The Radicals And War.
ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sat,—As a Liberal verging on Radicalism I subscribe to nearly the whole of your last week's article on " The Radicals and the War." I admit......
I To The Editor Of The " Spectator. "] Sir, — In The
first article of the Spectator last week you tax some of us with doing what in us lies " to bring the discredit of yielding to an unworthy fear of war on the Radical name."......
Morality In Politics.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 4 ' SPECTATOR. "] Su;,—In your issue of yesterday, you say that "Radicals of Mr. John Morley's school do much mischief by weakening the hands of a......
Mu . . Burt's Position.
[To TILE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR; .1 SIR, — IB it quite fair to suggest, as you do, that Mr. Burt retains his position in Parliament by means of a public subscription? The......