narrative of the campaigns of nearly twenty years, from that of Northern Italy in 1796 down to Waterloo. It is amply......

Messrs. Cassell And Co. Are Bringing Out A New Popular

series under the title of " Cassell's Famous Reward Books." To go back to the oldest, we find in the list The Pilgrim's Progress, Gulliver's Travels, and Robinson Crusoe. Then......