11 APRIL 1885, page 14

Mu . . Burt's Position.

[To TILE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR; .1 SIR, — IB it quite fair to suggest, as you do, that Mr. Burt retains his position in Parliament by means of a public subscription? The......

Mr. Arnold On The Collects.

[To THY EDITOR OF TILE " SPECTATOR:] you allow me to supplement your exposure of Mr. Matthew Arnold's new version of the message of Christmas, with "the miracle of the......

Sixpenny Telegrams.

go THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—In your article of last weekupon " Sixpenny Telegrams" you condemn the Government proposal to charge for the address of the recipient on......

Field Footpaths.

pro THE EDITOR OF 7E2 " SPECTATOR." J Sta,—The recent correspondence in your columns respecting the threatened footpath in Lakeland (happily now, thanks to the public spirit of......

1.7 0 The Editor Of The " Specrator."1

Sta,—Mr. Bridson has, it is stated, withdrawn his notice toclose this path. Will you allow me further to remark that, when I imputed to that gentleman misanthropy in this......


MUNKACSY'S "CALVARY."* HERR MVNKACSY is a Hungarian painter whose work was till within the last few years unknown in England. About fiveyears ago, however, his Parisian......