Dr. Campion's Patients. By W. G. Waters. (eden,...
Co.)—" Dr. Campion's patients" are a number of gentlemen who fly from the world to a queer kind of refuge, which might, indeed, be called the house of a "mad-doctor." Some of......
Middlesex County Records. Edited By J. Cordy Jeaffreson....
(Chapman and Hall.)—This volume contains the "In- dictments, Rocognisances, Coroners' Inquisitions, Post-mortem, Orders, Memoranda" (which, by-the-way, should be translated......
Of The Imitation Of Christ. (kegan Paul, Trench, And Co.)—
This presents the Latin text, arranged in rhythmical form, with an English translation, based on that of Bishop Challoner.......
The Medicine Lady. By Mrs. L. T. Meade. 3 Vols.
(Cassell and Co.)—We are inclined to think that the earlier part of this story is the best work that Mrs. Meade has done. Cecilia Harvey, who has too much heart to be a......
The Byzantine Empire. By C. W. C. Oman, M.a. (t.
Fisher Unwin.)—This is an excellent book, though a little hurried towards the end, doubtless from want of spice. The last chapter is entitled "The End of a Long Tale," and......
In Devotional Books We Have :—daily Words For Daily Life,
selected by G. B. Johnson (Religious Tract Society) ; Let us Keep the Feast : a Manual for the Holy Communion (Macniven and Wallace, Edinbargh). — With these may be mentioned,......