It Is Now Nearly Four Years Since I Was Promoted
to the "Lower VI. Classical" of the public school to which I have still the honour to belong. Both before and after that time I have naturally had many opportunities of......
Sir,—if Latin And Ancient Greek Were Spoken On The Conti-
nent, a man might "pick up" as much of them in a given time as of French and German. The languages are no more diffi- cult than other languages. But then this "picking up" is of......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir, — May I Still Be
permitted to say that I was, of course, aware of the habit of Tennyson and Milton of imbedding into their works a complete fossilage of culled expressions ? In reply to your......
Pro The Editor Op The "spectator:1
Si,—'Your article in the Spectator of June 4th may be illus- trated by a letter written by the German Emperor (then Prince of Prussia) in 1885, translated in Dr. Jack's......
Sin,—the Able And Interesting Review Of Sir W....
on Dalhousie which appears in the Spectator of June 4th will be read with peculiar attention by the few survivors of Da1housie's day. With the appreciation of his domestic......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]
do not wish to occupy your space with a further dis- cussion of this subject, but, lest any of your readers should suppose that I accept " Clevedon Ken's" contradiction of my......