There Are Perhaps Too Many Reviews—or Articles That Are...
in disguise—in The Thinker, but, thanks to the energy of its conductors, and to the variety of the papers which it supplies, it has justified its inclusion— its comparatively......
A Daughter Of The South, And Shorter Stories. By Mrs.
Barton Harrison, (Cassell and Co.)—There is much delicacy of touch in Mrs. Harrison's handling of her subjects. Berthe Lagastine is compelled to take refuge with her mother in......
The Danube : From The Black Forest To The Black
Sea. By F. D. Millet. Illustrated by the author and Alfred Parsons. (Osgood, McIlvaine, and Co.)—Three canoeists started from Donaueschin- gen, intending to follow the river to......
Company, Promises To Be An Interesting Heroine, And She...
undergoes such trials and hardships, and gives such trouble one way or another to her rescuer, as suggests the cynical remark, that she was "dear at fifty pounds." The story is......
Lost In The Wilds Of Canada. By Eleanor Stroller. (t.
Nelson and Sons.)--This "Canadian story" is certainly a good one, though the details of Wilfred's adventures are not always quite easy to follow. But there is a look of......
A Woman's Ambition. By Henry Cresswell. 3 Vols. (hurst And
Blackett.)—Even Mr. Cresswoll has rarely created a more startling and elaborate deception than that which a "woman's ambition" devises in this clever novel. Nor has the......
Middlesex County Records. Edited By J. Cordy Jeaffreson....
(Chapman and Hall.)—This volume contains the "In- dictments, Rocognisances, Coroners' Inquisitions, Post-mortem, Orders, Memoranda" (which, by-the-way, should be translated......
Both The Expositor And The Expositors Times, Which,...
different in style and mode of appealing to the public, are not dissimilar in their aims, continuo to sustain their high reputa- tion. Professor G. G. Findlay's "The Preface to......
An Affair Of Honour. 13y Alice Weber. (griffith, Farran, And
Co.)—" Alicia Moray, of Moray Moss, Perth, and 14 York Street, Portman Square, London," a somewhat spoiled child, is sent to live with her grandmother, in the hope that country......
Ridge And Furrow. By Sir Randal H. Roberts, Bart. 2
vols. (Ward and Downey.)— Iii Ridge and Furrow we have the old device of changing children made to do duty once more. It is in no way, however, an important part of the story......
Handbook Of House - Property And Fine - Art. By Edward...
Lockwood and Son.)—The popularity of Mr. Tarbuck's curious melange of house-property and fine-art (in cer- tain of its applications), of matter-of-fact and sentiment, is testi-......
Irish Idylls. By Jane Barlow. (hodder And...
some of the most charming descriptions of Irish life we have seen for a long time,—indeed, in their own sphere, the little circle of half a dozen homesteads, we would place them......
Cousin—who Is Really Heir To Their Patrimony—is Described...
some force in A Precious Jewel. One is bad and one is good, and their two natures are well drawn, and the contrast is rendered the more striking by the effort of the younger one......