The Prince And Princess Of Wales Landed In Bombay On
the King's birthday, and met with a very cordial reception. Replying to a Municipal Address, the Prince observed that he inherited both from his father and Queen Victoria a love......
The New York Election Has Not Overthrown Tammany, But It
has given a shock to its power. The great city has re-elected Mr. McClellan, who is the nominee of the corrupt organisa- tion, but his majority has been greatly reduced, and he......
The Most Trenchant Comment On Mr. Chamberlain's Speech...
yet appeared is that of Lord Hugh Cecil in Tuesday's Times. After comparing Mr. Chamberlain's method of healing the discords of the Unionist party with Pride's Purge, Lord Hugh......
Rioting, During Which The Police Were Compelled To Fire,...
the result of a hundred casualties among the rioters. Every- where in the Cisleithan dominion the dispute stirs up the most bitter animosities of race, the Germans being deter-......
The European Powers Are Slowly Creeping Towards The...
the Sultan. Their union has not been broken yet, and it is stated that within a fortnight fifteen men-of-war will be assembled off the coast of the Levant with orders to seize......
Mr. Asquith, Whose Inhuman Use Of Statistics Perturbed...
so seriously last week, returned remorse.. lessly to the charge on Tuesday at Basingstoke. Free- traders, he observed, had never accepted the view that the export trade was the......
The National Memorial To Mr. Gladstone--.-erected On A...
by the London County Council at the eastern junction of Aldwych with the Strand—was unveiled on Saturday last by Mi., John Morley. Lord Peel, who presided, after alluding to his......
On Friday Evening Last Week Mr. Chamberlain Addressed A...
meeting of his constituents in Birmingham. With the most significant part of his speech—his attack upon Lord Londonderry and his demand for an early Dissolution—we have dealt at......