Food And Its Functions. By James Knight, M.a. (blackie And
Son.) —In this volume we have an account, both scientific and practical, of food and its action on the human system. An -outline of the chemistry of food introduces us to the......
Cause And Effect. By Ellinor Meirion. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—
'This is certainly not up to the standard of the "Pseudonym Library," the series to which it belongs. Compare it with "Mademoiselle Ixe," for instance, or "A Russian Priest"!......
Our Rambles In Old London. By E. S. Michell Smith.
(Samp- son Low, Marston, and Co.)—Here we have six " walks" aboat London, in which we are "personally conducted" by its observing and well-informed author, who makes us see what......
We Have Received The First Part Of Naval And Military
T ophies. ik (John C. Nimmo). This is a series, to be completed in nine parts, of water-colour drawings by Mr. William Gibb, and descriptive rotes by Mr. Richard R. Holmes, of......
The Monks Of The West. By The Count De Montalembert.
With Introduction by the Rev. F. A. Gasquet. 6 vols. (John C. Nimmo.)—This is one of the new editions, which we are some- what surprised to see, as indicating an unexpected......
A Sunday Salmon, And Another. By Frederick Gordon. (digby...
Long.)—This volume contains two stories, which, though they cannot boast much novelty of plot, are quite read- able. Love and sport are combined in them with reasonable success,......
Cretin Pictographs And Prae-phcenician Script. By Arthur T.
Evans. (Bernard Quarita.) — In this volume Mr. Evans describes interesting discoveries made in Crete in the course of the years 1894-95 A system of picture-writing and another,......