The Domesday Boroughs. By Adolphus Ballard. (the Claren-...
6s. net.)—Mr. Ballard analyses with much care the returns made by the Domesday Commissioners, who, as he reminds us, were appointed for Revenue purposes, as to the boroughs of......
A Relation Of A Short Survey Of Twenty - Sir Counties....
by L. G. Wickham Legg. (F. E. Robinson and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— This is one of the "Stuart Series," bound after the pattern of one of the Little Gidding books, probably the......
Quaker Grey. With An Introduction By A. C. Curtis. (the
Astolat Press. 2s. 6d. net.)—Elizabeth Asbridge, whose auto- biography is published under this title, was, we allow, an in- teresting person; but we cannot accept Mr. Curtis's......
The Sportsman's Book Of India. Edited By F. G. Aflalo.
(Horace Marshall and Sons. 18s. net.)—Mr. Afialo divides his book into ' four "Parts," respectively entitled "Shooting," "Fishing," "Sports and Games with Horses" (we venture to......
Gunpowder And Ammunition. By Lieutenant-colonel Henry...
Co. 9s. net.)—" The invention of gun- powder was impossible, "writes Lieutenant-Colonel Hime, "until the properties of salt-petre had become known." This, then, is the terminus......
Among My Autographs. By G. R. Sims. (chatto And Windus.
3s. 6d.)—Mr. Sims gives us, with one or more facsimiles, between fifty and sixty letters of persons, more or less distinguished, which ho has the pleasure of possessing as "his......
The Oxford And Cambridge Year Book. Part Ii., " Cambridge."
Edited by A. W. Holland. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 3s. 6d. net.) —Mr. Holland's purpose is to collect the names of all living graduates (or persons qualified to graduate) of......
Paradise In Sole Paradisus Terrestris. By John Parkinson,...
from the Edition of 1629. (Methuen and Co. £2 2s. net.) — " John Parkinson, Apothecary of London," published in 1629 a book, in the stately folio of the time, in which he......