11 JULY 1896, page 16

Mr. Bayard And The Pilgrim Fathers.

[To THZ EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOZ.".1 SIR, — In your article in the Spectator of last week, the words occur : "They [Dissenters] may not, it is tree, recognise this description......


' SWEEP ': AN ELEGY. POOR bird! you left your windy shaws A callow squab, with vigorous caws Denouncing man, his ways and laws And dull dominions; But age and philosophic pause......

The Pope's Encyclical.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your interesting and acute article on the Pope's last Encyclical, in the Spectator of July 4th, I find a state- ment of what the......

The Happy Mountain.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Srn,—Having recently discovered an Elysium, I hasten, as a practical altruist, to communicate its whereabouts to my fellow-readers of the......